
2492 days ago

Bulletin Board & Twitter moron of the week - yes its a Frontera shareholder

Having exposed all the big stockmarket frauds of the past five years on this website (Quindell, Globo, Cloudtag, MySquar, blinkx, Gulf Keystone, Naibu, Daniel Stewart, Sefton, China Chaintek, Aquatic Foods, Cupid, Avanti and the list goes on and on and on) I never cease to wonder at the stupidity of some folks who invest in such stocks. But Frontera (FRR) shareholders are managing to shock me - truly some of them are the dumbest fucks on this planet.


2753 days ago

BREAKING: Now Roger Lawson & his lawyers bully Audioboom to get another bearcast taken down

Are there no depths to which Roger Lawson of ShareSoc, Globo and blinkx fame will not go in order to gag a free press? The latest trick from Roger and his bully boylawyers Keystone is to mislead to Audioboom. Roger's lawyers have again been in touch with Audioboom about a post. You will remember that two days a go they argued that a bearcast from July 2017 was libellous and Audioboom did not have the balls to question this and just removed it - full details on thst shameful day plus the bearcast in question now hosted on another platform are HERE. Buoyed by the fact that Audioboom are just plain pussies, the bully boy lawyers and Lawson have tried it on again. So late last night a poltroon called Alex from Audioboom wrote to me:


2770 days ago

Reader poll: Who has been stupid enough to send Tom Winnifrith a lawyer's letter now?

Don't these fools ever learn? For chancers and crooks like Darren Winters, the shysters at Globo, Blinkx, Quindell and Daniel Stewart and for lyin Chris Cleverley and Lord Hain of sleaze and for so many others, sending me a fascist lawyers letter never works out well. That is not for them at least. But it seems there is one born every day. A new letter is in demanding that three years of articles be removed, that damages and costs be paid and that I put my name to a grovelling apology dictated by this poltroon. Who do you think is daft enough to have sent it? Vote now in our latest poll with a deadline of midnight tonight.


2905 days ago

Roger Lawson at ShareSoc is at it again - how do they tolerate this man?

ShareSoc does some great work for private investors. Sadly its former chairman RogerLawson of blinkx & Globo fame - taken apart brilliantly by Paul Scott HERE -  continues to behave in a way that is not acceptablel. He was at it again last night and also a week or so ago.


2909 days ago

NCC Group – All Credibility Gone? So asks Roger Lawson of ShareSoc

Roger Lawson the chairman of SharSoc is of course a great expert on tech stocks. That was why he was able to dismiss so easily criticism from myself, Ben Edelman and Paul Scott about blinkx (BLNX) and Globo (GBO), two of his big holdings. . Now it seems that another "Lawson winner" emerges - NCC Group (NCC) which had an awful statement yesterday as I explained HERE.


2946 days ago

Wise words from the man who tipped Globo & Blinkx - Roger Lawson

Who has just written "I said in our last newsletter that my portfolio performance was disappointing in 2016, but I am feeling a lot better now as I made a reasonable profit and better than most of the "expert" tipsters it seems. Perhaps the moral to be drawn from this news is that it might be best to do your own research rather than pick up tips from others and rely on them for investment purposes. Reading the national press or other publications might be useful for picking up ideas, but you should consider any tips with an appropriate amount of scepticism until you have researched the companies and fully understood what they do and their financial structure. In other words, don't simply believe what you read.


2976 days ago

ShareSoc's Roger Lawson attacks evil shorters & backs failed regulators as Paysafe shares tumble

Here we go again. Wicked and evil bears launch an attack on a great British company and Roger Lawson of ShareSoc insists he knows better, just like he did with Globo and Blinkx, and attacks the bears. He opines on his blog with three readers:


3161 days ago

ShareSoc thinks AIM can lose the Casino tag but its demands say it all & say nothing

ShareSoc, home to disgraced ramper Roger Lawson of blinkx, Globo and general infamy, reckons that AIM Can lose its Casino tag but needs reform. On the latter point that seems like a statement of the bleeding obvious but what does ShareSoc demand? Honestly you could not make this stuff up.


3211 days ago

Reader Poll: Which PLC has sent a fascist lawyers letter warning UK Investor speakers - we are being watched

This is becoming a bit of an annual ritual. And it is always a kiss of death for an PLC that tries to bully UK Investor Show speakers with fascist lawyers letters. Like it really worked out well for blinkx (BLNX) did it not? So which PLC has made its shares a slam dunk sell with a fascist lawyers letter last night reminding us that they have bought a ticket and we are being watched and threatening awful things. You vote in our latest poll - deadline midnight tonight. Is it:


3233 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 5 April: Roger Lawson are you still talking cock on blinkx? Apologise

Firstly happy birthday to my father - I have a present see HERE. Then a message on landing times for UK Investor tickets. If you have not booked yet do so now. Then I am going to annoy Paul Scott by bashing Roger Lawson. Those who followed Lawson's advice as he endorsed blinkx (BLNX) without declaring his holding are 90% down. Yet he is yet to apologise to them or to those he attacked as we pointed out why his analysis was all cock. So let's look at the dire trading statement today. Then it is onto Asiamet (ARS), Strat Aero (AERO), Iofina (IOF), Fitbug (FITB), Vast Resources (VAST) and finally a detailed look at Rare Earth Minerals (REM) and some interesting points raised by Andrew Monk.


