
384 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast: Insider dealing at Bluebird Merchant, IMHO no question mark

I start with a lesson on the scale and nature of a civil war for parody poster Magna Carta, ref Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI). Then a chat with Lucian on whether to short gold and the second banking crisis he predicts. Thirdly I discuss a big share trade in Bluebird Merchant Ventures (BMV) last week. I have spoken to the company and would bet the ranch, for reasons I explain, that it WAS insider dealing. I do know who the seller was. Finally, Microsaic (MSYS): will Turner Pope and Singer be found morally wanting? So far it is a YES!


2002 days ago

The Genius of Titania McGrath Part 2 - The Gender gap & the myth

I have flagged up before the twitter genius that is @TitaniaMcGrath a radical intersectional feminist on twitter. Her true genius is that her account is a parody but it is so plausible that folks get really angry with "her" dismissing her as just another idiot uber-liberal millenial. Yesterday's offering, below, is another classic which has generated an amazing response from those with no sense of humour or who are just plain dumb. But as with all great parody a serious point is made about some of the rubbish talked about gender equality.  Enjoy.


2397 days ago

Awesome Video: Sound of Social Justice (Simon & Garfunkel Parody Cover Song)

This is quite superb "Fight the Brainwashing that was planted while in Yale...Fuckin' White Male". Superb stuff

