United Ireland

550 days ago

Bobby Sands the baby murderer and those who want a United Ireland

I explained the other day why Northern Ireland does not have a Catholic majority or a majority who want a United Ireland, whatever the BBC and the rest of the media GroupThink might tell you. The key “swing votes” are those who identify as Northern Irish, largely of a Protestant background but now saying they have no faith, folks we might term Garden Centre Unionists. And this brings us to Bobby Sands.


557 days ago

Tom Winnifrith postcard - the data lies you are being fed by the BBC and others: Northern Ireland does not want a United Ireland

I refer to another data manipulator, the LGBT campaigner Peter Tatchell HERE. But this is about Ulster and how you are being lied to about Catholic majorities, and the desire for Ulster to be part of a United Ireland if not now then inevitably in the future. I look at the hard data from the 2021 census which the media GroupThink, always sympathetic to the Republican cause, manipulate to post a false narrative. I also discuss the true history of the IRA and the Troubles and what are kids are not being taught as they are encouraged to romanticise evil. Maybe those of us who back Ulster might need to start explaining the real history and facts of “the troubles.” 


811 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Podcast: No Ulster DID NOT vote for a United Ireland

That is what the media and the liberal elitists wish to tell you but it is a a lie. Shame on them all for parroting Sinn Fein/IRA. Parties supporting a United Ireland actually lost seats on Thursday.  I explain the media’s disdain for Unionism, what actually happened and why there should, therefore under the terms of the Good Friday Agrement, be no poll on a United Ireland whatever IRA/Sinn Fein and their ignorant apologists such as Piers Morgan and the BBC suggest. 


3052 days ago

Tom Winnifrith postcard - the Easter Uprising 1916 celebrations are all based on lies

How to annoy both communities in Ireland in 20 minutes. Admit that you too want a United Ireland but then point out how events in 1916 made that impossible and all the lies we ignore about events 100 years ago. This Easter, I shall say a prayer for the Dublin Fusilliers, brave men of both faiths who were slaughtered horribly 100 years ago, not for Pearse and his associates whose legacy is a poisonous one built on lies. Even Republicans should be able to admit that now.