3315 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 14 January - Blenheim disgrace, Rosslyn ramps & other AIM shockers

I start with last night's/this morning's twitter tag team trolling of me by David Lenigas and Yusuf Kajee of Afriag (AFRI). I really feel pity for them and next time I go to Church ( December 24th) will pray for them. Then it is on to ADVFN (AFN) and its share price movement, to Blenheim Natural Resources (BNR) & African Potash (AFPO) an AIM tale of shame. Then I move into Riosslyn Data (RDT) and the looming placing, blinkx (BLNX) and Restaurant Group (RTN)


3373 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 17 November - in sights: NHS, blinkx and Jabba the Hutt

In today's podcast I start with my thoughts on the NHS. Guardian readers may wish to fast forward past that.Then it is onto assisting a twitter dickead (not David Lenigas) on Reach4Entertainment (R4E) and Nigel Wray. Then it is onto CDialogues (CDOG), blinkx (BLNX) and Havelock Europa (HVE). Finally a few more words on Gulf Keystone (GKP), Alba (ALBA) and Horse Hill.


3398 days ago

Bitch fight at the twitter OK coral: top share blogger Paul Scott trashes Roger Lawson

I have long maintained that Roger Lawson of ShareScoc promoted blinkx (BLNX) without declaring a position and attacked folks like myself and Ben Edelman who disagreed, declaring that he was a “software expert”.  It now appears that the software expert was also long of Monitise (MONI) and Globo (GBO)


3413 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 9 October - Prof Ben Edelman has a word for us all

In today's podcast I get a little help from Professor Ben Edelman as I discuss: blinkx (BLNX), Iofina (IOF), Adgorithms (ADGO), SeaEnergy (SEA) and Sefton Resources (SER). I have avoided mentioning Paul Scott since he has declined to send me any more tips on his guidance for healthy living for at least 48 hours. 


3456 days ago

Blinkx AGM – even Roger Lawson of ShareSoc gives up on CEO Brian Mukherjee, when is his P45 due?

That blinkx (BLNX) is a total dog is now beyond doubt. Steve Moore and I called it right and we are still bearish (see HERE) but now it seems that shareholders are waking up and that for CEO Brian Mukherjee the “black bag” day may be looming. Even Roger Lawson of ShareSoc is on his case.

At no-one is watching O’Clock


3456 days ago

EBITDA is a bull market metric for fools and knaves – ref blinkx and Globo

I leave it to Steve Moore to have the pleasure of plunging the knife into the dog blinkx (BLNX) after its profits warning HERE. It is a dog pure and simple and the shares, at 21p, are a stonking sell with a 12p target for starters. On the matter of blinkx we long term bears are again vindicated while the self-proclaimed expert on the stock, the disgraced ramper Roger Lawson of ShareSoc is one more shown up as a fool as well as a knave. But now to EBITDA.


3459 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 23 August - Update on my 10 (14) stocks to sell for summer

The Bear shares portfolio I outlined for summer on 19 July HERE is doing pretty well i.e tanking.  Yesterday I outlined my reasons for continuing to remain bearish at a macro level HERE and I also refer to an excellent piece on Zero Hedge HERE. Then I return to the bear portfolio which is:

Avanti Communications, blinkx, Mosman Oil & Gas. LGO Energy, Jiasen, China Chaintek, JQW, Camkids, Rosslyn Data Technologies, blur, Outsourcery and Gulf Keystone.


3501 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 12 July, Blinkx, Avanti, Easyjet, Greece and a feeling of alienation

I am back in the UK and in this podcast start to comment in detail on a couple of companies notably Avanti Communications and blinkx as well as a few wider issues.


3556 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast - 18 May

Naturally I start this podcast with my big news - last night's encounter with a snake: did I kill it. You can read about that HERE. Next up is a detailed look at today's news from Environmental Recycling (ENRT), formerly 3DM, then onto Tomco, Rose Petroleum, Tungsten, Blinkx, Sefton and Solgold. And then for some folks out there - including Chris Oil - I explain what constitutes market abuse and/or insider dealing and what the FCA should do about what is NOT a victimless crime.


3581 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Oh boy I am flying today

I am in a good mood today as I launch into a podcast tirade. Under fire are: Crap Oil, Sorry Trap Oil, Edenville, Condor Gold (placing ahoy), Plethora (ditto), Mosman (ditto), Matomy Media, blinkx and then a full frontal assault on Camkids - come on Nick Harris at Allenby be a hero, you know what to do


3583 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 21 April

I refer to blinkx and the cracking Ben Edelman video HERE and discuss why companies that scam customers are bad investments. I then moved onto the market being in a good mood and discuss Greatland Gold, Mosman Oil & Gas, Environment Recycling and other shit. Then it is onto UK Oil & Gas and why the mainstream press is after Big Dave Lenigas. Then onto a couple of dogs, lead by Shoe Zone and Prospex Oil. Prospex who you say? Dogs can change their name but not their fleas.


3583 days ago

Explosive Ben Edelman UK Investor show video - he nails blinkx Again!

Once again Professor Ben Edelman nailed the awful business practices of blinkx (BLNX) at the Uk Investor show. The Web Sheriff was on gine form as the video below demonstrates.


3585 days ago

Blinkx – are you braced for some more fun? Ben Edelman was on cracking form, ho ho ho

Ben Edelman promised new material on blinkx (BLNX) at the 2015 UK Investor show and he did not disappoint.  I am working hard to get the full video of the Web Sheriff up as soon as possible but it is pretty explosive stuff.


3585 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Highlights of UK Investor Show

In this podcast I look back at some of the themes and highlights (for me) of UK Investor Show 2015. The hall was packed and I hope that folks all had fun. There are some pictures of the day HERE and to order tickets on an early bird 50% discount for April 16 2016 click HERE and there is a last chance to win a holday at the Greek Hovel HERE.  Among the highlights for me were the Horse Hill panel, Ben Edelman on blinkx which was damming, the bears on Tungsten which was also pretty damming but the buy ideas from Mark Slater, Paul Scott and Paul Jourdan. Luke Johnson was a cracking performer and I think I wasnot too bad either. Anyhow, I reflect on yesterday.


