
429 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: a lawyer writes to me re Bidstack and my comments on note 18

In today’s Bearcast I discuss Piers Pottinger of the fraud MySquar (MYSQ) infamy, Parkmead (PMG), Bidstack (BIDS) and Invinity Energy Systems (IES) and why I’d not buy today’s Midas tip and the seedy ramping by The Monkey.


1801 days ago

A controversial figure but saviour of ShareProphets: Gary Withey RIP

55 is too young to die. But sadly it appears that lawyer Gary Withey has passed away suddenly and of natural causes. He was a controversial figure but a friend of mine and a saviour of this website.


1904 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: 7 emails from Julie Meyer's lawyer, IQE placing a dead cert & Doc Holliday either very right or 100% wrong

Today’s bearcast is a little late thanks to the amazing work of Brokerman Dan at the Welsh Hovel. Photos later. I start with the bluncders of Julie Meyer’s latest lawyer. Then I look at Chesterfield Resources (CHF) and other mining tiddlers and explian why Doc Holliday (a bull) is either very right or very wrong and why I think, but do not know, that it is the latter. Then more questions for IQE (IQE) including when is the placing? 


2143 days ago

Exclusive: Julie Meyer vs Henry Gewanter: when you tell enough lies eventually you confuse even yourself!

You may remember that PR man Henry Gewanter has taken Julie “Lingerie on Expenses” Meyer to court over unpaid bills. On 2nd August Gewanter won his case because Ms Meyer simply failed to file a defence. But now using the firm of Shakespeare Martineau, her 19th lawyers, most of the other 18 having failed to receive payment, Ms Sex Toys on expenses has struck back in her own, typically mendacious, way….


2276 days ago

The unpaid wages of sin…Is Peter Bradley the 18th lawyer Julie Meyer has failed to pay? Here are 17 more

In his time as General Counsel to the Ariadne Group run by Julie “Lingerie on Expenses” Meyer , Mr Peter Bradley had occasion to send me three lawyers letters on behalf of his boss who is now being investigated by the FCA, the MFSA, the SFO, Action Fraud, the IRS, HMRC and is wanted on criminal charges by the Maltese Police.  I had thought that Bradley had parted company with the charlatan, liar and fraudster Meyer in April but the Ariadne website, as you can see below, suggests otherwise. 


2282 days ago

Explosive Winnileaks - Julie Meyer warns PA not to open door as it may be bailiffs, tries to blackmail lawyer over unpaid fees

If you were in any doubt as to the financial woes of Ariadne Capital Limited in 2017 this string of emails dumped to Winnileaks is most instructive. Ariadne owed money to lawyers Fletcher Day ( and still did when it finally went bust). Rather than pay, Julie "lingerie on expenses" Meyer, warned her PA not to open the door lest it be someone trying to serve the devout Christian or bailiffs, and tried to blackmail the lawyers to go away, with spurious threats.


2283 days ago

Whistleblower John Galt writes to Julie Meyer explaining why he is exposing her fraud

Over the past three months Julie "lingerie on expenses" and her loathsome lawyer Julian Pike of Farrer & Co have sought to gag whistleblower John Galt, a former employee of Ariadne who has exposed the wholesale fraud at the heart of Meyer's empire. Lying to Court on an industrial scale Meyer has striven to have Galt shut down. The letter below was sent by Galt to Meyer in March and explains why he is now ignoring the threats and speaking out as are so many others. Enjoy!


2320 days ago

Exclusive: And Now Julie Meyer's ex PR man Henry Gewanter says she has not paid him a cent

Noting yesterday that Julie Meyer MBE had hired a new high powered lawyer (to replace the half dozen or more to whom her companies owe money for unpaid bills) I wondered why ace PR spinner Henry Gewanter did not have his name on the release. Henry has answered with a post on the article. It reads:


2766 days ago

Management Resource Solutions: The timetable of share trades: it really can't be insider dealing

Before I get another letter ( sent to the wrong address) from clownish lawyer Peter Reynolds of Fladgate, now hopefully under SRA enquiry for trying to shut this website down by spreading lies, I should like to state that I am not accusing his client Murray D'Almeida of insider dealing. Au contraire, damning Winnileaks exposes such as this one, show that Murray is an honourable man. But just for the avoidance of doubt I have a timetable for you to consider.


2769 days ago

EXPLOSIVE Winnileaks: New Document emerges accuses Murray D'Almeida of MRS of lying and of fraud

Oh dear. Oh dear. London's most clownish lawyers at Fladgate who, we hope, are being investigated by the SRA for spreading malicious falsehoods in order to shut this website down will not like this but Winnileaks has obtained an explosive new document sent to the board of Management Resource Solutions (MRS) on Sunday and also to its Nomad Little Willy VanDyk at Northland. It accuses MRS boss Murray D'Almeida of lying and of fraudulent activities. It also details covert negotiations involving broker Peterhouse where the board appear to have ratted on an agreed deal. Kerboom: Winnileaks scores again, over to you Peter Reynolds at Fladgate, you fascist and unprincipled clown, for a response...


2773 days ago

Is Peter Reynolds of lawyers Fladgates London's most incompetent lawyer? Or its most expensive clown?

I will later today be replying to the oaf who has hired Peter Reynolds of top City lawyers Fladgate to send me a pompous and fascistic letter. I note that Peter appears to have no expertise in libel and it shows. This is going to be a pushover. But before we come to that I flag up that this clown is incompetent and share a couple of emails I have sent him accordingly. I start with the fact that the letter is marked for the wrong person, Mr Winnifred:


3274 days ago

Explosive Pinsent Masons email to Sefton Revealed – Do these bastards have no shame?

This is not going to be a good day for Sefton Resources (SER) or for London’s most despised law firm Pinsent Masons.  My next leaked email is from Pinsent Masons partner Russell Booker and shows how he was at the heart of covering up the fraud at Sefton and wasting its shareholders cash on its doomed libel case against me.


3279 days ago

Charlotte Proudman – just another whining, boring humourless lawyer and a hypocrite to boot

The ghastly feminist lawyer Charlotte Proudman was doing the rounds on the British news channels last night and did herself no favours, as she whinged away in a nasal faux working class drone she showed herself to be little more than a humourless, publicity seeking hypocrite.

You remember that on the tedious LinkedIn website Ms Proudman posted a photo of herself in which she polished up well prompting some buffoon of a lawyer (Alexander Carter-Silk) to post a comment “I appreciate that this is probably horrendously politically incorrect but that is a stunning picture!!! You definitely win the prize for the best LinkedIn picture I have ever seen.”

Ms Proudman promptly accused the sexist old beast of being a sexist old beast stating: 
