
1285 days ago

A blast from the past emerges from a packing case to delight the Mrs

We have now lived at the Welsh Hovel for almost 21 months and as we renovate it, still there are packing boxes either unopened or only partly opened all over the shop. Some of those boxes include items I had kept in storage since 2012 and had quite forgotten that I ever owned.


2703 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard: The cafe Nero woman on BBCQT - the silliest middle class remoaning Brexit bashing bitch in Britain

The panel on BBC Question time were, with the exception of Peter Hitchens, who was predictably superb, truly dire. A daft lefty celeb, a truly thick labour MP - wasn't this a repeat? But it was the audience that never ceases to amaze me. How does the BBC manage to find a crowd week in week out which views the world so differently from the population as a whole. Last night's episode was a classic. Describing someone born outside the UK with a non British passport as a foreigner got one hissed and booed. That is a fact FFS. The highlight was an obviously middle class Guardian reader flagging up the real danger of Brexit: English people refuse to work in Cafe Nero so who will serve her a morning frothy semi skimmed organic Fair Trade latte? . I kid you not. At every level this sums up the insanity and lies of the remoaners, a matter I cover in this podcast. 