3596 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 8 April: Defending NonDoms and more

I start by defending NonDoms. Do not get me wrong the owner of Chelsea FC is not my fave guy but the politics of envy is self defeating. Then to stocks - I start with the China Norfolks and then it is onto Coms, blinkx, Trinity Exploration, the BG/Shell deal and what it means for smaller oil stocks and Starcom.

PS My ticket for UK Investor Show arrived today. I hope yours have too - if not email [email protected] to find out why and chase.


3596 days ago

blinkx trading statement is dire and worse is to come on April 18

Today’s trading statement from blinkx must be making even Roger Lawson from ShareSoc splutter into his cornflakes as it is truly dire. No wonder that the shares, 90p a year ago as Lawson said the bears did not know what they were talking about, are just 28.5p and falling. And worse is to come for this POS as a 100% vindicated Ben Edelman will be having another go at on April 18 in Westminster.


3612 days ago

Bearcast 24 March - a shocking revelation ( or two)

In today's podcast I reflect on all the moron comments on Bulletin Boards every time Ive been threatened with legal action by crony capitalists or outright crooks. I forgot to mention Angus Forrest of Tern in that list but it did not work out to well for him just like threats from Globo, Range Resources, blinkx, Quindell, Cupid, Sefton, TXO and now Worthington as well as the clowns in charge of the LSE Asylum all ended up badly for them. Get used to it folks, I pick my targets carefully and I win! I then have a shock revelation about TXO before going on to discuss eServGlobal, Rosslyn Data, Mosman Oil & Gas and more.


3636 days ago

Reader Post of the Day – Blinkx

We flagged up early yesterday that a change of auditor is always worth looking into especially when the firm is one link blinkx (BLNX) which has issued profits warnings, attacked its critics with lawyer’s letters and was spun out of Autonomy whose accounts have been questioned a tad. And thus hat tip to Tempress for pointing this out picking up a very perceptive post on ADVFN. Over to temptress


3645 days ago

Worthington – I am going to piss all over you, literally

And so the lawyer’s letter – well email – from Worthington PLC (WRN) to me has arrived. And as with lawyers letters from Quindell, Sefton, blinkx, Globo and others it is now on display at Free Speech & Liberty Pizza House. In fact it is on display in the gents as you can see below.


3649 days ago

The Financial Times claims my scoop as its & then covers it up – scumbags

At 8.47 AM on 12 February I published a bearcast (HERE) with devastating new material on Quindell and Ingenie. As a courtesy I, at once, emailed a link to journalists who had followed this fraud including Paul Murphy and Dan McCrum of the Financial Times.

After noon on 13th February McCrum then ran the same story as his own giving no attribution. It was apparently his scoop - HERE. 

This has been flagged up on the FT’s website with Bryce Elder of the FT weighing in saying that it was an FT scoop, they were working on it for a long time as “proper journalists need tome to check facts etc”.  Fine but who ran the story first????

Mr Elder has form when it comes to lying in print. 


3675 days ago

Punching the air at Real Man Pizza – now we go on the attack for free speech & great food

Real Man Pizza Company is one of the worst rated Tripadvisor restaurants in London. Over the past year free speech denying shareholders in blinx, Quindell and other POS companies have reacted to my – vindicated – sell calls by posting bogus reviews and boasting about them online. 

Tripadvispor has been shown proof of this but has refused to act. We have not be helped by having only a 1* (on a scale of 0-5) hygiene rating from the Council. That was a result of legacy issues: years of capital under-spend and poor staff training. They knew what to do to follow the rules but could not explain why. 

We have invested heavily in upgrading the place and in our staff and for yonks have been begging for a re-inspection as we have known that we were massively underscored for most of last year. 

The inspector finally arrived last week and gave us 4/5 classification “good”. That is a lagging indicator as we have been at that level for ages. All those reviews claiming the place was dirty, etc were just lies. 

Even last week a bloke posted a review claiming the waiter was drunk. Our waiters are female – they are waitresses. Our


3684 days ago

Hey Roger Lawson: Mr blinkx expert how are your shares doing?

I have not picked a fight with anyone for a week or so but as its my Birthday tomorrow I thought I’d treat myself and have a go at Roger Lawson of ShareSoc as he has written a piece today that is mean spirited in omission if not content. Journalists like fights and I have been goaded.

Lawson gives all the credit for the Naibu kill to my pal Paul Scott. Paul has done great stuff on Naibu and I praise him for it. But with respect it was I who exposed the criminal past of Naibu’s CEO, I who raised Naibu’s profile at its AGM, I who discredited the tawdry research on Naibu by Daniel Stewart and I think that I should get some credit for my work on Fuijian frauds generally.  It was I who first openly accused Naibu in print of being a fraud and oft repeated that charge. Just search this website. The omission by Lawson is deliberate.

Lawson and I fell out big time over blinkx (BLNX). He wrote 


3706 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast - blinkx Special

I look at the past year, at Ben Edelman, today's acquisition (AdKarma), the way blinkx (BLNX) presents numbers, cashflows and valuation in this podcast special


3731 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's BearCast (with a sore head) - 11 November

I many not be at my sharpest but I am not pulling any punches as the Quindell scandal deepens. This podcast covers Quindell, Daniel Stewart, Cenkos, KPMG, the lies, the fraud, the implosion and what the fallout will be. I also look at blinkx ( dire results & another Sheriff win), warn you about African Minerals and look at stocks on a PE of less than 1.


3749 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's BearCast 6 November

I commend you al to listen to my earlier BearCast special on Quindell the truth about yesterday's announcement - HERE. Thanks for all the kind words about it.  Moving on I discuss cash or lack of it, NPV and why that is all that matters. En passant I cover Globo, Monitise and blinkx but then move on in real detail to Corero and in less detail to Sweet and Sefton.

