
446 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Harry Adams of Kefi, well done you old dog but is woke miner Pensana "fecked" and a short?

In today’s Bearcast I look at Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI) on what is a great day for we loyal shareholders, Wildcat Petroleum (WCAT), Graft Polymer (GPL) – should that be Grift Polymer – and MGC Pharmaceuticals (MXC). Then it is onto Versarien (VRS) and the Neill Ricketts payoff and bailout placing and Pensana (PRE) which must by now be at death’s door: a £55 million market cap looks full in the circumstances and a statement is needed. Finally, that old scallywag Lenigas of Pennpetro (PPPhas doubled down after my earlier expose. He would not dare behave like this in America. 


613 days ago

The Avaaz global warming grifters at it again – now it is drought in Somalia

There is a drought in Somalia. Nobody denies that fact. But the cause? The grifters at Avaaz do not care about facts  and are thus calling it out as another symptom of global warming and asking the saps they spam for money, some heading out to East Africa and some to line the pockets of the grossly overpaid liberal grifters at Avaaz. The grifters lead with a touching father and son photo from Somalia and say:
