Roger Lawson

234 days ago

FCA Investigation: Operation Newhaven – Globo plc: Crime appears to pay! Another epic FCA Fail!

You remember Globo (GBO). I was a bear and pointed out numerous red flags even doorstepping it in Athens. Roger Lawson of ShareSoc said I was wrong and did not understand tech stocks like he did, Globo had £40 million of cash and was profitable. Then Gabriel Grego compiled a bombshell dossier. Snot gobbler Dan McCrum at the FT did not have the balls to publish it but alerted the CEO who sold millions of pounds worth of shares over the four days until I obtained and published the dossier, the shares were then suspended, there was no cash, no profits it was a fraud, a slam dunk fraud. But it seems that crime does pay.


1033 days ago

Breaking: ShareSoc Boardroom bust up! History erased as chair walks

Oh dear. How folks at ShareSoc must long for the stability of Globo fanboy, Roger Lawson. In its new era, under Sheryl Cuisia, who on February 4th announced she was “spearheading an executive-led transformation process to prepare ShareSoc for its next phase of development” – which, natch, included a commitment to diversity, yadda, yadda, yadda – it is all change. Or maybe not.


1613 days ago

Roger Lawson on Deloitte’s Autonomy failings – the old boy is starting to get it

Yesterday I noted how shitty little Aquis Listed Block Commodities had been fined £10,000 for lying to investors. In a way I celebrated as this was down to my work. But in a way not: I was cross.


1704 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The Implosion of Wirecard tests the Roger Lawson thesis to destruction

I start with a few words on the summer weather here in Wales. then it is on to Big Sofa (BST). Then onto a few words about Neill Ricketts, Versarien (VRS), Rolls Royce (RR.), me, Cheryl Cole and the company’s latest promo video HERE. Finally, onto Wirecard a German Norfolk which tests the Roger Lawson thesis on how to deal with short sellers to destruction as it implodes. 


1716 days ago

BREAKING: Tom Winnifrith yet again commended by regulator: The FRC thanks him on Diversified Gas & Oil

Here is another commendation for me for my pig ignorant critics on the Bulletin Boards and supporters of fraud to ignore. One day, maybe even Roger Lawson and certain thirsty share bloggers from Brighton might actually be forced to admit that the folks who matter not only respect my work but act on it too. This tme it concerns what was the largest oil company on AIM before it moved to the main market, Diversified Gas & Oil (DGOC). I complained about its accounts, the FRC thought I was correct and forced Diversified to make changes. The letter below makes that clear. Ouzo for the Sheriff of AIM tonight methinks.


1735 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: in 100% defence of Roger Lawson of ShareSoc

I start by thanking both Jim Mellon and Nigel Wray who have eached pledged £1000 to Rogue bloggers for Woodlarks, ahead of June 13 when I shall be walking around my fields here in Wales. Woodlarks needs £48,000 to survive the year. We have now raised 17% of that, please can you make a donation, however small, today to get us closer to target. Please give HERE. I then launch into a heartfelt defence of Roger Lawson of Sharesoc over what appears to be an undeclared related party deal at the organisation that campaigns for improved corporate governance and transparency. Then I look at Imperial Brands (IMB) and First Derivatives (FDP), one a stonking long the other a stonking short.


1738 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: 2 big events on Friday for Roger Lawson and Sharesoc to ponder & perhaps reconsider their position

Firstly, thanks to all who have donated to Woodlarks in its hour of need. we are now at 12% of the amount needed to ensure its survival until next year, that is to say £48,000. As I prepare for a 33 mile solo walk on June 13 as this year’s only rogue blogger, please donate HERE. Then it is onto events at Bidstack (BIDS), Burford (BUR) and BT (BT.A) and a cast of characters including  my pal Carson Block, the snotgobblers at the FT, investment legend Roger Lawson and the suits at ShareSoc.


1752 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Today I laugh with, not at, Zak Mir

I start with a few reflections on recordings I am doing and how lucky I am. there have been a lot of laughs so far today and to his credit the Sith Lord Zak Mir is quite funny. Anyhow, this is all for the Shareprophets Shares Conference where the 70 hours of video content really is, and I say so myself, of a very high quality. If you like bearcast, You really will enjoy what I am producing so book your tickets now HERE. In today’s podcast I discuss the latest misguided thoughts of the one global star of the investment world not speaking next Saturday, I refer, of course, to Roger Lawson of ShareSoc, on regulation in the wake of the latest NMC (NMC) news. I then look ata clear failing where the FCA needs to act fast, Akazoo and the role of Tosca Fund. I am on the warpath.


1767 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: What Connects Peter Hitchens, Dom Frisby, Evelyn Waugh and that other great literary giant Roger Lawson?

The answer is in this podcast which starts with two service announcements. I have today also posted a new Coronavirus podcast, the 6th in a series, looking at the data on BAME victims on my own website HERE. In the bearcast i take a detailed look at Collagen (COS) and at Premier Miton (PMI). 


1774 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Why Roger Lawson should apologise to Muddy Waters & sure NatWest boss Alison Rose is a complete banker but what would you do?

I start with a few comments on Coronavirus as more evidence emerges HERE of why the economy wrecking Government lockdown is such complete madness. It reminds me of an incident around 2000 years ago today when the mob persuaded a leader to adopt a policy not backed up by the facts. I then look at why Roger Lawson is so utterly wrong about Carson Block of Muddy Waters and should apologise. Finally I discuss the behaviour of folks like Alison Rose of NatWest in this crisis. Shocking and unethical maybe but would you not do the same?


1841 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Gervais Williams is managing the destruction of value as his small cap fund implodes very well

Goaded by Roger Lawson who, as ever, gives no credit where credit is due. Not! I look at the Premier Miton Smaller Companies fund mismanaged by Gervais Williams. The Boris Bounce has given Gervais a breather but he has used it for at least one more monumental bluncder. How long can the fund survive? And, on another matter, I ask you to be as generous as No Gold & Cathal Friel or just be generous and give something as the Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks have now hit 2% of our target raise HERE. The top ten holdings of the Miton fund ( until redemptions force sales) are below:


1866 days ago

Capitalists are their own worst enemy – Roger Lawson spot on regarding executive greed

Just now and again the ShareSoc man is bang on the money and his comments on FTSE 100 far cat pay awards are one of those rare occasions. I have no issue with rewarding those who risk their capital or those managers who deliver exceptional returns but that is not what is happening now. So what is the solution?


