3358 days ago
Bombing attacks by Turkey on their kinsman, ISIS chopping off heads of their soldiers? A record heatwave in the region killing the old folk and kids? A war on three fronts? Bugger that, these are but trivial issues for the Government of Kurdistan, top of its agenda is protecting the wealth of Bulletin Board morons who own shares in Gulf Keystone Petroleum (GKP). Well that is what flip flop Ben Turney, Paul Curtis and other bulls of this stock want you to believe. They are wrong.
3399 days ago
An ISIS recruit from Indonesia turnned up in downtown Raqqa fully aware that he carried the AIDS virus but bei ng a good fellow he promptly donated blood to assist any of his comrades injured in battle. It appears that at least one of his fellow Islamofascists, an Egyptian, has now gone down with early stage Aids and he has also infected his 15 year old Yazidi sex slave.
Given the share and share alike spirit of ISIS at least two Saudi fighters were also allowed to rape the 15 year old, all in the name of Islam, Allah be praised, and they too are now infected. Who else
3558 days ago
Imagine what would happen if Israel beheaded a woman for whatever crime within sight of the Wailing Wall? There would be mass demonstrations, the Guardian would lead a media campaign demanding sanctions and worse. This would be universally condemned by Western leaders and the state of Israel would be – rightly – slated as Neanderthal and barbaric. Luckily those wicked Jews don’t do that sort of thing.
But yesterday the Saudi’s beheaded a woman - Lalia Bint Abdul Muttablib Basim - in Mecca. Video footage