
442 days ago

BREAKING: Carl Icahn, the man who’s done better than Buffett hammers the corruption of the corporate world

Since the start of this century, Carl Icahn’s IEP has delivered an annualised return with dividends reinvested of 12.8%. That Buffett fellow has managed just 10.8% at Berkshire Hathaway while the S&P has delivered just 6.9%, the Dow 7.4% an d the Nasdaq 100 7.1%. Icahn’s aggressive corporate activism has paid off.


474 days ago

Piers Pottinger lectures the SNP on Corruption: YES THAT Piers from the MySquar multi million pound fraud – has he no shame?

I guess Piers Pottinger is part of the City and media establishment so the PR man and former chairman of the AIM fraud MySquar (MYSQ), where millions of quid was stolen, not by Piers, but by others who now face criminal charges, can say what he wants. He is part of the great and the good. You may remember that I showed with detailed analysis, exactly, why MySquar was a fraud almost a year before it ran out of other folks’ cash.


630 days ago

Ethiopian Minister of Mines sacked – this is very good news for Kefi

The Ethiopian Minister of Mines, Takele Uma, was apparently sacked yesterday at a cabinet meeting. Rumours in Addis suggest that he stands accused of industrial scale corruption. Well knock me down with a feather.


746 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Here is what I would have bought after some on the ground DD had my stockbroker not been on YET ANOTHER holiday

I reckon these stockbrokers must earn even more that those chancers my wife gets in to clean the windows and so I am a frustrated non buyer of a shares I have not owned before. Jaya and I did some due diligence at the coal face today and I explain why I may be buying if I can get hold of the great man tomorrow.  Then it is onto Wildcat Petroleum (WCAT) and the corruption of the deadwood press (the Sunday Times in this case) and finally a detailed look at Malcolm Stacey favourite Strix (KETL) where I have been a bear.  The shares are down 69% over the past 13 months and after today’s news I see an easy 30-40% more downside from here. With an EV of c£400 millionand a £270 million market cap it should be shortable and should be shorted.


820 days ago

BRAVO: Richard Jennings defends himself and states some awkward truths about the small cap gutter and those who operate there

Bravo, Jennings. Naturally, his latest battle, this time with Ironveld (IRON), sees deluded shareholders smearing him. It is always the way, But Mr “Nobody Likes Me and I don’t care” has hit back with a remarkable statement, correcting some canards, but also lashing the Square Mile’s corruption. He is bang on the money:


867 days ago

The Utter Corruption of the Greek Press & Julie Meyer

Fleeing a six month jail term and damned by British Judges Julie “lingerie on expenses” Meyer continues to hobnob with Greek political and business leaders. If this was a bubble on the run and doing the hobnobbing with British Tories and banksters the UK press, pitiful as it is, would be all over it.


942 days ago

Musicmagpie - the corruption of the deadwood press, just lying to its readers!

It is almost as if reporter Jon Robinson from Business Live was taking dictation from PR fluffies Powerscourt as he reported on boardroom share buying at musicMagpie (MMAGhere.  Claiming the bosses were “doubling down” by buying £300,000 of shares at 52.5p is “doubling down” when, as I pointed out HERE, the same bosses had sold £15.7 million worth of shares at the IPO less than a year ago is just 100% misleading. It gets worse…


1148 days ago

The Price of the Corrupt Teachers and A Level Grade Inflation – now universities have to pay students to stay away

The folly of the industrial-scale corruption of so many teachers is revealed today with more taxpayers’ cash being pissed away as universities are forced to bribe students to stay away.


1198 days ago

Justin the Clown – this is the real corruption of Vox (in his own words)

I questioned the other day whether Justin “the Clown” Waite was somewhat lax in his personal holdings disclosures with regards to penny share dreadfuls that he was pumping and, perhaps dumping. But that is not the real scandal of Vox Markets where the clown is not only an employee but a director. And who has revealed the real scandal? The clown himself!


1236 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: does anyone care about corruption or misuse of taxpayer cash anymore?

I start with thoughts about yesterday’s walk, especial thanks to Jonathan Price, Steve Moore, Robert Lewis and Lucian Miers and his son, the other five rogue bloggers who managed all 34.2 miles. Lucian as the logistics meister who also got another stack of relatives to join us deserves especial credit. Thank you to all who sponsored us, it is not too late to donate here. Then onto what I see as corruption, the misuse of taxpayer cash by so many in the corporate world. It is legal but immoral but I sense no one really cares which saddens me.


1339 days ago

A podcast with James Delingpole - almost 80 minutes and it's not bad at all!

I must be the least well known person ever to record a podcast with the celebrated conservative journalist James Delingpole. I doubt his regular listeners will ever have heard someone count to ten in Vlach before. To say our discussions were wide ranging is an understatement. Delingpole was a great friend and ally of my late uncle Christopher Booker and we start and end with him. In between, it’s Neil Woodford, fraud fighting, the corruption of the MSM, death threats, lockdown madness, Wales madness and a disagreement on the enrichment of Ireland. And much more. You can judge for yourselves HERE.