1873 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: let's scrap all the rules for companies and allow outright lying

Firstly I hope you all have a good New Year’s Eve and wish you all, even NoGold and Roger Lawson, the best of luck for 2020. In the podcast I look at BigDish (DISH), Bidstack (BIDS) and Bango (BGO).


1890 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - It is more than six years since I published the Bloody Dossier

Firstly, I am delighted to say that NoGold has been in touch about the £50 bet. Good man. Then I reflect on G3 Exploration (G3E) in light of Evil Banksta’s excellent piece yesterday. It is now more than six years since I ignored a certain amount of pressure and published the Bloody Dossier HERE. Under the Roger Lawson rules I would not have published. I am, again, vindicated. I comment on Anglo African (AAOG) and will have more to follow on toxic David Sefton and Iconic (ICON) later. Today’s news moves Lyin’ James Draper of Bidstack (BIDS) one place up my target list. I look at Online Blockchain (OBC) in detail and also at Fulham Shore (FUL) where the numbers look all wrong and which is, I fear, an accident waiting to happen. The £65 million valuation is crackers. 


1892 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: A lesson in maths for Roger Lawson and his crush at the Chronic Investor & Julie Meyer went missing at Legatum - why?

In today’s podcast I start with the latest joke journalism from Justin the Clown who still shows extreme cowardice and declining my challenge. I answer the question about Ms Lingerie on Expenses and the empty chair, with reference to the FCA. I discuss Big Dish (DISH) again and why NED’s do matter. I look at Mercia Asset Managenment (MERC) and the comments of Roger Lawson of ShareSoc and his fave Chronic Investor hack, explianing where they are both going so badly wrong. Finally a look ay Rosslyn Data (RDT), its profits warning, valuation and vain boasts of generating cash.


1901 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: When he is not republishing defamatory tweets about me, Roger Lawson makes partial sense on debt

I apologise for the lack of articles today, Gary Newman is on a book deadline, Chris Bailey is engaging in his dirty secret and I am olive harvesting. A few words on that and then I look at comments that Roger Lawson of ShareSoc makes on debt and also on Victoria (VCP). On this occasion he is only partially wrong, which must b e seen as a result.


1931 days ago

Legal Vultures circle at Hargreaves over the Neil Woodford scandal - Roger Lawson nails it, dont throw good money after bad

Roger Lawson of ShareSoc is bang on the money with his comments on plans to sue Hargreaves Lansdown over its shocking behaviour in pushing clients into Neil Woodford’s funds.  In essence his conclusion is to be wary of throwing good money after bad.


1946 days ago

Will Panorama credit the folk who exposed Neil Woodford on Monday: here are our top 50 exposes since 2015

I see that Roger Lawson of ShareSoc is today praising the FT’s coverage of Neil Woodford. How sad and predictable that the establishment engages in mutual masturbation rathing than seeking the truth. The FT is the paper that publisshed a blow job interview with Woodford as recently as April 2019. Of course Roger is not mentioning our work in his little read blog posts or praising the folks who called this one out with more than 1000 articles and podcasts since 2015. But I hope that the BBC does recognise who was Woodford’s nemesis on Monday. In case it has forgotten here are our 50 most read articles on the ex fund manager


1949 days ago

The Dark Destroyer Matt Earl publishes daming 71 page dossier on Eurofins Scientific

No doubt Roger Lawson reckons that Matt Earl should have run the dossier below by the Luxembourg based company first. It is long but damning and the shares are crashing on the back of it. Enjoy.


1960 days ago

Roger Lawson’s 17 reasons Not to own Burford

Roger Lawson of ShareSoc sent me a present the other day. Nope, not another lawyer’s letter but a copy of his new book “Business Perspective Investing… And why financial numbers are not important when picking shares.” A snappy title if ever there was one. I do think numbers matter but it is not a bad read. To demonstrate what he means, Mr Lawson has listed 17 reasons why he does NOT want to own or buy shares in Burford (BUR) and it is nothing to do with the Muddy Waters affair. The 17 reasons Neil Woodford ignored are:


1995 days ago

Breaking: Bear raider Marc Cohodes sued for $25m for alleged defamation during bear raid, papers below

 Bear raider Marc Cohodes is being sued for defamation for tweets he issued during a bear raid according to papers we publish below. Cohodes will no doubt have a good explanation but his accuser Guy Gentile who was a major shareholder in Lannett, the company that Cohodes was raising seems to have a strong case. Those, like Roger Lawson, who demand ever tighter and more draconian restrictions on those of a bearish opinion, should take note.


1996 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: First Derivatives tells me to take down (legitimate) articles so instead here are some explosive court filings from the US

FTI Consulting, PR for First Derivatives (FDP), wants me to take down legititmate articles asking legitimate questions. If Roger Lawson had his way I’d have to take them down. Luckily the ShareSoc supremo can’t gag a free press so instead I publish some more, explosive, court documents about First Derivatives in full, below and in this podcast I explain why they matter. 


2005 days ago

Why Roger Lawson’s gagging proposals would be a disaster for AIM – Tim Baldwin & TXO case study

As you know, Roger Lawson of ShareSoc wants to clean up AIM by, inter alia, forcing websites such as this to remove any article which a company deems defamatory merely on demand, in the way that Bulletin Boards already do. Lawson does not say who would judge when an artiocle could be republished but the implication is that it would be the new regulator he proposes. The case study which shows what utter folly this idea represents is Tim Baldwin and TXO.