To hear more from me about the Quenron End game and for free pizza and champagne book in for Monday's seminar - details HERE


3753 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's BearCast 30th October

In this podcast I start with a broad macro sweep following a chat with Evil Knievil earlier. The end of QE (pro tem), interest rates and how this will all affect equities and other asset classes. I then move on to some observations some general but some specific about Quindell, Fitbug, Monitise, Globo, blinkx and Independent Oil & Gas.


3778 days ago

New World Oil & Gas: The ShareProphets Style of Rooting out Fraud & lies Vindicated again – BB Morons weep

Once again this website has exposed fraud, lies and deceit on the AIM casino – with regard to New World Oil & Gas (NEW). The statement from today vindicates everything that we have written and it has vindicated our approach. To the Bulletin Board Morons who attacked our articles as they averaged down I have no sympathy. You were warned but you insulted us. And you know who is next….

We do not produce 72 page Gotham City Research style dossiers when we go after crime on the AIM Casino. Our style is to unpick what is going on bit by bit. It might take 200 articles but we will get there. We do not waste our efforts where there is no wrongdoing whether it be grotesque stock overpromotion or outright fraud. We only go after the bad guys. Sefton, Range, Vialogy, New World, Cupid, Gulf Keystone, blinkx – we have been 100% vindicated. And you all know who is next…..


3778 days ago

Let’s pretend we are taking legal action say the PLC casino “players

”What do the following companies have in common: blinkx, Globo, Quindell, Range Resources and Sefton Resources? It is a two part answer. 

The first is that all five have sent me at least one lawyer’s letter as they did not like what I have written. The second is that the share prices of all five halve fallen SINCE they sent the letter (as well as after my articles).

The reality is that companies that issue lies in an RNS


3796 days ago

Do Bulletin Board Morons Ever Learn or Ever apologise – discussion with top blogger Paul Scott

It was only the other day that a Bulletin Board Moron owning shares in Naibu (NBU) referred to me as Winnifraud, accusing me of making it all up. Hey presto come Friday there were dire interims and t is clear that it is not me that is the Norfolk and the moron saw his investment slump in value by another 40%. Worse is to come as I shall reveal later today.  But this follows the same pattern as we have seen with Range Resources, Sefton, Vialogy, Globo, Quindell, Iofina, blinkx, Gulf Keystone, Outsourcery etc. etc. Folks like myself and Paul Scott, the great share blogger, point out obvious reasons to sell and all we get is abuse. Paul posted this on ShareProphets yesterday re Naibu


3838 days ago

blinkx & Skyrocket – it has not learned its Edelman lesson: just not investment grade material: sell

Earlier this year blinkx (BLNX) shares took one hell of a beating when my good friend Ben Edelman exposed them for engaging in business practices which were illegal. Blinkx huffed and puffed and employed bully boy lawyers but has not managed to refute Edelman’s charges which you can see him outline HERE. You would have thought it would have learned its lesson…au contraire.

Last week it announced a new product launch


3861 days ago

Ref Avanti Communications, Globo, Quindell, blinkx etc LISTEN to Vin Murria in this video

And so Avanti Communications (AVN) has served up a duff trading statement as we warned you 9 days ago in our top 10 stocks to short feature HERE.  Which tech dud will be next? Globo (GBO), Quindell (QPP) - ref Himex or perhaps blinkx (BLNX)? Again! To understand how to make money from tech stocks listen to the maestros in the video below from UK Investor Show, notably Vin Murria, the Queen of tech who is on top (outspoken) form.


3862 days ago

ShareProphets (Prophets of Doom), REM, Bulletin Board Morons – a FINAL word

On twitter, on various bulletin boards and on the comments section here on ShareProphets  and elsewhere we have come under sustained attack for 24 hours – let me set the record straight. And then I can get back to dealing with the snakes, rats and bats that infest my home for the summer in Greece.

  1. Some commentators have stated that they have no sympathy with the threats made against myself, ChrisOil and James Parter by Bulletin Board Morons BUT… we have brought it on ourselves by being so bearish, etc. Bollocks. There can be no BUYS on this one. Making threats is illegal. And threatening writers because you disagree with what they say is just plain wrong. Anyone who cannot appreciate that there can be no BUT’s in this matter has a screw loose. I suggest they start their therapy by reading 1984 ref ThoughtCrime and follow that up with On Liberty by John Stuart Mill.
  2. Others attack ShareProphets 

3867 days ago

Financial Journalism should be accurate not balanced – yes this is ref Quindell (and blinkx, etc.)

I note that the FT is now getting it in the neck from Bulletin Board Morons for running articles on Quindell (QPP) and other POS Aim stocks which are deemed not to be “balanced.” Welcome to the club ladies and gentlemen.

Financial journalists should take a view on any given stock. If a publication served up a stream of articles concluding “we don’t know” or “hold” then you have to ask what is the point? We should say whether any stock is going to go up or down.

If a publication consistently gets it wrong then market forces will dictate that it perishes. No-one will bother to follow its advice or read it and it dies. Those whose who take a view and get it right more often that they get it wrong (no-one apart from Bulletin Board Morons gets it right ALL the time) will survive and flourish.

Financial journalists have a duty


3867 days ago

ShareProphets disagrees with itself you have zero credibility says the Bulletin Board Moron

So posted some utter moron in the comments section of this website at the weekend. In fact we get a post a week in that vein. I guess Bulletin Board Morons just do not get it so let me explain once again.

There have now been 36 writers who have contributed to this website. They do so for a variety of reasons but one central reason is that – unlike some other websites – there is no house view. Folks writing here are not told what stocks to write about. That is their choice.  And they are not told when to write. Once again that is their choice.

And critically they are not told what to say, once again they can conclude that a stock is a buy, a sell or a hold. We would never change their conclusions we change only grammar and reserve the right to remove copy that is patently libellous. But it is a core principle of this website that the author is entitled to his or her opinion whatever Ben or myself might think of it.