1345 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: what can be done to stop corrupt and bad folks like Lucy Burton and Neil Woodford?

This podcast is all about the Woodford scandal of today. The corruption of the Sunday Telegraph in trading a scoop for dishonest journalism and the scandal that the disgraced fund manager may be back after less than 20 months of not screwing around with other folks’ cash. Why must people like Lucy and Neil be stopped and who will stop Neil? Lucy, I fear, is destined for great things in the corrupt world of the deadwood press.


1360 days ago

The corruption, or is it just laziness, of the deadwood press: The Daily Mail, David Beckham & AIM listed Guild Esports

The financial sections of newspapers like to have articles about celebrities as, they can use a photo and they believe that brings traffic. But when it comes to dealing with celebs either laziness or corruption kicks in. Last week I flagged up the appallingly untrue Mail on Sunday coverage of Dragon’s Den star Sarah Willingham and her grossly overvalued (in part to the MOS ramp with its wrong numbers) and scandalously conflicted Nightcap (NGHT) POS company by Harriet Dennys. This week I turn to David Beckham who features in a Daily Mail article by Francesca Washtell which is also a disgrace.


1928 days ago

St James House (formerly Boxhill Technologies plc) – still a dog as results show, accounts breach IFRS and mislead big time

Lib Dem grandee Lord Timmy Razzall may have changed the name of Boxhill to St James House (SJH) but this company which has been mired in so much corruption and fraud remains an uninvestable uber dog even by the standards of  the AIM casino. Results earlier this week were covered in bearcast yesterday but perhaps merit further scrutiny. They are shocking, breach IFRS on numerous counts and quite simply aim to decieve. Nomad Allenby should be walking.


1928 days ago

AVZ Minerals: The Proceeds of Corruption? Boatman Capital rides again

Boatman Capital has been the scourge of Babcock (BAB) but now shows it is not a one trick pony. Its next target is AVZ Minerals. It is Oz listed but the report is a fascinating insight into the seedy world of mining. We thus bring it to you in full below.


1952 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the corruption of the deadwood press - Lucy Burton, the Sunday Telegraph and Saga

In today’s podcast I look at Saga (SAGA), Dev Clever (DEV), Diversified Gas & Oil (DGOC), RM2 (RM2), Falanx (FLX), Yourgene (YGEN) and IQE (IQE).


1960 days ago

The Corruption of the Deadwood Press: The Mail on Sunday, Jim Mellon and Agronomics

Agronomics (ANIC) is an AIM listed firm which knew full well on Friday that it was set to raise £4.5 million at 5p – as against a 5.5p mid. So here is what to do. Leak the story to the fraudsters fave journalist, Ben Harrington, who will give it an utterly misleading write-up in the Mail on Sunday in return for the “scoop.” MoS readers fill their boots on Monday and the shares move higher – they are now 6.5p. So Harrington and the Fail on Sunday get another “scoop”, the Spiv clients of broker Peterhouse get to flip the stock and thank Peterhouse which earns 5% to pay for the coke and hookers and the company is cashed up.  The only folk who get screwed are readers of the Fail on Sunday who are buying shares on the basis of completely fake news.


2067 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Audioboom's placing tomorrow, 6 reasons why it is a bargepole stock, the corruption of the deadwood press & silly Kelly Tolhurst MP

In today's podcast I look at Audioboom (BOOM) in light of today's placing "scoop" in the M ail on Sunday and also what it says about the corruption of the deadwood press. I also comment on the virtue signalling by silly business minister Kelly Tollhurst re diversity on FTSE 100 boards. Suffice to say, she scores a gamma double minus for data analysis.


2120 days ago

The BBC on Nigeria – beyond parody

Taxpayer funded, BBC Radio 4 has just run a long report on the problems Nigeria faces. It started with David Cameron slamming the country as being corrupt back in 2016. This, the BBC argued, was unhelpful. It was a bad thing to say. I am not normally one to defend Call Me Dave, but on this occasion.


2144 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The Corruption of the Mainstream Financial Press

I start with news of a washing panic at the Greek Hovel. Then I look at why the mainstream financial press are part of the problem not the solution to stockmarket over-promotes and indeed outright criminality. In the podcast I look specifically at The Times on Neil Woodford and at The Sunday Times on Hollywood Bowl (BOWL) and Midas in the Mail on Sunday on the IPO of AJ Bell (AJB)


2402 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I just love it when my father in law and I talk about his birth in Madras, it so annoys the Mrs

The Mrs thinks her dad was born in Chennai. I explain the relevance of this as I discuss Mercantile Ports & Logistics (MPL) and more evidence that has fallen into my hands suggesting that it is doomed. Elsewhere I look at Purplebricks (PURP), Angle (AGL) and the corruption of Fleet Street, Brokerman Dan again showing that he did not train as a journalist but as er..something else as he looks at Big Dish a stock where I have no knowledge or financial interest  I also look at the disgraceful news today from Nick "not for the many but the" Trew at Pathfinder Minerals (PFP) and at ITM Power (ITM). If you like bearcasts then remember that at UK Investor on April 21 one of many highlights will be a live bearcast with myself and Paul Scott. Make sure you book a free ticket HERE using the promotional code WINNIFRITH


3023 days ago

The Corruption of the financial media part 3 - The Telegraph AGAIN and this time its Collagen

In the past week I have flagged up two prime examples of why the established financial media is part of the problem of AIM corruption not the solution HERE and HERE. Today the same paper, the Torygraph, serves up a third. I refer you to the market report written by pouting Tara Cunningham ( see below).