2007 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast for Roger Lawson: your post Burford proposals are largely unwise & would be, largely, counter productive

In the wake of the Muddy waters attack on Burford (BUR) Roger Lawson of ShareSoc has published a detailed set of proposals to tackle what he sees as a big problem as you can see HERE. He makes a couple of suggestions which we can agree on as being utterly sensible. But he fails to grasp that existing laws can deal with other issues, the problem is that they are never implemented. He goes on to make a number of proposals which are naive and would gag websites like this in the extremis making London markets, already a great place for fraudsters and shameless promoters to do business, even more friendly for such folks. They would be a disaster as I explain in detail.


2008 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Tony O'Reilly Jnr you really are the biggest shit in Ireland

In today’s podcast I start with how Roger Lawson wants laws changed that will shut ShareProphets down and is using Burford (BUR) as his pretext. I look at how the AIM demise of Avanti (AVN) shows how wrong Lawson is and at lessons we can all learn. I cover Providence Resources (PVR) and its dirtbag fat cat boss Tony O’Reilly Jnr, at Cabot Energy (TOAST), Mysale (MYSL) – another mark of shame for Burford’s Nomad Macquarie and for Sir Philip Green – and at IMC Exploration (IMC) which is toxic.


2015 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Diversified Gas & Oil just smells all wrong

In today’s bearcast I look at shitty little gold plays like Conroy (CGNR) and Condor (CNR) at their relationship to the gold price. I cover Burford (BUR) noting today’s interventions from two giants of the investment world: Carson Block of Muddy Waters and Roger Lawson of ShareSoc. I look at Providence Resources (PVR) a comedy set to end in tears, at Diversified Gas & Oil (DGOC) a tragedy set to end in tears and also at Neil Woodford and that Cenkos (CNKS) profits warning.


2082 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Mark Dampier of Hargreaves trousers £5.6m days before the Woodford shite hits the fan, having been the ramper in chief

In today’s bearcast I look at the 5.6 million questions Mark Dampier has to answer in the wake of the collapse of the Neil Woodford empire. I also look at how the contagion could swamp one of Hargreaves Lansdown’s (HL.) own fund of funds unit trusts and at the massive COIs at Hargreaves which the Woodfiord scandal reveals. I look at Redde (REDD), Surgical Innovations (SUN) and  give a direct answer to Roger Lawson as to why I will continue to call out the corrupt and useless deadwood press even if it means no coverage of the achievements of this website. It is called feeling comfortable with yourself, Roger, for telling it as it is. Postscript: Late tonight it has been announced that shamed Dampier is to “retire”.


2092 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: So Roger Lawson & the share selling twit from Accesso, just how do you want to control me?

Roger Lawson of ShareSoc has not reacted well to yesterday’s article HERE but still refuses to say how he wants me and ShareProphets to be curbed and controlled. Over to you comrade and I think you really are talking bollocks. Then it is onto Red Rock Resources (RRR), Georgian Mining (GEO) and some hard questions about potential AIM Rules breaches at Westminster Group (WSG), run by loathsome ex Tory MP Tony Baldry of 3DM infamy. I remind you to risk a milkshake from a wretched lefty and vote the right way today. And I make another plea to those bearcast listeners yet to be heros, please donate now to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE.


2093 days ago

Accesso shares have more than halved – who is to blame? Natch it is Tom Winnifrith says Roger Lawson who wants me closed down

Shares in Accesso (ACSO) have more than halved so who is to blame? I warned folks on numerous occasions about aggressive accounting, weak cashflows, lack of timely disclosures and hefty boardroom share sales, notably in a detailed piece HERE. And you might have thought that those were all very good reasons why the shares have tanked. Oh no…step forward loyal shareholder Roger Lawson of Sharesoc reporting back on the AGM which he attended.


2151 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast on this Brexit betrayal day: Answering a Neil Woodford question for Roger Lawson.

Neil Woodford needs money for his funds urgently but to give to a far more deserving cause which I may have mentioned once or twice go HERE. I discuss damning statistics for the AIM Casino, Inspirit (INP), Mobile Streams (MOS) and in the Woodford section Paypoint (PAY), Imperial Brands (IMB) and now Strix (KETL), another jolly good income and growth play he is dumping. 


2155 days ago

Now even Roger Lawson sticks the knife into Neil Woodford

The trouble with Roger Lawson of ShareSoc is that he is too much of a nice guy. As a keen reader of this web site he has more than enough ammo to really stick it to hapless Neil Woodford, the posterboy of the we must reward failure movement. But in his own way, Lawson has today joined we Woodford Bears with his own attack. He opines and the underline is mine.


2183 days ago

Good Spot Roger Lawson – Tungsten and the "fanciful presentation" of cash

My old pal Roger Lawson of ShareSoc deserves credit for this good spot on Tungsten (TUNG) in terms of its claim to have, for once, generated cash on a quarterly basis. Well up to a point, as Lawson explains:


2211 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The return of Wildes, Roger Lawson and Lucky Lord Lucan

I am plagued today by Bulletin Board Morons reporting me to the FCA, by Roger Lawson and some ungracious comments on fraud busting at Globo (GBO), Quindell (QPP) and Patisserie Holdings (CAKE) and by our former in house Bulletin Board Loon who has returned to really rile me with some vile comments on the holocaust which expose him as the Jew hating vermin that he is - HERE. I comment on Angus Energy (ANGS), UK Oil & Gas (UKOG), Domino's Pizza (DOM), Feedback (FDBK), Photonstar Led (PSL), Starcom (STAR) and Cabot Energy (CAB) . Footnote, Roger is now planning to run an amendment flagging up that I did advise folks to sell/short Patisserie warning "something's not right". Roger you are a gent.


2321 days ago

Roger Lawson on house prices and Telford Homes – he is actually quite funny (and, on this occasion, right)

I never had Roger Lawson of Sharesoc down as a natural wit but I did chuckle when I read his comments on Telford Homes (TEF) and London/UK house prices. He is bang on the money, echoing exactly what I said in bearcast yesterday.  Anyhow back to Roger “it’s the way he tell’s ‘em” 


2338 days ago

Back Roger Lawson as he takes on the Abcam fat cats and useless 1%-er Non Execs

Roger Lawson of ShareSoc is er…not always right but his latest battle is one where he is bang on the money. Lawson is a shareholder in Abcam (ABC) and thinks the board is taking the piss and need an AGM wake-up call. He is absolutely right.


