
92 days ago

Photo article from the Welsh Hovel - the last jam of the season is an experiment

The Mrs berates me for making too much jam and chutney. I have about 65 jars in my larder which come Christmas present time will win rave reviews but that is neither here nor there. I am a sinner. I had wound down my jam activities for the year but then my pal C called asking if I could do anything with a stack of small, rather bitter green grapes he’s grown. One of my two vines has survived and i hope to be a grape producer myself in a few years so I thought it was worth an experiment.


119 days ago

Photo article from the Welsh hovel: birthday treat of summer pudding

With fresh raspberries and blackberries and strawberries frozen earlier in the summer, I was able to serve up a birthday treat summer pudding for Joshua. I have enough of all three in the freezer to do the same for Jaya on her birthday in November. The blackberry season is almost over but i hope to take the kids for one last big forage to add to our stores. I pick and free more raspberries almost every other day, the harvest has been enormous.


572 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel - an evening of jam making and drinks brewing

My pal Chris came aroud to pick a stack of our glut of strawberries. He, and his daughter, took a trug home with a couple of lettuces after supper but we still have stacks more to pick.  Meanwhile on the production line:


594 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel - the last 2022 jam slips away

I made a stack of jams last year: strawberry, blackcurrant, gooseberry, damson and marrow & ginger. And now we are down to the last jar. The fruit trees and bushes are looking good for this year and the strawberry crop is going to be absolutely enormous. But we are now down to our last pot of jam, as you can see below.


1217 days ago

Photo article from the Welsh Hovel - mint cordial, ice cream to follow

The mint plants in the herb garden next to the new strawberry patch on badger hill have flourished and ever eager to try new ice cream recipes I set out to make mint cordial and then choc chip mint ice cream.


1298 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel - my best ice cream yet

Fresh strawberry ice cream! Yum, yum. A treat for Joshua’s last night in Wales ahead of our trip to the Greek Hovel and for the Mrs to make up for our absence. With strawberry slices melted into the ice cream, it is awesome, possibly even better than the elderflower cordial ice cream. On the subject of elderflowers, the champagne is now really starting to fizz and woe betide the Mrs if she fails to burp it over the next few days. 


1309 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel - Strawberry Fields Forever: first fruit!

Yes, as you can see below, notwithstanding badgers, slugs and birds, we have our first strawberry from the patch I created on badger hill. I picked it yesterday while weeding and after snapping this photo ate it. It was superb. And there are many, many more coming up just behind. Strawberry ice cream for Joshua and me this weekend!


1313 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel: Joshua and I should turn pro at this ice cream making

Here you are – the first produce from our new toy. Joshua and I sampled it for breakfast after a night in the freezer. Taste: perfect. Texture: perfect. Colour: perfect. Welcome to Welsh hovel home-made chocolate ice cream. Next up will be strawberry ice cream and then we will start to experiment with other fruits from our own orchard and vegetable patch later in the summer when we get back from Greece. Of course, the ultimate goal is to make it really home-made using goats milk and cream when we get goats. But that is a 2023, slipping into retirement, project. So good


3106 days ago

What is it with the younger generation? Now they can't find a row of beans?

Having recently noted the failure of my step brother T and the Mrs, collectively the younger generation, to know what a potato plant looks like, I suggest to my father that I might include broad beans in his supper tonight. "All gone" he says. "Really?" I responded "who said so?" was your step brother T.
