
296 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh hovel - pickling my gherkins

Amid the glut of marrows there is also one acorn squash. There will be more on that as it has now been harvested while I try to figure out what on earth to do with the marrow glut. Meanwhile there was also one gherkin plant which produced more than half a dozen gherkins, now also all harvested.


1036 days ago

Photo article from the Welsh Hovel: Gherkins in a dill pickle

We use them in soups and salads but still we are drowning in gherkins from the garden. I am not a great pickling man but needs must.


3726 days ago

The Bounty of Parsley & the Soup Solution

I left England in April with a well behaved herb garden. I returned to Bristol in May to find that all my plants had prospered but that the parsley was completely out of control. What had been a pleasant little plant was now more than 1 yard long and 1 yard wide. The true horror of its expansionism could only be appreciated from above. The poor lavender bush had almost been swamped.

Part one of my solution was to transfer the lavender bush to a patch vacated by a failed attempt to grow a raspberry bush. It had started to sprout but in my absence someone had snapped off its small branches and I feared the game was up. The lavender bush appreciated its move and is now thriving.

But still the parsley grew. By my calculations at current rates of growth it would have covered the entire garden by late August and by 2017 it would have headed off down the A4 and be approaching the outskirts of Bath. And so yesterday afternoon the Mrs was demanding a romantic supper and so I took the scissors to the parsley and put a quarter of it in the pot.

Parsley Soup