2351 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Roger Lawson says the mainstream press thinks TW is a "nutcase of the first order"

I start with a reflection on 9/11 and the Orwellian claims to be fighting terror as discussed in more detail HERE. Then it is onto Roger Lawson of ShareSoc and his claims of how the mainstream press view me. Heck if they really thought that why do they keep lifting our stories and running them as their own work? Whatever. I regard the MSM as part of the problem of stockmarket corruption and not the solution and explain why. Then it is onto UK Oil & Gas (UKOG), Toople (TOOP), Oneview (ONEV) and a real problem with Nomad resignations on the AIM Casino, Frontera (FRR) and Online Blockchain (OBC) where directors really need to Show Me The Money or the shares will carry on sliding.


2452 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - it has been six bloody hard years

In today's bearcast I celebrate six years of being a full time investigative writer not a crony capitalist. I take issue with Roger Lawson on the deadwood press and how the view me but agree partially with him on Inheritance Tax. I explain why there is a flood of Julie Meyer material and why it is justified. I look at Alfa Financial (ALFA) and its 1 year anniversary profits warning. I update on the African Potash (AFPO) class action against its Nomad Cantor Fitzgerald and how things are moving and why this could be my crowning achievement. Finally.. we are almost at £5,000. We are seeking to raise £20,000 for Woodlarks. that will be a game changer for a great charity. 95% of listeners have not donated. To those who have I say thank you. To the rest, I know you can afford a tenner. Please cough up now HERE


2463 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - another first, brought to you from Athens Bus Station

Yes, this is the place where many AIM CEOs are not fit to run the public toilets. What better place to record? Excuse the background noise. Yes I am back in Greece - I kept that a secret - and have today door-stepped Folli Follie at its lavish HQ camera in hand. It was an experience. Thank god I had a burly Albanian in a car with a motor running parked down the road. In this podcast I discuss Andalas (ADL) which is still not coming clean and is a prize dog, Roger Lawson with whom I have a good chat last night and who does not trivialise hate mail and R4E (R4E) whose results statement is er.. a mixed bag for we loyal shareholders.  PS If you appreciate my bravery and dedication GO SPONSOR ME FOR £10 NOW HERE


2465 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - No Roger don't close down the fraudbusters please support investigative journalists not a failed establishment

Though a diehard republican I have weakened and am going to watch the Royal Wedding. Don't be too harsh on me. In this podcast I discuss issues raised by Roger Lawson with regard to free speech, social media, threats to journalists, market abuse and the FCA in tackling crime.


2468 days ago

Roger Lawson & ShareSoc links a hate crime against my wife with my writings - may his soul burn in hell

On a post approved by ShareSoc on its blog, Roger Lawson has today commented on the incident I described in bearcast on Monday - the email I received in response to my fraudbusting work. I have made Lawson aware of the content of that email currently with the Police so something I cannot publish - but it is the most disgusting material about my wife of Indian origin. Yet he is unapologetic for writing in a way that trivialises it and has refused polite requests to withdraw his article of today. Roger, may your soul burn in hell for your failure to see hate crime against an innocent woman, committed by someone not wanting fraud exposed,  for what it is. Roger comments on Audioboom. My comments are in bold.


2505 days ago

The Conviviality Firesale - Roger Lawson right but also wrong

My new best friend Roger Lawson of ShareSoc has written about the firesale of Conviviality (CVR) assets. He is right but also wrong. What has happened tells us as much about the illusion of asset backing as it does about the way administration works.


2526 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: surely Gert Rieder of Falcon is a fraudster who should be sent to jail

In today's podcast I start with a digression about driving to Greece given the day's good news about the hovel HERE. But I have a serious point about residual values of cars, ref BCA Marketplace (BCA), Northgate (NTG) and others. I then look at Falcon Media (FAL) and its boss who I accuse of fraud and think should go to jail. Then it is on to Milestone (MSG) - told y'all!!!! - Ferrum Crescent (FCR), De La Rue (DLR), and Amur Minerals (AMC). I have a pop at an Ulster born bimbo on BBC Business over Brexit and then discuss Neil Woodford where Roger Lawson defends the indefensible after today's shocking revelations. If you like bearcasts then remember that at UK Investor on April 21 one of many highlights will be a live bearcast with myself and Paul Scott. Make sure you book a free ticket HERE using the promotional code WINNIFRITH 


2547 days ago

Photo Article from the Greek Hovel - Rain stops play again

For some reason I could not sleep a wink last night and thus my excuse for not returning to the Greek hovel for more failed bonfire lighting is that I am just so dog tired that I fear that I may fall asleep at the wheel. That is not something you wish to do on a Mountain road. Hence I content myself in my hotel wish washing my socks, admin matters and writing like a dervish. And trying to catch up on some sleep. If I manage all of that I may treat myself to a slap up meal at Katelanos tonight: Mountain greens, octopus and ouzo.


2548 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I don't forget - why Sir Henry Bellingham MP rings a bell & is such a mega red flag

In today's bearcast I discuss the corporate history of Sir Henry Bellingham MP notably the fraud he was deeply involved with for six years - 3DM. That leaves me backing today's calls for him to resign from Pathfinder Minerals (PFP). He is a massive red flag just like ex Tory MP Tony Baldry now of Westminster (WSG) but who was also involved in the nest of vipers that was 3DM. I discuss my settlement with Roger Lawson of ShareSoc. And then I look at the bizarre share transactions at BCA Marketplace (BCA) and what they mean, i.e SELL!


2548 days ago

Roger Lawson & Tom Winnifrith: a joint statement

Roger Lawson and Tom Winnifrith have agreed that Mr Lawson's legal action against Tom Winnifrith for libel will not be pursued further. Life is too short. Both men are agreed that nearly all of the work done by each other on seeking reform of AIM and in campaigning against poor corporate governance is worthwhile. There are too many ways in which the stock market needs reform and too many individuals who break the rules that do exist, for energies and money to be wasted on a fight that will enrich only lawyers.


