1167 days ago
The husband of our great leader, Carrie Antoinette, has said that he will tell us all on December 18 whether he is going to cancel Christmas or not. He says this on a day when the WHO, normally bedwetters and scaremongers themselves, confirm that across this planet nobody at all has died from the Omicron variant of Covid. In contrast 1.8 people per second die from all other causes.
1283 days ago
Yesterday I published a chart based on data nobody disputes showing that the percent of kids getting top A level grades had rocketed in the two years in which grades were based on teacher assessment, rather than sitting exams. I reproduce the chart again as it is striking. There are two possible interpretations:
1390 days ago
I comment on St George’s Day HERE. In a long podcast I look at Versarien (VRS), Audioboom (BOOM) – misleading again – Bluebird Merchant Ventures (BMV), Bitcoin and Argo Blockchain (ARB), Bahamas Petroleum (BPC) and the fraud Supply@ME Capital (SYME). And we are now just three hundred quid shy of £14,000 for Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks, please donate HERE.
1710 days ago
I predicted earlier today that the purging of statues and street names associated with figures from the past with slaving links, however tenuous, would soon see the great Liberal leader William Ewart Gladstone in trouble. It did not take long for bedwetters at Liverpool University to decide that their Gladstone Hall needed renaming.
1734 days ago
I have always been a big fan of Priti Patel largely because she has an unrivalled ability to infuriate the liberal metropolitan chattering classes. The Mrs says that if we had another child she wants it to have an Indian name. I have hitherto said a daughter should be called Priti in honour of the true heir to Thatcher. The Mrs was opposed to that and I have now changed my mind after the tweet below from the Home Secretary. It is a brazen lie but it is symptomatic of a Govenment whose Covid policy is now all about coverng up its own blunders rather than doing the right thing. And, as such, we are now being fed lie after lie which the MSM, having bought into the mad GroupThink without question, is only starting to dare to call out.
2503 days ago
It is five years since the death of Margaret Thatcher, our greatest ever Prime Minister. A couple of weeks later, with my friend Lucian Miers and tens of thousands of others, I stood in silence on Ludgate Hill as her coffin passed by on its way to St Pauls. As we celebrate her life, here's a short video for the snowflakes, Maggie explains that there is no such thing as public money. Don't rush off to find a safe space in which to cry, you pathetic bedwetters but the money tree really does not exist. Take a lesson on that from a woman who grew up in a room above a corner store enjoying almost none of the luxuries, handouts and "rights" that you take for granted.
2517 days ago
Porn star Stormy Daniels was doing what she does best last night, that is to say baring all and making up a little bit more for the cameras. Back in 2006 she appears to have had sex with Donald Trump. She took cash from The Trumpster to keep her mouth shut, after - no doubt - being lavished with gifts by the same man for doing the opposite. But she has now decided that she must earn more cash by speaking out. Her story seems embellished. Did Trump really say that Stormy (classic white trash) reminded him of his daughter Ivanka ( quite classy) as he screwed her? I doubt it but that sort of "added extra" will rake in the extra dollars for Stormy.