Thus Gary Newman was entitled to say buy blinkx 


3872 days ago

blinkx – This Stinks! Dire Profits warning

"S. Brian Mukherjee, Ed Bridges at FTI, ultra-thick hackette Harriet Denys, Citi Group, Numis Securities, Richard Eaton of bullyboy lawyer Twobirds, Roger Lawson--we have beaten them all. We have beaten them all. S. Brian Mukherjee can you hear me? S. Brian Mukherjee, I have a message for you in the middle of the share price collapse. I have a message for you: We have been 100% vindicated on your POS stock. S. Brian Mukherjee, as they say in your language in the boxing bars around Madison Square Garden in New York: Your boys took a hell of a beating! Your boys took a hell of a beating."  Yes blinkx (BLNX) has served up a disastrous profits warning.


3872 days ago

Blinkx – questions for the Sunday Times and for Numis Securities

I read with interest a puff piece for blinkx (BLNX) in the Money section of The Sunday Times. For the avoidance of doubt, despite receiving two lawyers’ letters from this company, I have always been a bear and remain so after last week’s dire profits alert as you can see HERE. But what makes newspapers print this shit other, perhaps, than that the journalists might get a cushy job on “the dark side” if they such enough PR cock for long enough.

The ST headline is “Tech boss buys shares on the cheap” – the story is how Subhransu Mukherjee, the CEO of POS enterprise blinkx bought 250,000 shares in his company at 34p after last week’s dire profits warning. But why does the Sunset Times reckons that 34p is cheap? There is absolutely no analytical evidence for that assertion and I note that:


3872 days ago

Weekly Video Postcard #70 – Off to The Greek Hovel & The Political Paedophile Cover Up Edition

This may be my last video postcard for a while. The Mrs has bought a hovel in Greece and I am off late on Thursday night to start its renovation. It really is a hovel and right now has no internet and is a 15 minute drive from the nearest habitation. But I will work hard on getting connected ASAP.

And then I shall keep you updated on gripping matters such as the construction of an eco-loo and a humanure system and on bush clearance and digging out an earth floor or tow. Oh.. and on the snake situation.

From humanure I turn to the Westminster paedophile cover-up. It is a cover up and everyone on Fleet Street knows who is being protected and why the ripples could spread far and wide.  The age of those directly involved is no defence as I explain.

My weekly financial video postcard starts with a discussion of those bears who have attacked Quindell (QPP) and blinkx (BLNX) inter alia. Tom explains why they need to be more transparent. Having said that, I also explain why bears play such a key role in protecting investors on AIM. This video can be watched HERE


3876 days ago

That Ben Edelman Video from April Again – why no sane person would have held blinkx

We faced down the bully boy lawyers from blinkx (BLNX) & threats from Bulletin Board Morons to bring you Ben Edelman at UK Investor 2014. At the time the blinkx fan club (step forward Citi– Buy target price 175p, have you guys adjusted that yet?) Bryce Eldercock at the FT, dimwit Harriet Denys at The Telegraph and blinkx shareholder Roger Lawson of ShareSoc dismissed Ben as saying nothing. You guys all so sure now? 

Ben made explicit claims at UK Investor Show 2014 which blinkx has abjectly failed to answer.


3879 days ago

Watch Evil Knievil, Matt Earl and Lucian Miers on video at the UK Investor Show 2014 – how right they were

You may not like short sellers but the bear raider panel at the UK Investor Show 2014 called things right on a range of stocks from blinkx (BLNX), to Globo (GBO), to Quindell (QPP) as you can see in the video below. Evil Knievil, Lucian Miers and Matt Earl (The Dark Destroyer) have all promised to return for another main stage masterclass at UK Investor Show 2015 on April 18.

The 2015 show will also feature Nigel Wray, Paul Scott, Ed Croft, Mark Slater, Ben Edelman, Amanda Van Dyke, Dominic Frisby, and Vin Murria – in fact 50 big name speakers. Tickets are now on sale at £60 (Golden Ticket) and £12 (Investor ticket).

But you can buy early bird tickets at a 50% discount up until midnight tomorrow (Monday 30th June) HERE.

The 2014 video is below…


3880 days ago

blinkx – I disagree with Gary as it is a sell & my top three stocks to short on AIM

Yesterday my colleague Gary Newman argued HERE that at 66p shares in blinkx (BLNX) were a buy. I respect Gary but disagree with him, this company is not worth £264 million. The shares remain a sell.

I start on the fundamental basis that Ben Edelman accused blinkx of engaging in illegal activities. blinkx blustered and used lawyers to bully. But it has failed to deal with Edelman’s core allegations and has not actually instigated legal proceedings against him. Watch the Edelman UK Investor Show video HERE and see what you think. 

Now if Edelman is correct you really have to question the quality of earnings and earnings visibility here – as such I’d put blinkx on a very lousy PE.

blinkx does at least have $126 million cash 


3893 days ago

Twitter Moron of the Week –Mike Bowen a bull of Quindell, Coms & blinkx

You could not make it up. Some folks cannot but help pick overpriced glamour stocks which crash. Meet Mike Bowen who tweets as @lookatbowen and who first spring to my attention as he tweeted @tomwinnifrith the only person certifiable is you Tom  Oooh er missus. I guess he owns Quindell (QPP) then.

For the avoidance of doubt I am prepared to accept that there is a case to be made that I am certifiable. Warning folks about overvalued stocks does not make you popular. Buying shares in Quindell just to go to the AGM and ask hard questions might be construed as foolhardy. But whatever. I prefer the description “eccentric.” But as it happens on a portfolio of all the stocks the Bulletin Board Morons love (blinkx, Globo, Iofina, Cupid, Gulf Keystone, Coms, Range Resources, Sefton and of course Quindell) I was RIGHT to be bearish.