2552 days ago

Photo article: Proving I am a real man... pyromania at last at the Greek Hovel

You know that I am a feminist. Child care, nappy changing, shopping, washing, cooking, I dxo more than my fair share. But there are some things that only women can do. Breast feeding for example. And there are some things we men do: snake killing, ouzo drinking and.. lighting fires.  My repeated failure to burn off the olive branches and frigana I cut down last year at the Greek Hovel has thus been somewhat emasculating. And it got far worse yesterday before it got better.


2554 days ago

A day of non appearances at the Greek Hovel and I fear I'm outed as a failed pyromaniac

I turned up as agreed with George the Architect at 11 AM to discuss progress at the Greek Hovel. Twenty four hours of solid rain with more coming down today has left the site a bit of a mudbath and I was not greatly surprised that there were no workers present. But I was rather expecting George. He was not answering his phone so I kicked my heels and tried to start the process of burning off the branches cut down from last year's olive harvest.


2585 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Follow the Bear - top ten shorts reviewed & the sins of KPMG

In today's bearcast I take inspiration from Roger Lawson looking at the sins of KPMG at Carillion (CLLN) and EMIS (EMIS), not to mention Quindell (QPP). What to do?  I look more at Dignity (DTY) and conclude that - having examined numbers from Beyond - the company is fecked. I look at the dumbest snowflake financial journalist going - natch he works for the Daily Mail. And I wonder should one follow the bears, I review the most shorted stocks on AIm and the main market including IQE (IQE), Debenhams (DEB) and Telit (TCM) 


2619 days ago

Roger Lawson slates ADVFN - surely if Lawson is right the company must have broken the rules

I hold no candle for either Roger Lawson of ShareSoc or ADVFN (AFN) but Lawson has made the most serious of allegations about ADVFN's AGM of last week which surely the company needs to answer and thus I bring Lawson's words to a wider audience. While he is at it Lawson has a go at ADVFN's business model and its blockchain spoofery. 


2620 days ago

Roger Lawson slates IDOX but I think he is too charitable

I gave another bearish assessment of IDOX (IDOX) in Thursday's bearcast and the shares duly fell again sharply on Friday. They are now 30p valuing the company at £124 million. I am afraid that is still too high. Roger Lawson of Sharesoc is a bearish stale bull


2658 days ago

Roger Lawson sticks it to Blancco - calls for FRC to look at dodgy accounts

The old goat has turned over a new leaf and today really sticks it to Blancco Technology (BLTG) in which he admits he has a trivial holding. I doff my hat to Lawson for that and his comments on the ShareSoc blog are spot on. Personally this company's revenue recognition policies stink so much that I'd have to rate it as a sell.


2664 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - it is fit young mums day!!

Just a short bearcast today as I had to rush off for my regular Thursday morning date with the Fit Young Mums. In today's podcast I talk about the IPO/RTO today of Sosandar (SOS) which we own shares in and I reveal the first of the celeb investors. Then it is onto Playtech (PTEC) and some wider thoughts on gambling regulation in the UK. Finally there is a look at Rosslyn Data (RDT) where - hat tip Roger Lawson - it is surely profits warning ahoy. I look back at the numerous Rosslyn red flags.


2677 days ago

Well spotted Roger Lawson - The Sharesoc man inadvertently discovers some big red flags at Rosslyn including a looming profits warning

Roger Lawson of ShareSoc bought a few shares in Rosslyn Data (RDT) as a recovery punt in a placing. That he was able to get EIS relief added to the attraction although I still worry he will lose money on this company which I have highlighted many times (HERE) as a howling dog even by the standards of AIM. Lawson attended the AGM yesterday and reports back on what appears to have been a curate's egg in his mind. I think he is being well generous.


2707 days ago

BREAKING: Purplebricks - the Dynamite reviews it is utterly desperate you do not see: SELL Target price 0p

These are the genuine reviews on that Purplebricks (PURP) has attempted to ensure that you do not see by sending threatening lawyers letters as we exposed yesterday. As you can see they are dynamite and show quite clearly a flawed business model which sees customer after customer ripped off. Word of that is spreading which is why this company will NEVER make a profit and will sooner or later run out of money and go bust. The shares are a sell at 380p - target price 0p. Now read on and wonder why folks like Neil "nomates" Woodford and Roger Lawson want to own these shares... PS If Purplebricks wants to threaten me to remove these posts I will take great pleasure in seeing the bitchez in Court.


2708 days ago

BREAKING: Purplebricks - bogus internet reviews on Trustpilot as it launches in the USA

A questionable business model,shocking revelations on Watchdog, very murky management CVs exposed HERE, a complete lack of profits, a sky high valuatione, endorsements from shareholders "nomates" Neil Woodford and Roger Lawson as well as being tipped in the Godawful Midas Column in today's MoS- what could possibly go wrong for Purplebricks (PURP)? To justify its most recent keep the lights on fund raise it had to promise a new expansion strategy. And so on Friday it announced a US Launch. Natch it starts off with patently bogus internet reviews as you can see below. The Yanks are so dumb they will not notice will they?


2713 days ago

SHOCKER: Corporate Failures and Censures - the red flags at Purplebricks you ignore at your peril

Neil Woodford, Paul Scott and the man who compares himself to Warren Buffett, Roger Lawson, have no doubt done full due diligence on the manangement at Purplebricks (PURP), notably its founders, the Bruce brothers. Or maybe not...


