crisp salesman

507 days ago

Howling at Radio 4 as it serves up fake news on Gary Lineker

The Mrs switched on Radio 4 then left the room.  By the time she returned it was the news at 9 and the state broadcaster was reporting that Tories were angry about £1.35 million a year BBC presenter Gary Lineker saying that new immigration plans were “beyond awful”. The Mrs could not see what the Tories were complaining about and snorted. That is because the BBC News did not report in that bulletin the really offensive thing that Lineker said, comparing the Tory policies to those of the Nazis in 1930s.


1327 days ago

Millwall Supporters 1, woke pundits like the prick Gary Lineker nil - take a knee scrapped at the Den

On Saturday, Millwall Supporters booed as their players took a knee in support of an organisation that most Britons (both white & BAME) think INCREASES racial division, that wants to end capitalism & the nuclear family, to boycott Israel, defund the police and shut jails. Millwall supporters spoke for the nation. Fraud promoter Gary Lineker said the supporters were racist in opposing the organisation that increases racial tension, Black Lives Matter. Whatever. Gary is a prick. Tonight Millwall face QPR in the Championship.


2087 days ago

Has Jug eared virtue signalling prick Gary Lineker got no shame? Backing the Quindell fraudsters AGAIN

As BBC license fee payers, you will be truly delighted to see how the vast pay cheque given to Gary Lineker is being spent. You may remember that the crisp salesman was appointed as brand ambassador to Ingenie, part of the Quindell (QPP) fraud, now under SFO investigation as the UK’s largest stockmarket swindle for 30 years. Lineker was given millions of pounds of free shares in Quindell which he sold onto poor investors who lost almost everything - having said he'd be a buyer. Well it worked before…