Now meet “sane” Mike Bowen.


3906 days ago

Lucian Miers & Tom Winnifrith Video: Globo, blinkx, Avanti Communications, Iofina and Quindell

Two weeks ago Tom Winnifrith and Lucian Miers recorded a series of four videos which first appeared on their Nifty Fifty website. This video covers Globo (GBO), blinkx (BLNX), Avanti Communications (AVN), Iofina (IOF) and Quindell (QPP).

The other two videos cover companies including Gulf Keystone (GKP), Mothercare (MTC) and Naibu (NBU) but can be accessed only on the Nifty Fifty.


3916 days ago

Lucian Miers & Tom Winnifrith on The markets

On Wednesday infamous bear raider Lucian Miers and Tom Winnifrith recorded a series of four videos. The first covers the markets. The second and third cover “old favourites” for the bears: Globo, blinkx, Avanti Communications, Gulf Keystone, Naibu and Iofina. The fourth covers some new Lucian shorts.

The three videos subsequent to this will appear on the Nifty Fifty website later today.


3927 days ago

Blinkx and BlackRock – what is going on?

BlackRock Investment Management is one of the biggest  and most respected names in fund management and it seems to be dumping blinkx (BLNX) shares at almost any price but it still has a stack more to dump. What is going on?


3928 days ago

You MUST sack Tom Winnifrith NOW! The threats and blackmail used by those who oppose free speech

I have noted before how for daring to dissent from a cosy consensus that shares in certain stocks but notably Quindell, Globo and blinkx, are screaming buys I have received death threats, stalking and shit in the post and on the internet. But now those who seek to deny free speech have started an economic war and are actively seeking to ensure that I face economic ruin. Such folks will fail because most people believe in free speech but to see what they are up to read on.

You already know about the bogus reviews from folks claiming to have got food poisoning etc at my restaurant. It is okay, our local customers are loyal and love the place so we will survive. I might have to fire a waitress if these lies persist but I guess free speech deniers do not care about that.

The other tactic of free speech deniers is to write to ADVFN demanding that it fire me. As it happens while I have jvs with ADVFN it does not employ me. Myself and the merry band of writers I work with could work without ADVFN but would rather not do so and luckily Clem Chambers, the boss of ADVFN is a great believer in free speech (a concept defined here if you do not understand it) so the bullying and blackmail he faces from the free speech deniers will not work. However I now show you a letter sent to Clem the other day. The numbers 1-11 are my notes that are below. 


3932 days ago

In defence of Negative articles ref QPP, Iofina, Globo, blinkx, Sefton, Range, etc.

Writing negative pieces about companies does not win you friends. In the past year I have enjoyed as a result: lawyers letters from companies, being sued for libel, shit posted to me in the post, death threats, stalking (yesterday), numerous complaints about me to the FCA, defamatory comments about me and my restaurant on the internet and now attempts to get ADVFN to stop me writing. Bollocks! What I do is right and in the interests of shareholders. I am not stopping. Nor will this website.

What you must first understand is the vast amounts of money that quoted companies spend on persuading investors to buy their shares. Commissioned research from Edison, Hardman, etc. is not cheap. PR firms charge up to £10,000 a month to plant positive spin in the press. Roadshows and presentations at Proactive and Oilbarrel or the recording of soft promo videos are not cheap. My guess is that between them QPP, Iofina, Globo and blinkx will have spent c£1.5 million of shareholders funds last year on trying to persuade folks to buy the shares.

Most commentators and brokers write overwhelmingly buy notes.


3933 days ago

Blinkx – a City Broker’s buy note target price 175p – and a question or eight

In the interests of balance I bring you the pre-results “buy” note on blinkx (BLNX) from its house broker Citi. You will see that it has a target price of 175p. The shares are now 86p.  In invite you to read the note in full here.. However…. 

I make a couple of observations. 


3948 days ago

Blinkx, Roger Lawson & ShareSoc – Time to come clean?

ShareSoc does great work campaigning for private investors, for greater boardroom accountability and transparency. But right now with regard to blinkx (BLNX) it is ShareSoc and its deputy chairman Roger Lawson who have the questions to answer. 

Lawson has posted five times on blinkx since Ben Edelman raised very serious questions about part of its business. On April 5 at the UK Investor Show Edelman produced damning new evidence relating to the assets and operations of Zango which were bought by blinkx after the FTC fined Zango and shut it down for breaking the law. Ben showed very clearly for the first time on April 5 that blinkx was, via those assets, still engaging in the same practices. Surely this was a grave matter of concern for anyone interested in corporate governance, etc? Er…


3950 days ago

Blinkx – the diminishing power of spurious releases as the bubble pops and the Edelman firework of April 5 spelled out for two thick journalists

When a stock is “hot” it can announce news of no import whatsoever and its shares zoom. When the “believers” start to ask about the Emperor’s new clothes in detail, when faith clashes with uncomfortable reality the reaction to such PR fluffery is negative. Blinkx (BLNX) is now in that phase as it refuses to deal with the fireworks delivered by Ben Edelman on April 5 at the UK Investor Show.

I have noted this phenomenon of how PR fluffery becomes a sign of desperation and is actually counter productive when a company cannot deal with hard questions before in relation to Globo (GBO) HERE. Blinkx yesterday served up some total non-news about a new partnership and its shares fell. The financial import of its latest deal will be negligible and it knows it. So do investors.

And so to Edelman. The strategy here has been to persuade thick journalists such as Harriet Denys of the Telegraph and Bryce Elder of the Financial Times to run with the line, or should that be lie? “Edelman said nothing new on April 5 so there is no need to comment.” Or “There were no fireworks.”

Hmmmmm. Bryce you may like to suck PR


3961 days ago

Ben Edelman – THE blinkx Video from UK Investor Show

For those unwise enough to not attend the UK Investor Show 2014 here is the full video of Ben Edelman’s presentation and the Q&A that followed. I found it compelling watching.