2717 days ago

Hat Off to Roger Lawson - he is bang on the money re Barclays Stockbrokers debacle

Old Lawson may still be pursuing a ridiculous claim against me for libel, he noted this week that he had another meeting with his lawyers, but credit where credit is due, the old fool has nailed the shambles last week at Barclays (BARC) stockbrokers perfectly. And in a posting on the ShareSoc blog he gives advice on what to do if you have been jerked around.  This is an example of the good work he can do when he is not distracted by falling in love with companies such as Globo. Over to Lawson:


2751 days ago

Tom Winnifrith: Sign up now for new free share tip service

Following compliants from Roger Lawson, ADVFN has insisted on a raft of new editorial controls on I did not re-start my life five years ago to be told what I could or could not write. I said no and ADVFN boss Clem Chambers has just said that the website will be shut down. So...our hand is forced ... Welcome to - we hope you join NOW HERE.


2753 days ago

The Bearcast the Audioboom pussies pulled after Roger Lawson threatened is back: find out what Roger wants you not to hear!

Has Roger Lawson of ShareSoc not heard of the Streisand Effect?  Last week his lawyers sent a take-down letter to Audioboom about a bearcast that he asserted (wrongly) was defamatory and libellous. Since the podcast is more than a year old and so was rarely listened to these days his act was pointless but, more importantly,, Audioboom had no legal liability as libel is time limited by statute.  But Audioboom has no cojones just like it has no FD after the last chap resigned without any explanation given but with immediate effect the other day. We explained this tale of media cowardice in full HERE.  However...


2754 days ago

Is the post Letts bounce in blur justified? Nope - at last Roger Lawson is 100% right

On Monday evening we were treated to the shock news that blur (BLUR) founder Phil Letts had been given the order of the boot just 18 days after his ghastly Mrs Kara Cardinale was also handed a P45 and a black bin liner. While the two of them relax at their luxury Devon Estate, shares in blur have enjoyed a relief rally to 4.75p ( now just 98.5% off their peak) but is that share price spike justified. Like hell it is.


2760 days ago

BREAKING: Now Roger Lawson & his lawyers bully Audioboom to get another bearcast taken down

Are there no depths to which Roger Lawson of ShareSoc, Globo and blinkx fame will not go in order to gag a free press? The latest trick from Roger and his bully boylawyers Keystone is to mislead to Audioboom. Roger's lawyers have again been in touch with Audioboom about a post. You will remember that two days a go they argued that a bearcast from July 2017 was libellous and Audioboom did not have the balls to question this and just removed it - full details on thst shameful day plus the bearcast in question now hosted on another platform are HERE. Buoyed by the fact that Audioboom are just plain pussies, the bully boy lawyers and Lawson have tried it on again. So late last night a poltroon called Alex from Audioboom wrote to me:


2762 days ago

BREAKING: Now Roger Lawson & his bully boy lawyers bully Audioboom to get Bearcast taken down

Roger Lawson of ShareSoc is determined to use his wealth to stop publication of legitimate comments about his writing and share dealing activities and has thus threatened me, Tom Winnifrith with both a libel case and an injunction for harassment. 


2769 days ago

See you in Court Bitchez Odd one out Contest - the result

We asked you a simple question HERE. Look at the mugshots of the dirty half dozen below and tell us the odd one out. For those who could not recognise the ugly sisters they were (top row first, left to right): Dodgy bubble Costis from Greek fraud Globo, Roger Lawson ( who is clearly not a fraudster), the king of the fraudsters Rob Terry of Quindell, lyin' Chris Cleverley of African Potash, Peter Shea of Daniel Stewart and Jimmyliar Ellerton of Sefton infamy. So who is the odd one out? No-one got this one correct.


2772 days ago

New Bulletin Board Moron of the week PRIZE contest sponsored byRoger Lawson

Today's the day that African Potash gets slung from the NEX markets or has the rules bent for them, so in normal circumstances it would sponsor this week's contest. But there is an even better sponsor, step forward Roger Lawson of ShareSoc who will donate some of the Globo shares he owns as a prize.  Natch, Lawson sold most of his Globo shares before telling readers to sell, but he still has some left and even offered to help the management take the company forward.


2773 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Here's the lawyers letter from Roger Lawson of Sharesoc - and a response

A formal response to  Roger Lawson's bully boy lawyers letter will follow in due course. But in this detailed podcast I explain why the letter he sent is so pitiful and wrong and why I shall fight to ensure that his antics are exposed. It would set a very bad precedent were there to be any other result. For ShareSoc the implications of this case are laid out and it will not enjoy what is set to unfold one little bit.


2821 days ago

BREAKING: Roger Lawson "departs" ShareSoc after bust up with chairman

So why did Roger Lawson finally leave ShareSoc? Oddly the campaigning group has yet to make a statement on the sudden departure of Lawson. Was he caught using the ShareSoc twitter account to send vile messages to settle personal scores again?  er


2902 days ago

F*ck Me! I agree with Roger Lawson of ShareSoc

A busted clock and all that,Roger Lawson has posted something on the ShareSoc blog for his three readers which is actually bang on the money. Although it is written in his normal pompous and tedious style for once he is bang on the money. His comments refer to secret cautions by the FCA - a system which just does not work.


2911 days ago

Odd one out Contest in honour of great companies brought low by the global shorting conspiracy

This is so simple. 4 companies but which is the odd one out and why? Answers in the comments section below by midnight on 28 February (today). The answer is not Globo on the basis that it was the only fraud owned and promoted by Roger Ramper Lawson but do your best anyway...


2912 days ago

Roger Lawson at ShareSoc is at it again - how do they tolerate this man?

ShareSoc does some great work for private investors. Sadly its former chairman RogerLawson of blinkx & Globo fame - taken apart brilliantly by Paul Scott HERE -  continues to behave in a way that is not acceptablel. He was at it again last night and also a week or so ago.


2916 days ago

NCC Group – All Credibility Gone? So asks Roger Lawson of ShareSoc

Roger Lawson the chairman of SharSoc is of course a great expert on tech stocks. That was why he was able to dismiss so easily criticism from myself, Ben Edelman and Paul Scott about blinkx (BLNX) and Globo (GBO), two of his big holdings. . Now it seems that another "Lawson winner" emerges - NCC Group (NCC) which had an awful statement yesterday as I explained HERE.


