Simon Reeve

1304 days ago

The Top 30 Most-Read Articles on in 2020

This rather surprises me. I was convinced that the top 30 would be packed full of waspish, libertarian or anti-woke articles. But it seems that many of the most read pieces on this website are the ones the Mrs thinks no-one reads, about life at the hovels here in Wales but also in Greece. Anyhow, here are my top 30 non financial articles of 2020.


1659 days ago

Simon Reeve & the Caribbean – more BBC bias on global warming fake news

I noted yesterday how the second show in Simon Reeve’s BBC jaunt around the Caribbean had airbrushed history to create a civil war where only right wing corporate funded militias did bad things. The programme ended with the presenter meeting a very short race of indigenous people in Colombia.


1660 days ago

Even the BBC’s travel programmes aim to misinform – Simon Reeve in the Caribbean

I have rather liked the historic works of Mr Reeve. Okay they are pretty superficial but what he says is often of interest and so last night I sat watching the second part of his Caribbean tour. This was poisoned by sheer fake news from his BBC masters.
