475 days ago
It is not for you or I to judge the guilt or otherwise of Mr Russell Brand. I realise that when I suggested that it was wrong for Mr Philip Schofield to shag a runner on his show and to use TV station cars to ferry around a young lover that was, on my part, homophobic. That Mr Brand is alleged to have done exactly the same and far worse with girls is therefore all grounds for legitimate condemnation without fear of being homophobic. Whatever. What is fascinating is that it is now universally agreed that Brand has always been a foul mouthed ignoramus who treated women badly. Yet…
480 days ago
I start with Russell Brand and Chile’s most famous poet, I end with Sharestock. In between Doc Holliday, ECR Minerals (ECR), that sordid buy idea, why Id like to see more AIM Companies going bust and Bidstack (BIDS)
2542 days ago
I heard yet another whining Policewoman on the radio today saying that the Old Bill were not able to contact victims of sexual assaults for several days, in some cases, because they were overstretched. Whatever. The Boys in blue have time to paint their nails blue in protest against slavery, to arrest someone for tweeting a picture of a burning poppy, to investigate Katie Hopkins for hate crimes every time she opens her mouth. I am sure we could all add in numerous other examples of things the Old Blue do have plenty of time for.
2625 days ago
If there is one man who deserves a New Year's honour in 2018 it is the veteran LGBT and free speech campaigner Peter Tatchell. He will not be on a list packed with airhead celebs, sporting cheats, party donors and professional arse-lickers to the establishment. For, like me, Tatch is a Republican and so has refused honours for that reason and because he, rightly, views the system as rotten and corrupt.
2734 days ago
My father attempts to hide his inner reactionary by ostentatiously being the best customer of the fat Bulgarian lady who, rather aggressively, sells the Big Issue outside the Co-Op in Shipston on Stour. Sometimes, in order to either annoy me or to demonstrate his PC credentials to my virtue signalling public sector (part time) working sisters he will buy two or three issues a month.This is not Alzheimer's he has always done it. He is the favourite "customer" of the great Bulgarian lardbucket.
3244 days ago
The British people voted for a Tory Government last year but those on the left reckon they were cheated. First past the post works fine when the left win but when the wicked & evil Tories win we need electoral reform. Whatever. So now we face a group called The People's Assembly which is marching today, making #4demands. It claims to speak for the people but has an agenda the Britsih people rejected overwhelmingly.
Charlotte Church, Russell Brand, Owen Jones, Jeremy Corbyn and a host of other millionaires will be there . I will not. It is one of the benefits of not living in London that I get to avoid contact with those sort of champagne socialists and thousands of bone idle smelly and lazy folks from the non-productive sectors who think everyone else should fund a society based on entitlements.
I am sure that we have our share of such deluded folk here in Bristol but thankfully they have all gone on a middle class outing to London today: "Rah, rah, rah we're
3477 days ago
I am roused by Jeremy Corbyn, Paul Scott, Paul Mason, Russell Brand and a poster here to discuss what is wrong with capitalism, why it is sick and not working. The solution? Stop bastardising it. We need pure capitalism not crony capitalism, run just for the 1%, but to make life better for all.
3547 days ago
There is no austerity in Britain under the "wicked Tories". Since 2010 Government spending and the national debt has risen year on year. The burden our children will inherit as a result of this profligacy mounts daily.
Yet today in London a couple of hundred thousand folks - c0.36% of the population to be exact - have gathered to protest against "austerity". Why do they want exactly? They want the Government to create a bigger debt which will have to be serviced and paid off one day, by spending more. These folks do not appear to realise that the Money Tree really does not exist.
The money will be spent on more pay for public sector workers who already earn more than their peers in the private (wealth creating) sector yet have more job security, throw more sickies, get longer holidays and get cushier pensions. The money will be spent on bloating a welfare system that is already out of control, not a safety net but - for many - a lifestyle choice which includes booze, fags, SkyTV and playing the lottery.
Among the headline speakers are millionaires