
1028 days ago

Photo article from the Welsh Hovel - the apple juice flows

I flagged up the other day that the apple harvest from the old orchard by the River Dee had been piss poor. But still what juice might it produce. As you can see below the press I bought last year was wheeled into action.


3000 days ago

REPUBLISHED: Where have Elton John and David Furnish got to?

What on earth is going on here? Normally one or other of this happily married couple appear somewhere in the weekend press. But it seems that the media is just not reporting anything today, which just seems odd.

Because David Furnish, the faithful partner of Mr John has 


3027 days ago

Tory MP shags hooker - Labour Tories & Hacked Off talk 100% cobblers

It emerged last night that Tory MP John Whittingdale, now the Culture & Media minister, had a sexual relationship with a hooker before he became a minister. This has now prompted almost everyone involved in the sordid affair and everyone commenting on it, notably former MP Dr Death, Evan Harris, who now speaks for the odious Hacked Off body to spout complete drivel.

Four newspapers, that is to say three tabloids and the little read Indescribablyboring, knew about the affair but chose not to print details. They did so as they discovered about the relationship just after Leveson and were thus terrified of being bashed about intruding into the privacy of the MP, who was not married and did end the affair after he discovered he was dating a call girl. 

That was a bad call by the press. Prostitution
