
2883 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard - 8 Reasons why Donald Trump will defeat Hillary Clinton on November 8

The British media, lead by Beltway liberal Kylie Morris on C4 News and by the BBC are not reporting what is actually going on in the US Presidential race just what they would like to be going on. They have called Trump wrong all along in terms of actual ballots cast and they are still wrong. In this podcast I offer the eight reasons Trump will win.


2890 days ago

Tom Winnifrith postcard: I explain to a 15 year old from Islington why she should not be disgusted that her Dad backs Donald Trump

My 15 year old daughter from Islington says she is "disgusted" that her Dad would like Donald Trump to defeat Crooked Hillary this Autumn. I try to explain in this podcast why she is wrong. I neglect to mention Trump's admirable pro gay rights record and the fact that he is pro choice but such is the hysterical coverage from the liberal media in Britain that facts do not count any more. I fear that in N1 my daughter is being captured by the establishment. I am sticking with the insurgency.


2942 days ago

Tom Winnifrith postcard: Chilcot exposes the them & us divide: Blair must face trial

I was profoundly struck by the accents of those commenting on Chilcot last night. My own views are clear - Jack Straw  & Tony Blair are war criminals who must face trial, as I explained HERE. The accents of all the players in the drama of yesterday told us again of a divided nation that is Britain, the establishment and the rest of us. That was also part of the story of the Brexit vote. If the establishment brush this under the carpet the feeling of anger and insurgency will only be fuelled.


3020 days ago

Beltway Kylie Morris and British Liberal Media have you seen the Trump landslide news from New York? Apology time?

Beltway liberal Kylie Morris of C4 News led the British liberal media, after Wisconsin, in saying Donald Trump's campaign had problems. Less partial commentators (me) suggested we wait for the New York Primary where rump would win big. Kylie covered that contest by interviewing rapid Democrats saying what a stinking racist Trump was or, yesterday, the craziest man she could find among Trump supporters - a religous nutter from Long Island blowing a ram's horn and misquoting the Old Testament. C4 viewers could be under no illussion: Trump had no mainstream support in New York State. Well here are the actual numbers from the primary.

Trump 60.5% and 89 delegates, Kasich 25.1% and 3 delegates while Cruz, the candidate the Country Club establishment want to foist on the GOP got just 14.5% of the vote and no delegates.

So what do we know now? Kylie may not have worked this out
