West Virginia

2532 days ago

#TheResistance is laughable #TrumpResign trends on twitter for a few hours - back in the real world look at coal exports

My twitter feed is set to a New York location. In many ways it is where my heart is though my body is rarely there. And overnight #TrumpResign was trending. How pathetic it was.


2988 days ago

Just two weeks to stop crooked Clinton handing the White House keys to Trump

By June 7th after the California Democrat primary we will know for sure whether the Dems really want to hand the presidency to Donald Trump on a plate. 

Right now, crooked Hillary - for that is how she is perceived - is about 100 delegates short of winning the Democrat nomination. However that is in good part to the fact that the unelected Super Delegates , party officials, right now break for her c525 to 30 ( with 157 undeclared). In terms of elected Delegates Hillary leads crackpot socialist mad Bernie Sanders 1,771 to 1,449. 

But Sanders has been winning most of the recent primaries including West Virginia where he slaughtered crooked Hillary even though Clinton had beaten Obama in the same state. Democrat strategists should note that a third of those voting Sanders (so a fifth of registered Dems) in West Virginia say they would vote Trump in a contest against Clinton. That hands the state to the GOP. 

As of today, 