3049 days ago

Phil Edmonds business partner Andrew Groves denies he's been bribing & corrupt in Bongo Bongo land but..

Sable Mining (SBLM), the AIM listed piece of Turkish run by Andrew Groves - the long time business partner of ex cricketer Phil Edmonds has been forced to deny that he has been indicted for trial on charges of bribery and corruption in Liberia. Okay Andy whatever you say....


3087 days ago

David Cameron tells the truth and is panned...he should stick to lying

Yesterday Dodgy Dave claimed that leaving the EU increased the risk of World War Three. That was a slam dunk 100% lie and some people pointed that out but on the whole he got an easy ride. 

Today David Cameron was revealed to have said that Nigerian and Afghanistan are corrupt. Well that is not an opinion that is a fact. According to Transparency International only 16% of the world's countries are more corrupt than Nigeria while Afghanistan is ranked as among the top 1% for corruption. It is in a neck and neck race to be the most corrupt country on this planet.

Naturally the UK gives both countries oodles of aid to be stolen. International aid is as


3175 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast - The Offline #Independent is dead, pampered journalists fired HOORAY

The Offline Indy is dead. Pampered, patronising journalists are going to be fired. Hip Hip Hooray. Fleet Street is starting to pay the price of its corruption, and face up to unhelpful demographics, operational gearing and the end of subsidy as I explain in this podcast. I pray that the frightful Guardian is next to go.


3307 days ago

I was nice to Euan, son of war criminal, Tony Blair – I feel sick

On the Monday of last week two young journalism students wandered into Free Speech & Liberty pizza and came over for a chat. We talked of the ethics of journalism, the corruption of our profession, of libertarian idealism and later that night they came back and I discovered something appalling.


3362 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - seeking distraction - I am disgusted with the stockmarket

Two bad things today. West Ham kick off what is bound to be another season of Premiership disaster and more importantly my cat Tara seems to be very sick. Seeking distraction I read the Sunday financial press and feel disgusted, a sense of being made nauseous by the stench of corruption everywhere. Afren, Quindell, the financial press, it is tempting just to give up on shares. Is not the whole game rigged by the crony capitalists? It is not. But a lot of it is as I explain in this podcast. I end by explaining why my emails will go unanswered for days and twitter ignored almost completely for the next seven weeks. I have an urgent deadline.

3614 days ago

Quindell Red Flag of the day 2 – Overland – give your mates shares and then bury the bad news

The stench of fraud, corruption, lies and deceit at Quenron (QPP) is now obvious to all but the biggest moron. In their desperation the shareholder morons (assisted by Quindell itself) throw ever nastier and more misleading rubbish at the critics, notably me.  My response, I am not flinching I fight lies and smears with proof of FRAUD. Let's reveal another scandal at Quenron.  This will horrify you. Meet Overland and meet Jason Cale. 

On 26 September 2012 Quenron completed the purchase of Overland by issuing 140 million shares so valuing it at £14 million. The deal was originally announced on April 19 2012.. The September statement reads:


3626 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast the Quindell fallout - Fleet Street is part of the problem not the solution

I am not in a fit state to write much today so I shall communicate via BearCasts. There will be a regular podcast later but ahead of that I shall run a series of Quindell fallout specials. I start with the role of the dying industry that is Fleet Street and the deadwood press. It is part of the problem of crony capitalism and corruption on the AIM casino not the solution as I try to explian here.


3684 days ago

The AIM Casino is a Cesspit Cesspit of Crooks and Crony Capitalists and is dying – I’m off to meet real snakes before I vomit

Yesterday evening I was doing a bit of frigana chopping at the Greek Hovel and I heard a rustling in the bush I was approaching. I know enough by now to realise what was making the noise and beat a hasty retreat. But the stench of corruption on AIM tells me where the real snakes operate. It is a cesspit for crooks and crony capitalists who systematically transfer wealth from the many (mug investors) to the few (themselves). I have had enough of this for one day and am heading back to the fields to face real snakes. They are less loathsome. There is a solution but the London Stock Exchange does nothing. It is guilty of abetting financial crime by its inaction.


4125 days ago

Tom’s weekly video postcard #39 – Back to Greece Edition

I filmed this in Monemvasia on Saturday. I seem to have a few thoughts on the plight of Greece every day as I encounter some other example of lunacy. I will try to note them in article and or video format as I go along. But I kick off with my analysis of why Greece really cannot recover. The long term killer will be demographics. The short term killers are debt, the bloated state and the all pervasive corruption. Still you’ve got to love the place.

My weekly financial video postcard discusses the Silverdell (SID) scandal and the farce that is AIM non regulation and can be viewed here.
