Tom Moore

1254 days ago

Things that became racist in 2021 No 569: sacking a librarian for burning library books

I know that burning books by authors who were disapproved of in some way might have been fashionable in 1930s Germany but most folks today would see it as a not altogether progressive act. But it seems that among some progressives, it seems to be an act that is coming back into fashion. Among the new liberal book burners is Mr Cameron Williams, a librarian.


1255 days ago

Things that became racist in 2021, number 345: the Mediterranean Diet

It joins a long list: drinking coffee, knickers, sand, covid, the covid vaccination programme, Dad’s Army, paying tribute to Tom Moore, dating a person of colour, not dating a person of colour, eating fried chicken, fancying Priti Patel or Rishi Sunak, the list goes on and on. But the Mediterranean Diet is not only racist but it upholds white supremacy as well!


1268 days ago

Things that became racist in 2021: fighting climate change

It joins a long list including: bras, knickers, dating a person of colour, not dating a person of colour, drinking coffee and, as of yesterday, paying tribute to the late Captain Tom Moore.


1269 days ago

No Vicar Don’t apologise – you are the sort of reason the Church of England is such a mess

Yesterday I revealed how joining the ever longer list of things that became racist in 2021 was celebrating the life and mourning the passing of Tom Moore. Who said so? A Church of England Vicar.


1269 days ago

Things that became racist in 2021 - remembering the death of Captain Tom Moore

It joins a long list. Knickers, bras, drinking coffee, Dad’s Army, dating a person of colour, fancying Rishi Sunak, not dating a person of colour are all racist as are so many other things. And now joining an ever expanding list is remembering and marking with respect the passing of the late Captain Tom Moore. You have been warned. It offends at least one person so is almost certainly a hate crime. Don’t do it!


1270 days ago

Commie journalist Ash Sarkar, the darling of the BBC - a fail for logic on Tom Moore

Of course she can say what she likes. But equally I hope that I am still allowed to point out that she gets a logic fail with her Tom Moore tweet. To give Ms Sarkar enormous credit, she did not start off with the sort of cliched 140 character eulogies which almost every other celeb, journalist and politician sent out, meaningless piffle designed to make them look good rather than to provide actual comfort to the late Captain Moore’s family. 