3962 days ago

After UK Investor Show 2014 Sell out Triumph – “early bird” 2015 tickets are now on sale

The UK Investor Show 2014 yesterday was a sell-out show which attendees seem universally to have enjoyed. The 90 growth companies attending say that they enjoyed engaging with some quite spirited investors and everyone had a ball. For me the highlights were:

1. Making the Queen of Tech, Vin Murria laugh not once but twice on stage. That should be a career high to retire on. I found her session with CEOs Stephen Streater, John  Wisbey and Marcus Hanke utterly riveting.

2. Value investing with Nigel Wray, Ed Croft, Paul Kavanagh and Chris Bailey really was very different to what we have done before in this area. All were smooth, self-deprecating but really insightful.

3. In the shareholder activism session Paul Scott & Roger Lawson did not hold back while our “ordinary investors” Nigel and Richard showed how anyone can make a difference on the AIM Cesspit.

4. Amanda van Dyke’s legs in the mining session.  The Goddess was in fire. In fact that whole session was again illuminating with Amanda showing she is a hell of a lot more than a pretty face and Dom Frisby letting tip in a way that makes me think he should join shareholder activism next year. Should I tip a gold stock or two? On balance not yet.

5.  Ben Edelman was a real showman but also a geek who knows his stuff. I really wish Blinkx had taken up my offer to respond to Ben as he made some really massive points.

6.  The bears seemed united on Globo. We had laughs all the way but Matt Earl, Lucian Miers and Evil also made some very valid points.

7. The after show party for speakers and gold ticket holders. The winner of the financial celebrity make a pizza competition was Ed Croft followed by Paul Scott (but he cheated with his training in Domino’s). Sandra Spencer…don’t give up your day job. Paul Scott has tweeted that I was a “charming” person. I shall be consulting my lawyer


3962 days ago

Would I rather be long or short of blinkx? Dunno!

Steve Moore and I have been bearish on blinkx  (BLNX) from well into the BE (Before Edelman) era. Our concern was simply that the rating was too high. We were right to be bearish although it won us no fans on the Bulletin Boards. But now that the shares have slumped to 91p would I rather be long or short? To be honest I just don’t know. I do not have a Scooby. Here’s why.

Ben Edelman made serious allegations on Saturday at The Uk Investor Show. If he is correct then one part of the blinkx business is generating revenues from adware in a way that the FTC prohibits. It is doing so, according to Edelman, via a unit which under its previous owner was shut down and fined heavily by the FTC for doing the same thing. I would have loved blinkx to have accepted my offer to respond to that claim. It, so far, has not.

What I am trying to get a handle on is what percentage of blinkx revenues and profits come from this area. I chatted to short selling analyst  Paddington Bear last night and he put it thus:


3968 days ago

Book before 4.30 PM Wednesday (TODAY) to get last seats for UK Investor on Saturday

You can book one of the last twenty or so seats at UK Investor either online HERE or by calling 07761030374 until 4.30 PM TODAY (WEDNESDAY) and we guarantee to get your ticket in the last post first class today. If you want to see real fireworks BOOK NOW.  What fireworks you ask?

Ben Edelman the Blinkx destroyer is making a rare UK visit and will publicly rebut the Blinkx statement of Monday. Already Ben has halved this company’s market cap – what damage will he do live on Saturday?

Nigel Wray, Britain’s Buffett, gets grilled by Ed Croft about his portfolio and whether a machine could do better

Evil Knievil, Lucian Miers, Matt Earl and myself will launch full frontal assaults with new material on Globo, Quindell, Gulf Keystone and Avanti and a couple of new targets…

Richard Poulden and I will debate the UK House Price crash. Is it inevitable? Of course it is!

Dominic Frisby & Amanda Van Dyke will be joined by four gold company CEOs. Is gold just a useless yellow metal and are gold stocks even more useless?

David Lenigas and 3 other oil CEOs will be put on the spot in the oilers lunch

The 90 Growth PLCs with stands will be presenting at CEO level in special breakout rooms 

At the bloggers café those share tipsters you love and hate will be there writing, tweeting and taking your questions

Book one of the last few seats by 4.30 PM Wednesday (TODAY) either calling me direct on 07761030374 or online HERE. I shall be able to take calls and get tickets posted guaranteed first class delivery in tonight's post at Mount Pleasant if you meet that deadline.

If you are coming to London for the whole weekend and fancy a relaxing meal the night before, myself Steve Moore and a raft of speakers will be at Real Man Pizza Company at 91-95 Clerkenwell Road, EC1R 5BX on the Friday night.

Bring your ticket along and there is a 20% discount on your bill and myself, Steve Moore, my wife and others would be delighted to have a relaxing pre-show chat.

I look forward to seeing you this Saturday (perhaps Friday as well) at the UK Investor Show.

Best wishes 

Tom Winnifrith

Book one of the last few seats by 4.30 PM Wednesday (TODAY) either calling me direct on 07761030374 or online HERE. I shall be able to take calls and get tickets posted guaranteed first class delivery in tonight's post at Mount Pleasant if you meet that deadline.


3969 days ago

Lucian Miers & I record a Video: Gulf Keystone, Avanti Communications, Naibu, Globo, Blinkx and More

This video interview between Tom Winnifrith and Lucian Miers was recorded and published first on their Nifty Fifty website. In light of developments at a number of stocks featured it merits a wider audience.

