Rule Britannia

1226 days ago

Openly partial Naga Munchetty should NOT be fired – just defund her employer the wretched BBC

Relatively new BBC Director General Tim Davie stated that presenters on the state-funded broadcaster are “activists for impartiality” and that he would be prepared to sack those who breach impartiality guidelines on social media. On that basis, Breakfast TV star Naga Munchetty should be fired in the morning but why bother? She would merely be replaced by someone who acted in the same way, thought the same way and polluted the BBC with woke bias. The issue here is a culture that runs through the DNA of the wretched BBC.


1303 days ago

The 10 most popular podcasts by Tom Winnifrith from 2020

A bit of history for woke morons and a lot of lockdown scepticism based on hard facts, feature often in my 10 most listened to podcasts from the year just ended. 


1307 days ago

That interview by BBC head of diversity June Sarpong and why it's such good news

Now that we are out of the EU for good, surely the next great national campaign has to be to #DefundtheBBC. It really is a most nauseating institution. The clear liberal left bias of its news coverage, the woke and unfunny comedy and the smug air of superiority makes it almost unbearable. As it attracts ever fewer viewers and listeners, it ups the bloated pay of its staff, never questioning why folks are deserting it but instead doubling down on the sort of activities which arouse so much anger.


1429 days ago

A celebrated composer explains to BBC Songs of Praise Boss Cat Lewis why her words on Rule Britainnia are grossly offensive and factually incoherent

I explained in a long podcast HERE why Rule Britannia was not racist, imperialist, or a reference to the slave trade and why the BBC has it so wrong. Songs of Praise producer, Cat Lewis, is one BBC staffer on a bloated stipend who is still battling in a way which is both offensive and ignorant as I flagged up HERE. My work has prompted celebrated composer, Graham Lack, to offer me his thoughts which I am delighted, at his request, to publish below.  I wonder if Cat or anyone at the woeful BBC might be able to respond to what follows. Somehow I doubt it.


1431 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast: Rule Britannia, lies, the BBC and what it all really means in a historic context

This podcast is dedicated to my friend and a man who for more than 30 years has been a key figure in my life and for whom my admiration and love knows no bounds. That man is William Long, who lies gravely ill in a New York hospital. We might disagree on much, but on the need to call out a lie and on the imperative of original historic research and putting matters within that context we will always agree on. I thus discuss the BBC, Last Night of the Proms, what Rule Britannia actually means and refers to, its historic context, some of its critics and what motivates them and allows them to smell out racism and imperialism without reference to actual fact. I refer also to my article on Thomas Guy, another man facing erasure as we do not teach anyone our nation’s history nor care about the actual facts of it. Mentioned in this podcast are The Mrs, the great Neil Masuda, Laurence Fox, Tony Hall, Matthew Hopkins, and his true heir today Kehinde Andrews. 



1431 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Will Asimilar be the much deserved Waterloo of Chris Akers? This stinks!

I start with a brief discussion of Rule Britannia where it is clear that the BBC and others (including the Mrs) have not actually read the words or studied their history. I will do a much longer piece on this when back from seeing my father in Shipston. I look at Asimilar (ASLR), All Active Asset Capital (AAA), Mesh PLC, and Chris Akers – a scandal where the unravel is surely underway. I comment on DFS (DFS) and furlough economics, on Iconic Labs (ICON), and on Amigo (AMGO) as well as on Xtract Resources (XTR), where there is yet more good news making you who followed my tip and I who bought shares even richer. Also covered is NoGold who has no gold exposure and lambasts me for tipping gold shares and making you all richer… even more of a miserable old git.


1431 days ago

Songs of Praise boss Cat Lewis - another rich guilty white liberal who the BBC should sack at once

Cat Lewis is the producer of the BBC’s Songs of Praise and has leapt into the debate on Rule Britannia in spectacular style. If the state broadcaster had any sense, it would fire her at once for stupidity, ignorance and for insulting 99% of those whose taxes pay her bloated salary. 


1431 days ago

Explaining the BBC’s reference to flags at the last Night of the Proms to a shocked father

My father is a lifelong Guardian reader but is now gleaning real news from a one-day-old copy of the Daily Mail provided by his enlightened carer E. There is talk of cancelling his subscription to the loss-making publication, founded on the profits of slavery, and while this may threaten the funding of latest restoration works on Polly Toynbee’s Tuscan castle, it would surely be a good thing. But despite this move out of the shadows, my father still has a touching faith in the Guardian’s broadcast sibling, the frightful BBC. But maybe even this has now been tested.


2892 days ago

Hypocrite Theresa May spends YOUR cash to tell you to do as I say not as I do

Our glorious unelected leader Theresa May has today urged folks to "staycation" in Britain to help the economy. What a towering patriot she is. Has she said how she will shower all the Brit-astic members of Team GB with honours to thank them for putting the Great back into Britain? Rule Britannia. Let's ignore how debased those honours are by the stench of years of corruption. Let's all back our country. Play some Elgar.

After all: Theresa did say how we were all in it together and how her brand of conservatism would reach out to thsoe who feel left out and so loathe a rich, out of touch hypocritical elite. So which part of ever more Great Britain did Theresa go to on holiday this year?
