
1284 days ago

The 12-year-old NFT whizz - this cannot be real economics

My old friend “Killer Frogs” aka veteran journalist, City boy and PR man Peter Krijgsman, posted this piece on LinkedIn the other day and I share his views. Surely the world has gone mad? Over to Killer Frogs.


1388 days ago

Video: Fiat is Dead – Trade it for Real Value

Investor Rafi Zarber is a libertarian and an Austrian school economist so clearly can do no wrong at all in my eyes. He recently penned an article on money as a gold substitute where he defines the meaning of sound and hard monies. Money needs to be predictable in what it measures and have a predictable supply. Debt substitutes and paper promises become problematic over time, and the entire system becomes unbalanced. These imbalances cause price and supply disruptions across sectors, including commodities like mining.


2473 days ago

Julie Meyer Video - The Love of Money is the Root of all evil

"For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows." Timothy 6:10 ( King James Version Natch). So in that vein who said "I remember being very obsessed with having no money but if you are good money will find you." To find out watch this classic video from 2011


2597 days ago

Podcast: The 2 monstrous lies about the NHS and its "need" for more money

There are two big lies told by folks like Jeremy Corbyn about the NHS and they have been told so often most of our fellow citizens believe them to be true. This podcast explains why they are not, whatever the greedy doctors tell us. The lies are:


3113 days ago

Too Much Money, Not Enough Gold - gold should be at $3,770 oz!

This short research note from Palisade Capital is interesting. It is just another way of explaining why gold is mis-priced and should be far higher, one reason we retain such a strong weighting in gold stocks in our portfolio. Palisade writes: 


3129 days ago

The Premiership starts tomorrow ..but I am so underwhelmed (even about West Ham)

It seemed that almost as soon as Euro 2016 was over West Ham were getting thrashed in pre season friendlies. And now football is back. The Premiership starts tomorrow and the hammers kick off away at Chelsea on Monday. I should be excited.

But I am not. This will be my third campaign without a season ticket. Last year I saw precisely no ga


4096 days ago

Sirius Minerals Interims – Miss Jessie J and I analyse the situation

Sirius Minerals (SXX) today served up predictably dismal results for the six months to September 30th. Jessie J reckons that I should forget about the price tag and it is not about the money. My view is that her analysis of Sirius is wrong. It is all about the money. Or rather lack of it.