2952 days ago

Wise words from the man who tipped Globo & Blinkx - Roger Lawson

Who has just written "I said in our last newsletter that my portfolio performance was disappointing in 2016, but I am feeling a lot better now as I made a reasonable profit and better than most of the "expert" tipsters it seems. Perhaps the moral to be drawn from this news is that it might be best to do your own research rather than pick up tips from others and rely on them for investment purposes. Reading the national press or other publications might be useful for picking up ideas, but you should consider any tips with an appropriate amount of scepticism until you have researched the companies and fully understood what they do and their financial structure. In other words, don't simply believe what you read.


2983 days ago

ShareSoc's Roger Lawson attacks evil shorters & backs failed regulators as Paysafe shares tumble

Here we go again. Wicked and evil bears launch an attack on a great British company and Roger Lawson of ShareSoc insists he knows better, just like he did with Globo and Blinkx, and attacks the bears. He opines on his blog with three readers:


3032 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - I am Mr Angry, spitting nails all day

I am even more angry than I was on Monday. Those who have caused this are in no particular order: Reach4Entertainment (R4E), my selfish and lazy ex wife, Roger Lawson, Wishbone Gold (WSBN), Belfort Securities and whoever is responsible for the League Cup quarter final draw, I also cover in detail Avocet Mining (AVM), IGAS, Magnolia Petroloeum (MAGP) and XCite Energy (XEL)


3035 days ago

Roger Lawson wants taxpayer cash to subsidise ShareSoc

The poltroons at ShareSoc led by Roger Lawson have written to the Business, Innovation and Skills Committee inquiry on corporate governance with a number of suggestions on cleaning up AIM. First up, send large amounts of taxpayers cash to Lawson and his pals. You could not make this stuff up.


3062 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Fraudsters, losers & tossers the lot of them

In this bearcast I refer to my article on the Trump & Clinton debate overnight and what it means HERE and the latest shocking expose of Quindell fraudster Rob Terry HERE.  I warn about bad things happening in Euro land and the worst of tem all is Deutsche Bank. There is a Radio 4 programme tonight on AIM fraud at 8 PM. I am not involved but some fine upstanding members of the community are. that is irony in case the loser Roger Lawson thinks I have forgiven him and ShareSoc for defending the blinkx law breakers by smearing me and Ben Edelman.Elsewhere I look at the role of certain NEDS who are Tim not so nice but fucking dim. I cover the Cloudtag (CTAG) scam, Northern Petroleum (NOP) - placing ahoy _ and Imaginatik (IMTK) as well as China fraud Jiasen (JSI)


3134 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast The blessed Mel for Dad but Steve Moore & Gary Newman fired!

I had to buy a copy of the Guardian for Dad today and carry it home through the streets from the newsagent. How I am shamed in front of my neighbours. Meanwhile dad is reading books I own by Peter Hitchens, Niall Ferguson and Melanie Phillips and is loving them, as his inner reactionary is exposed. On the markets I look at Servision (SEV), Xtract Energy (XTR) - Steve Moore and Gary Newman you are FIRED! - Gulf Keystone (GKP), Taihua (FRAUD), Oxford Pharma (OXP), Judges Scientific (JDG) and another bad day for disgraced Roger "Ramper" Lawson of ShareSoc, Kennedy Ventures (KENV) and finally the poltroons stock of choice for today, Nyota (NYO).


3168 days ago

ShareSoc thinks AIM can lose the Casino tag but its demands say it all & say nothing

ShareSoc, home to disgraced ramper Roger Lawson of blinkx, Globo and general infamy, reckons that AIM Can lose its Casino tag but needs reform. On the latter point that seems like a statement of the bleeding obvious but what does ShareSoc demand? Honestly you could not make this stuff up.


3239 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 5 April: Roger Lawson are you still talking cock on blinkx? Apologise

Firstly happy birthday to my father - I have a present see HERE. Then a message on landing times for UK Investor tickets. If you have not booked yet do so now. Then I am going to annoy Paul Scott by bashing Roger Lawson. Those who followed Lawson's advice as he endorsed blinkx (BLNX) without declaring his holding are 90% down. Yet he is yet to apologise to them or to those he attacked as we pointed out why his analysis was all cock. So let's look at the dire trading statement today. Then it is onto Asiamet (ARS), Strat Aero (AERO), Iofina (IOF), Fitbug (FITB), Vast Resources (VAST) and finally a detailed look at Rare Earth Minerals (REM) and some interesting points raised by Andrew Monk.


3394 days ago

Globo – Administrators called in it is a wipe-out

Roger Lawson famously suggested, on the ShareSoc website  that he and other shareholders in Globo (GBO) might go in and assist the board. I guess his services won’t be needed now because it is all over. A duff call by Lawson and yet another win for the bears he attacks so often.


3396 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 1 November: Globo, Big Dave, Flip Flop and the ISDX Joke

In this podcast I look at Roger Lawson of ShareSoc and his latest  statements on Globo (GBO).  Does he not realise it is game over. Bust. A fraud. A dead parrot.,Yet he still snipes athe bears and makes suggestions for the way forward. Then it is over to ISDX and its supporters - the young and naive - flip flop Turney and those with other motives, David Lenigas. I write in light of the humiliating failure of the Lenigas Cuba fundraise - see HERE


3404 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 24 October - Go Paul Scott! Globo + No-one Oclock round up Friday

In today's podcast I cheer on Paul Scott in his twitter battle with  Roger Lawson (see HERE). Then it is onto Globo (GBO) and where we are now. Then I look at the companies announcing at no-one is watching O'Clock yesterday: IGAS (IGAS), EKF Diagnostics (EKF), ADVFN (AFN) and Gulf Keystone (GKP)


3404 days ago

Bitch fight at the twitter OK coral: top share blogger Paul Scott trashes Roger Lawson

I have long maintained that Roger Lawson of ShareScoc promoted blinkx (BLNX) without declaring a position and attacked folks like myself and Ben Edelman who disagreed, declaring that he was a “software expert”.  It now appears that the software expert was also long of Monitise (MONI) and Globo (GBO)


3463 days ago

Blinkx AGM – even Roger Lawson of ShareSoc gives up on CEO Brian Mukherjee, when is his P45 due?

