
996 days ago

Lies, damned lies, rich lesbians, poor gays and statistics

Lesbians earn 7% more than straight women, gay men less than straight men – some academics don’t understand data, just in this case damned lies and statistics. This is all nonsense.


1303 days ago

Lies, damned lies and covid statistics from the Government and the deadwood press

In order to justify its civil liberties and economy wrecking lockdown, social distancing and mask policies, the Government needed to say there might be a “second wave”. And lo and behold if you believe Matt Hancock or the other half of this GroupThink madness, that is to say the BBC, ITV and the deadwood press, now we have it. Except that we do not.


2451 days ago

Statistics Lesson for those who think that Telit's Oozi Cats is NOT the Boston fraudster

It is just conceivable that there were two Israeli couples in Boston in the late 1980s - Uzi & Ruth Veronique Katz with the chap born in 1961 and the bird having a March 17 birthday. One went on to be the CEO and the art curator at Telit (TCM) the other were fraudsters. So what are the odds? A statistics lesson follows for you cynics (Leon Boros I am talking about you!):


2696 days ago

More damning statistics on AIM, provided by the world's "most successful growth market". Not!

As a boy I would eagerly await the start of each month. Before I went to bed I said hares brown hares and my first words on waking would be rabbits white rabbits. That was meant to bring you luck. These days the start of the month ritual ( well six days in) involves chortling at the latest dire statistics AIM provides about itself. November was as bad as prior months. AIM is nothing if not consistent.