On the Agenda

1. Gulf Keystone
2. Avanti Communications
3. The Market generally
4. Naibu
5. Globo
6. J Sainsbury
7. Blinkx


3970 days ago

blinkx Statement Re its arch critic Ben Edelman: Ben promises full response on Saturday in London

Controversial AIM listed blinkx (BLNX) has today issued a trading statement and an attempted rebuttal of the criticisms made by star internet guru Ben Edelman two months ago.  But Edelman is not bowed and promises a full response in five days’ time in London.

blinkx stated today:

blinkx today also published a detailed response to a blog post dated 28 January, 2014 ("the blog") that questioned the Company's business model and practices. blinkx strongly refuted the assertions made in the blog at the time it was published.  Since then, the Company has completed a thorough internal and external review of the assertions made in the blog, detailed in the response, which has been posted on the Company's website (

Ben Edelman has responded to me by email:


4005 days ago

Ben Edelman – The man called the Web Sheriff by Bloomberg to headline at UK Investor Show on April 5 – Get your ticket now

The big news today is that a true mega star has agreed to fly to Britain for one day only to headline at The UK Investor Show in London on April 5. Meet Ben Edelman. If you are a Blinkx (BLNX) shareholder you will already have done so – you have lost more than 50% of your money since he produced a detailed report on the company. 

Professor Edelman will make a rare London appearance as the headline speaker at The UK Investor Show on April 5 in Westminster

Edelman shot to prominence in the UK with his recent analysis of Blinkx.  Edelman argued that Blinkx adware sneaks onto users’ computers, violates regulatory requirements, and overcharges advertisers.  Blinkx denies the allegations. Its share price continues to slide.

Much of Edelman’s recent work examines the activities of Google.  In 2010, he uncovered the Google Toolbar continuing to track users’ web browsing even after users asked that the toolbar be disabled and even after the toolbar disappeared from view.  His most recent article examines Google’s Mobile Application Distribution Agreement terms – previously-secret documents that he says impede competition by alternatives apps and services, and drive up prices to consumers.

Recently labelled the “web sheriff” by Bloomberg, Edelman will be speaking on the questionable business practices of a variety of Internet companies, ranging from giants like Google to smaller firms including Blinkx.

Edelman joins a 42 strong main stage line up on April 5th including Nigel Wray, Terry Smith, Vin Murria, Evil Knievil, Mark Slater, Dominic Frisby, bear raiders Lucian Miers and Matt Earl and blogging supremo Paul Scott.

A full list can be found at

Edelman is quoted as saying: “My visits to London are all too rare, but the British market has led the world in many kinds of advertising integrity - I look forward to showing an informed audience a variety of controversial behaviours, including some material not previously seen elsewhere.”

We have now sold more than 60% of the ordinary tickets for the event and all bar a handful of the golden tickets which come with bonus features such as an invitation to the after show champagne party at Maribelle’s. You can get your tickets at

And there are still a few surprises left for the show, notably on the shareholder activism front. Watch this space.

This year I shall not be compering the event – that baton passes to my old friend co-presenter on Show Me The Money, Louise Noel. Okay Louise was the main presenter I was just there for my (then) looks. Okay to talk about the market knowledgably. I digress. The fact that I am not on stage so much means that I plan to be able to join friends such as Malcolm Stacey, Brokerman Dan, Doc Holiday, Steve Moore, Malcolm Palle of Mining Maven and others in the bloggers café, chatting to anyone who is interested about shares that may interest them. As well as tweeting away #ukinvestorshow – I hope to meet many of you there.

But the star attractions are others: Wray, Lucian Miers, Matt Earl, Evil, Slater, Vin Murria, Amanda Van Dyke, Dom Frisby, Brian Basham and now of course Ben Edelman.

On that note I hope that if you have not done so already you book a ticket for the show and look forward to seeing you on April 5 in Westminster:



4349 days ago

Blinkx – Options Grant, Knickers, twist

I note an announcement the other day that AIM listed tech stock Blinkx (LSE:BLNX) had granted yet another 1.5 million share options to its senior execs. The subject of executive share options always seems to cause some folks to get their knickers in a twist. I am not so sure.


4383 days ago

Blinkx Cracking Trading Statement - is it time to bank gains?

When a company issues an RNS headlined “Trading Statement” there is always a heart in moth moment as you open it up – is this a profits warning? No such concerns today with Blinkx (BLNX) which has announced that after an exceptional first half, trading in the third quarter remains strong and hence it will beat full year forecasts. The shares have raced ahead by 26% to 86.25p but are they now more than up with events? Is it time to bank gains?

The statement is brief but reads:

“In November 2012, blinkx announced that it had an exceptional first half, driven by the early integration of recent acquisitions and the effects of the US elections and London Olympics. Today, blinkx is pleased to report that trading in the third quarter continued to be strong. Therefore, the company expects to be ahead of targets, with revenue for the full year in the range of $180M to $185M.


4403 days ago

Blinkx: DailyMotion deal - Buy with new 100p target

Another day and another upbeat announcement from AIM-listed blinkx plc (BLNX), which describes itself as “the world’s largest and most advanced video search engine.” Today’s news is of a partnership with Dailymotion. In itself that has not prompted analysts ( or me) to increase forecasts but it has given a greater degree of certainty on numbers currently in the market. And I sense that by the time of the prelims on May 13th we will see upgrades. The bull case is very much intact.


4417 days ago

Blinx: KoldCast TV deal announced – Speculative Buy

M-listed blinkx plc (BLNX), which describes itself as “the world’s largest and most advanced video search engine” , has today announced a further partnership deal – this with KoldCast TV, an international television network of original entertainment programming. This will give blinkx users access to premium internet television series, short films and documentaries – with KoldCast’s shows spanning every genre from family-friendly to sci-fi among 225+ original series. Leveraging its unique platform, blinkx will place contextually relevant advertising against these videos and share resulting revenue with KoldCast. This represents a further step in blinkx’s strategy to serve the most relevant advertisement, at the optimum time, with the highest monetisation rate, to the widest audience but, at a present 65p share price, capitalising the company at more than £235 million, is there currently value in the shares? The following reviews this…
