private sector

2319 days ago

Pay rises of up to 29% for NHS staff are NOT paid for by the Treasury as the BBC claims but by me and it is the final straw

One of the big lies that our children are told in school and university and which the liberal media ram down our throats is that public sector workers are paid less than we folks in the productive sector and have had lower pay rises over the past few years. Those lies are exposed as lies with hard data as I did in my, Bath Spa lecture HERE, the "what happened next" story of which I will relay one day and which will horrify you. But the lie has worked. If enough folks repeat a lie often enough it becomes an Orwellian truth.


2549 days ago

You private sector workers spend your whole day watching cats on the internet said the Mrs... ok, for once a fair cop, awesome video

The Mrs is of the view that while she and her fellow public sector workers slave away with inhumanly long hours, myself and the rest of the productive sector, the private sector, the wicked bastards who earn less and have less job security than the State employed saints and who risk their capital to fund the Government payroll, sit around all day watching cats on the internet. Just to reinforce the view from underneath the great Money Tree, below is a quite awesome video of a cat from the internet. Cats are just the coolest creatures on this planet are they not? 


2577 days ago

Public sector pay has gone up by just 1% since 2013 - the hard data that shows that is not true

The debate about public sector pay is predicated on the myth that it has gone up by just 1% since 2013. The liberal media, the Labour party and indeed almost everybody just accepts this is a fact. But it is not true. It is fake news spun and reported by those who cannot be arsed to check their facts. If you actually bother to check the data from the Office of National Statistics you will see that it is a lie.


2877 days ago

Tom Winnifrith postcard: The twit Liam Fox has no real world experience and shows it in spades

Liam Fox MP is in a spot of bother for saying British businessmen are lazy chaps who spend too much time on the golf course. With no real world experience Fox simply does not know how the private sector works or what he is talking about. But in this podcast I point out that he is far from alone. That is no defence, the man is a prize twit. 


3234 days ago

Weekly Postcard 123: Orwellian BBC News lies and misleads on migrants and public sector wages

I found myself watching the BBC News this week and it was horrible in an Orwellian way. The biased BBC has a clear political agenda and it lies to its viewers by act and omission and by deliberately misleading them. On the public sector vs private sector wage issue the sleight of hand was obscene. On the migrants it just lied. The BBC should be privatized and lets see how many of us will actually pay to watch The Guardian on screen.


3325 days ago

#EndAusteritynow - bollocks from hyprocrites and inumerates

There is no austerity in Britain under the "wicked Tories". Since 2010 Government spending and the national debt has risen year on year. The burden our children will inherit as a result of this profligacy mounts daily.

Yet today in London a couple of hundred thousand folks - c0.36% of the population to be exact - have gathered to protest against "austerity". Why do they want exactly? They want the Government to create a bigger debt which will have to be serviced and paid off one day, by spending more. These folks do not appear to realise that the Money Tree really does not exist.

The money will be spent on more pay for public sector workers who already earn more than their peers in the private (wealth creating) sector yet have more job security, throw more sickies, get longer holidays and get cushier pensions. The money will be spent on bloating a welfare system that is already out of control, not a safety net but - for many - a lifestyle choice which includes booze, fags, SkyTV and playing the lottery.

Among the headline speakers are millionaires


3368 days ago

My local Tory looked like a gangster but got my vote anyway

In the local elections my Tory candidate was a gent called Perry Hicks. He runs the local gym and with his slicked back hair looked like a gangster from the Kray area. I am sure that he is not a gangster but even if he is, he got my vote anyway.  As you can see below my votes were straight down the line Tory and I see that both Tories lost.

Like Theo, my quite cute Tory candidate for Parliament, Mr Hicks seems to be a great money tree believer. His flyer


3667 days ago

Weekly Caption Contest: Overpaid, generous pension, long holidays what do we want…MORE! Edition

For once the Mrs was not on strike with the rest of the public sector last week. The University Lecturers have already staged several walk outs this year and why on earth would they interrupt a three month break in the sun to turn up for a protest. But the rest of the comrades walked out. Did you notice the Country crumbling?

Public sector workers now earn more on average than those in the private sector. It is almost impossible for them to get fired – job security is 100%. They get guaranteed final salary pensions. They get more holiday – and throw more sickies than those in the private sector and what do they want? More!

They are an innumerate bunch. 
