
1132 days ago

The Spectrum of Liberal insanity - Zionism is Queerphobic, queers for Palestine

I bring you below some placards for a march next week in Chicago. I am not sure if this is a march for Pride or for Palestine, it matters little, but I suggest that those taking part may want to take my 3 part quiz for the woke community about Pride in the Middle East.


1158 days ago

Video - this is why British Jews now feel abandoned and terrified, it is time we non Jews must say #JeSuisJuif

For one younger reader, please note the way that those who hate Jews in this video use the words Zionists and Jews interchangeably. When folks say they do not hate Jews just Zionists, they dissemble. They hate Jews. This video puts Britain to shame. It is no wonder that so many Jews feel terrified as never before. Why do we need Israel? Because at some point, if we as a nation do not stand up for the Jews, it will become just too terrifying for many folks to be Jewish in this country and in France and much of Europe. 


2779 days ago

Photo Article: The Christmas Tree is up with decorations from my life around the world

Today is the annual Christmas party held by the Mrs for her mad lefty friends, a Godless bunch who regard Christmas as having nothing to do with Christ. The normal score is that I do the cooking then, to avoid being emboldened by a few glasses of wine into pointing out that whatever they are saying is patent nonsense, I feign illness and go to bed. Let them believe


3661 days ago

So who thinks that the Jews are cockroaches? Who are you backing? Israel or Hamas?

I noted the other day that there is no moral equivalence between Hamas and Israel. Hamas fires rockets to kill Jews. It does not target it just wishes to kill Jews. Israel sends in planes to target rockets. The fact that Hamas puts its rickets in schools, hospitals and residential areas means that Israel kills civilians. Hamas uses its own people as a human shield. Hamas seeks civilian death, Israel seeks merely to prevent civilian death.

Yet still folks here in Britain line up to defend Hamas and attack Israel. Have they watched the latest Hamas video posted on YouTube (now removed) in Hebrew? It is a war song including the line:
