
1572 days ago

Photo article from the Welsh Hovel - back to the 1970s

I mentioned yesterday that three weeks of beard had been removed. But, pro tem, the moustache stays on and with no-one to cut my hair it is very much back to the good old days of the 1970s.



3905 days ago

17 days into Movember – the Facial hairs are getting itchy

As you can below see the moustache is growing at a reasonable rate. If I did not have (far too many ) flecks of grey it would look even more pronounced but it still looks a bit daft to me. And it itches. I really cannot see why anyone would choose to  wear a moustache. But it is Movember.

To those who have sponsored me in this good cause, thank you. 

If you have not yet sponsored me, feel free to do so here.

Many thanks in advance

And remember that if you are enough of a real man that  you  are growing a tash for Movember you can get 20% off your bill during Movember at Real Man Pizza in Clerkenwell – more details HERE


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