
156 days ago

A shock and a delight at the Welsh Hovel – the garden is on fire

Not literally but I am stunned how, in a Greek absence of less than three weeks everything has grown so fast. Naturally it is the weeds that have grown most rapidly and I sense some hard days ahead for myself and Joshua on that front.


573 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel - an evening of jam making and drinks brewing

My pal Chris came aroud to pick a stack of our glut of strawberries. He, and his daughter, took a trug home with a couple of lettuces after supper but we still have stacks more to pick.  Meanwhile on the production line:


1193 days ago

Photo article from the Welsh Hovel - the carrot harvest

Okay, it would not feed an army but we have, perhaps 60 carrots to keep us going until Christmas. Joshua and I picked the and cut off the green leaves. I wonder if the Mrs, who thinks all food comes from Tesco, knows that carrots have leaves? Now and again I would lift up one which was perfectly shaped and sized and would say to Joshua that “we could sell this to Tesco” but we agreed that we would not do so as Joshua loves carrots.


1204 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel: Radish sauce, food should look gorgeous

Drowning in radishes, gherkins and apples here at the Welsh Hovel the three find themselves in a salad almost every day. But still that is not enough to use up everything on offer and so yesterday I tried an experiment. Food should not only taste great but should look gorgeous too. Don’t you agree?


1212 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel - a modest Courgette harvest

Yes. What you see below really is the 2021 courgette harvest. I have never cooked a courgette of the spherical variety before but I have found a simple recipe so here goes tonight. Courgettes, beans (natch) and carrots in a semi alcoholic honey glaze, all from the garden is the menu. I will explain about the honey, a present from earth mother C and her husband, at a later date.


1214 days ago

Photo article from the Welsh Hovel - my ugly carrots would not make Tesco's shelves

I have started the carrot harvest and most of what I am digging up are about three inches long. They are, like many folks here in Wales, short, fat and ugly. But unlike Welsh people they taste great. My honey glazed carrots are a favourite of Joshua’s so the menu for the next few weeks should delight the Pest.


1246 days ago

Photo Article: A Pickled present from our own garden greets us as we return to the Welsh Hovel

P, who has been looking after the gardens here at the Welsh Hovel during my near two month absence, has left them in great shape as photos that will follow over the next few days will show. But he also left a couple of gifts.


1481 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel: Gosh what an amazing cook serves up Christmas lunch

A triumph for the hard-working chef i.e. me. At the head of the table in a stunning new Indian shirt from his Grandmother sits Joshua. In front of him in order:
