299 days ago
Events in Edinburgh this week highlighted by Nicky Campbell, bring my mind back to historic abuse at my old school Warwick. The bastard who physically abused me, Geoffrey Eve, got a one way ticket to hell last year. But my long and, ultimately successful, campaign to get Warwick to name Eve and apologise lead to my involvement in exposing Warwick’s paedophile teachers. I have already named one, the music master Charles Watmough.
568 days ago
Warwick School’s public admission & apology to we victims HERE, twelve years into my campaigning, that it did have a problem with historic sexual and physical abuse, and my naming of one master, the music teacher Charles Watmough HERE seems to be opening, in a small way, the floodgates. Since Thursday two more victims of Watmough have come forward. I spoke to number 5 this morning…