811 days ago
Yes, I will be wading through nettles, but all for a good cause. To those who have donated, many thanks. With gift aid, as I record, we have now raised £25,600. If you are yet to donate, please help us reach £30,000, by giving a few quid HERE. Talking of nettles, I describe various home-grown triumphs, here at the Welsh Hovel: next week, I hope to make some nettle beer, as well as more elderflower cordial – what do you think? In the main podcast, I discuss discretionary consumer spending; Parsley Box (MEAL); ProCook (PROC); Altyn Gold (ALTN); Optibiotix (OPTI) and a chat with Steve O’Hara, who, of course, you can meet HERE; and AEX Gold (AEXG).
837 days ago
I start with the usual. 94.5% of you have yet to donate despite the cows, nettles and thorn bush of the weekend. Go on, just a tenner for Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks, you know it makes sense. Please donate HERE. In today’s podcast I discuss Vin Murria and M&C Saatchi (SAA), the scoundrels at Ince (INCE) and Deepverge (DVRG), Vast Resources (VAST), Audioboom (BOOM) and then I take a very detailed look at Tortilla Mexican Grill (MEX) as it buys Chilango. This looks all wrong and another membr of the 2021 IPO hall of shame.
840 days ago
On June 11, myself and seven other rogue bloggers will walk the 34 miles from Winchester Cathedral to Woodlarks. I can now say that I will complete the walk after yesterday’s training effort of 23 miles. But that is three weeks away so now is a great time to sponsor me HERE. To encourage you to donate, let me tell you about the pain of yesterday and show you the reason: the cows, or bulls as they were advertised.
1173 days ago
I support Northern Ireland so do not give a hoot about the woke prima donnas of the England Football team so as the nation sat glued to the box I carried on working on bringing the lower, old, orchard next to the river back into shape.