knife crime

1236 days ago

Reasons to Despise the Police No 543: the Met virtue signalling on #InternationalWomensday

I do not despise Policemen or Policewomen. But increasingly I find ever more reasons to despise the institution that is the Police Force, especially Cressida Dick’s useless Met in the nige plagued cesspit that is London. All I want of a Police force is for it to act tough on serious crimes like burglary, muggings, rape and, in London, stabbings. Is that too much to ask? Are my views not reflective of what nearly everybody else in this country wants. Instead we get folks arrested for throwing snowballs or drinking a takeaway coffee alone in their car during lockdown. And now this…


2111 days ago

Can you buy anti-stab vests at Paddington?

I see that London’s hapless Mayor Sadiq Khan is tweeting like a man possessed, pleas for folks to travel to his great City this weekend for a mass exercise in anti Brexit Remoaning. I would have thought he has more important things to do.


2205 days ago

The double standards of London's hopeless Mayor Sadiq Khan

I cannot but help think that underneath it all Sadiq Khan is a pretty decent fellow. And all too often, as on knife crime in stab City, he is blamed unfairly for the manifest failings of others. But he does have a penchant for wasting other folks cash on pointless virtue signalling, such as the survey showing how racist cycling was, and when it comes to free speech he does apply a bit of a double standard. A case in point was the Trump blimp flown in London yesterday.


2292 days ago

Hilarious Video: Mark Steyn tears the useless Metropolitan Police & hapless Mayor Khan apart on knife crime

Anglophile conservative columnist Mark Steyn is always very funny but this video on the quite pathetic combo of Mayor Khan and Cressida Dick's Met and its response to knife crime is a classic. As Steyn says, the Met wasn't always a complete laughing stock. It is now. Enjoy.
