the British Empire

1506 days ago

One reason the statues are falling is that we don’t teach our kids our Island history any more

Yesterday my Mrs attended an online union meeting at her University. Natch the statues were on the agenda. She, a person of colour, suggested that they should not all be pulled down but the middle class, white, Guardian reading, classes know what black folks really want to fight racism. Thus the Mrs was in a small minority and the Union at her left wing Madrassa now has a clear policy. Why, I wonder, are folks so angry about so many figures from the past?

There are many reasons but one is, I am afraid, ignorance. I went into some detail HERE yesterday, explaining why Thomas Guy was not really tainted by slavery at all. However, facts do not matter and his statue, at the Hospital founded with nearly all of his cash, is for the melting pot.


4223 days ago

Piss off Argentina and your tax dodging pals at the Guardian

The Argentine economy is going down the toilet. Inflation is 25%, growth is slowing fast and workers are protesting on the streets. In large part this is down to the misguided policies of the Botox-loving President Fernandez. In order to deflect attention from her own incompetence the silly cow is once again stoking up a row over the ownership of the Falkland Islands where a plebiscite this year will show that 99% of the sheep shaggers wish to stay British.

Her latest ruse is to waste Argie Government cash by taking out an advert in a British paper which makes huge operating losses from spouting piffle for its dwindling readership of ageing deluded lefties and whose (profitable) parent company is one of the smartest tax dodgers going. I refer, of course, to the Guardian. Both Argentina and the Guardian can piss right off.

Britons settled in the Falklands when they were deserted since the European political elite who rule the artificially created country that is Argentina were, at that time, too busy exterminating native Indians


4278 days ago

My Google Map of the World & the Britain invading 90% of the countries on this planet map

A map appeared the other day showing how Britain had invaded 90% of the countries on this planet at one stage or another. Generally the 10% had suffered from missing out. The longer the British stayed the better off a country was. I am no apologist for Empire. It is a matter I will be covering at some stage.

I just looked at my Google analytics map and I see that this blog has now been read in 117 countries around the world during the past two weeks. So I still have a way to go to catch up with the British Empire in bringing the message of hard line small state libertarianism to the world. Most of the planet now looks green. I seem to have a good few readers in Belgium. I wonder if it is the articles on their national hobby of paedophilia that attracts them or perhaps, noting that members of the EU press office now follow me on twitter, it is just the Evil Empire tracking members of the rebel alliance?