That blinkx (BLNX) is a total dog is now beyond doubt. Steve Moore and I called it right and we are still bearish (see HERE) but now it seems that shareholders are waking up and that for CEO Brian Mukherjee the “black bag” day may be looming. Even Roger Lawson of ShareSoc is on his case.

At no-one is watching O’Clock


3463 days ago

EBITDA is a bull market metric for fools and knaves – ref blinkx and Globo

I leave it to Steve Moore to have the pleasure of plunging the knife into the dog blinkx (BLNX) after its profits warning HERE. It is a dog pure and simple and the shares, at 21p, are a stonking sell with a 12p target for starters. On the matter of blinkx we long term bears are again vindicated while the self-proclaimed expert on the stock, the disgraced ramper Roger Lawson of ShareSoc is one more shown up as a fool as well as a knave. But now to EBITDA.


3602 days ago

blinkx trading statement is dire and worse is to come on April 18

Today’s trading statement from blinkx must be making even Roger Lawson from ShareSoc splutter into his cornflakes as it is truly dire. No wonder that the shares, 90p a year ago as Lawson said the bears did not know what they were talking about, are just 28.5p and falling. And worse is to come for this POS as a 100% vindicated Ben Edelman will be having another go at on April 18 in Westminster.


3690 days ago

Hey Roger Lawson: Mr blinkx expert how are your shares doing?

I have not picked a fight with anyone for a week or so but as its my Birthday tomorrow I thought I’d treat myself and have a go at Roger Lawson of ShareSoc as he has written a piece today that is mean spirited in omission if not content. Journalists like fights and I have been goaded.

Lawson gives all the credit for the Naibu kill to my pal Paul Scott. Paul has done great stuff on Naibu and I praise him for it. But with respect it was I who exposed the criminal past of Naibu’s CEO, I who raised Naibu’s profile at its AGM, I who discredited the tawdry research on Naibu by Daniel Stewart and I think that I should get some credit for my work on Fuijian frauds generally.  It was I who first openly accused Naibu in print of being a fraud and oft repeated that charge. Just search this website. The omission by Lawson is deliberate.

Lawson and I fell out big time over blinkx (BLNX). He wrote 


3879 days ago

blinkx – This Stinks! Dire Profits warning

"S. Brian Mukherjee, Ed Bridges at FTI, ultra-thick hackette Harriet Denys, Citi Group, Numis Securities, Richard Eaton of bullyboy lawyer Twobirds, Roger Lawson--we have beaten them all. We have beaten them all. S. Brian Mukherjee can you hear me? S. Brian Mukherjee, I have a message for you in the middle of the share price collapse. I have a message for you: We have been 100% vindicated on your POS stock. S. Brian Mukherjee, as they say in your language in the boxing bars around Madison Square Garden in New York: Your boys took a hell of a beating! Your boys took a hell of a beating."  Yes blinkx (BLNX) has served up a disastrous profits warning.


3883 days ago

That Ben Edelman Video from April Again – why no sane person would have held blinkx

We faced down the bully boy lawyers from blinkx (BLNX) & threats from Bulletin Board Morons to bring you Ben Edelman at UK Investor 2014. At the time the blinkx fan club (step forward Citi– Buy target price 175p, have you guys adjusted that yet?) Bryce Eldercock at the FT, dimwit Harriet Denys at The Telegraph and blinkx shareholder Roger Lawson of ShareSoc dismissed Ben as saying nothing. You guys all so sure now? 

Ben made explicit claims at UK Investor Show 2014 which blinkx has abjectly failed to answer.


3954 days ago

Blinkx, Roger Lawson & ShareSoc – Time to come clean?

ShareSoc does great work campaigning for private investors, for greater boardroom accountability and transparency. But right now with regard to blinkx (BLNX) it is ShareSoc and its deputy chairman Roger Lawson who have the questions to answer. 

Lawson has posted five times on blinkx since Ben Edelman raised very serious questions about part of its business. On April 5 at the UK Investor Show Edelman produced damning new evidence relating to the assets and operations of Zango which were bought by blinkx after the FTC fined Zango and shut it down for breaking the law. Ben showed very clearly for the first time on April 5 that blinkx was, via those assets, still engaging in the same practices. Surely this was a grave matter of concern for anyone interested in corporate governance, etc? Er…


4090 days ago

There are still more than 300 £12 tickets to the UK Investor Show to give away for free thanks to Accendo

Thanks to Accendo markets we have five hundred £12 tickets to the UK’s top investor show, UK Investor Show to give away for free.  Well we had 500. There are now just over 300. The event takes place on April 5 in Westminster London and the free tickets will be allocated strictly on a first come first served basis. 

We already have 60 growth companies booked in to attend and present at the show and another 30 will be signed up by April 5th. And we also have more than 30 main stage speakers confirmed including Terry Smith, Nigel Wray, Lucian Miers, Clem Chambers, Amanda Van Dyke, Dominic Frisby, David Lenigas, Roger Lawson, Matt Earl, Tom Winnifrith, Steve Moore and many more.

This is without doubt the UK’s top investor show. Full details can be found at and you can buy tickets on that site. 

Or you can, thanks to Accendo get a ticket for free but hurry as this offer is limited to just 500 tickets.

To get your free ticket click HERE.


4411 days ago

The AIM model is not working – Explosive Roger Lawson of ShareSoc interview

I met up with Roger Lawson of ShareSoc last week to chat about life and record a video ( see below). The son of a miner, Roger is a self made man and commands my respect for that. When I lash out at an aspect of AIM, the City establishment can dismiss me as a maverick. See if I care. When Roger says what he says, members of the establishment who may ignore me have to listen. And what he says can be pretty incendiary.

We discussed how the Nomad system is broken and how Roger would fix it. How fund managers fail to hold PLC boards to account and also how private investors can hold PLC boards to account. Roger did not hold back.
