
45 days ago

Are you coming to Sharestock on September 7?

Sharestock is looming. The date is September 7. The lawn is getting into shape. A team of helpers led by my two eldest daughters are lined up as are the speakers. All we need now is you! For what, I increasingly think, will be my last ever show. 


320 days ago

Photo Article: The large loo floating down the River Dee leaking stored shit – life in a broken country

The River Dee which flows at the edge of my fields is meant to be a clean home to salmon and trout. Its banks should be home to a range of wildlife including Kingfishers, I saw one a few weeks ago, and a rare sort of dragonfly. My, now water-logged, fields are home to frogs, toads, snakes, aquatic birdlife and much more. This morning, as you can see below, there is a large compostable toilet stuck on the English side of the river, leaking shit.  The story of that loo and its shit is one which leaves me in despair at a broken Britain with a Police and local council ( Chester and Cheshire West) who are not underfunded but are just useless, protecting those who break the law and telling we honest taxpayers to go fuck ourselves.


584 days ago

Just under 9 Months away – Sharestock now almost 50% booked out! Grab your seat now

The big tent is now booked for ShareStock on September 23 this year. It will seat around 100 folks but already almost 50 of those seats have been reserved. And it is now wonder given who is speaking and all the other attractions. We might even have a jetty for you fisherman to try to grab a salmon or a pike on the day. That project is in hand. But the speakers are lining up.


979 days ago

Last Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel Christmas 2021 - catering for a Pescetarian

As you may recall my thirsty daughter Olaf has been brought up in Islington and has therefore picked up some freakish liberal traits such as wishing to not only rejoin but to work for the accursed EU, bleating on about polar bears and the global warming cult and being a pescetarian. That means she will not eat meat so for her late Christmas meal with us, I prepared a whole salmon, not hooked in the Dee from our garden but bought in. Starting to fish in the river is a resolution for 2022.
