the deadwood press

781 days ago

A hopping mad Matt Earl on Darktrace – you’d be mad to own the shares

Last week the Dark Destroyer agreed to do a conference call with a few fund managers to discuss Darktrace (DARK). Some sad feck recorded the call and passed the recording to the Sunday Times which ran a big story “exposing Matt’s undisclosed short”. If only financial journalists on the deadwood press understood that short disclosures are only visible over 0.5%. So, for Darktrace that would be c. £18 million, way too big for Earl’s Shadowfall oufit. Earl is hiding nothing.


798 days ago

How does Victoria respond to the Iceberg bear dossier?

Short selling outfit Iceberg recently published a bear dossier on carpets roll-up play Victoria (VCP), which I reposted on this website HERE. Writing to you from Greece, I am not aware if the deadwood press is taking this matter onwards as what Iceberg wrote was very punchy indeed and I am sure that Victoria’s PR spinners will be using phrases involving the dreaded L word (lawyer) to any of the spineless 4th Estate hacks who ask questions.


954 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast in this Russiaphobic era, some uncomfortable truths for we in the West on the bloody war we cheer on in the Ukraine

I am not a Russian asset and I deplore the Russian invasion but we are not looking at the whole picture and we are being lied to by all sides. I invite you to consider a number of very uncomfortable truths you will not see discussed on the BBC or in the deadwood press. 


962 days ago

Jule Meyer tweets - a bit too late to use this line which is bonkers anyway

The deadwood press, notably CityAM, really seems to have it in for its former columnist Julie Meyer, dredging up “revelations” that appeared on this website months and years ago as new examples of her unwillingness to pay debts as they fall due. In response to this sewer plagiarism, Ms Lingerie on Expenses has hit back with the tweet below. As ever she is bonkers.


1462 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Should Dad's funeral be in the White Bear and is Network International a stonking short?

I ponder this grave question after considering the illogical hateful restrictions we face in Shipston next week. In another podcast I raise the possibility that Donald Trump might win on November 3 because of factors the deadwood press and BBC opt to ignore. All is explained HERE. Then I discuss three sets of builders here at the Welsh Hovel who must be starting to dislike me. Then it is onto Centamin (CEY), Bidstack (BIDS) and Network International (NETW) – a £1.5 billion short?


1463 days ago

Just how out of touch can The Daily Telegraph be? Its, massively out of date, view on pubs

Apparently pubs are working class and grubby. So say the patrician snobs at the Daily Telegraph as you can see below. How I wish this was the case. It seems to me that almost every boozer around here is now a twee gastro-pub serving overpriced food with folks sitting at socially distanced tables sipping just a glass of wine and texting away like dervishes. And yes I do live in the Grim North. Heaven only knows what it is like in the soft South.


1467 days ago

Podcast: The darkest day for democracy in the dark year of 2020 - Facebook & twitter cover up for disgraced Hunter Biden and his complicit Dad Joe

You have a right to know about Hunter and his business dealings and how his dad Joe was involved. Emails that emerged yesterday are, even the Bidens concede, genuine and show them in a terrible light as liars and worse. Yet Twitter and Facebook have taken extraordinary steps to stop you reading about this story which first appeared in the New York Post. And that has allowed folks across the Deadwood Press and MSM, notably charlatans such as Jon Sopel at the BBC, to ignore it completely. 19 days before polling day, Americans have a right to know about the story and the cover up which in these dark times marks a new low point in the suppression of a free press and free speech. I explain all and show why the position of Twitter and Facebook is inconsistent and unjustifiable in this podcast.


1483 days ago

Lies, damned lies and covid statistics from the Government and the deadwood press

In order to justify its civil liberties and economy wrecking lockdown, social distancing and mask policies, the Government needed to say there might be a “second wave”. And lo and behold if you believe Matt Hancock or the other half of this GroupThink madness, that is to say the BBC, ITV and the deadwood press, now we have it. Except that we do not.


1518 days ago

Photo article from the Welsh Hovel, more of that damn global warming

I am sure that you can remember those so very dry summers of a few years ago when the BBC, the Guardian and most of the deadwood press brought you pictures of dry and parched river beds.“You’d better get used to it” we were all warned, notably by that smug bastard Rogger Harrabin of the Beeb, “This is going to happen more and more because of global warming.” Hmmmm…


1520 days ago

Heroic Tim Martin of JD Wetherspoon sticks it to lying MPs, the lying Guardian and the lying deadwood press in general

Tim Martin is once again this website’s hero of the day. The JD Wetherspoon (JDW) boss reports that trade is improving despite continuing assaults by those who thing we should boycott his chain because of Tim’s support for Brexit, including MPs and the loathsome newspaper founded on slave trading profits, The Guardian, who all stoop to lying. His statement today is cracking stuff.  The great man opines:


1521 days ago

Today’s utterly barking left academic you fund to poison impressionable young minds – Dalia Gabriel

Hashem Abedi, the man who blew 22 men, women but mainly children to bits and maimed many others at a pop concert in Manchester, has been sentenced to 55 years in jail. Two and a half years per life seems remarkably lenient to me. But it seems some disagree. For to be a “progressive”, one cannot be on the side of the blown-up little girls but one must see Abedi as the real victim, a man given far too long a sentence. Meet Dalia Gabriel.


1531 days ago

As Britain basks in a heatwave, the like of which not seen for 60 years, the deadwood press bangs on about global warming

Yes the UK is very hot… in August. So it must be global warming right? Not just summer and a hot one at that? As the Daily Mirror points out, it has not been like this for almost 60 years so, er hang on…


1553 days ago

Rishi’s no magician, Purplebricks is still toast in the end - and a chart which is a blast from the past

The deadwood press, notably those on the left which, natch, also includes the woeful BBC, loves the chancellor Rishi Sunak. Thanks to his forest of money trees the UK will see a V shaped recovery, jobs will be saved and no-one will have to pay for a policy response to a disaster which was entirely self inflicted: the mad lockdown. Of course, you and I know this is all tosh.


1618 days ago

Reader post of the day: the damning High Court judgement on the stupidity of ShareSoc's board

I have been having a fascinating discussion on the comments boards with Pierotlunaire on the subject of the suits at ShareSoc, the body that grandstands to MPs, the FCA and the deadwood press claiming to represent UK private investors. A number of critical matters emerge which blow that claim apart.


1663 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Happy Birthday to the Mrs & Guardian reading sister N - where does the bailout madness stop?

It will be a strange birthday for the Mrs here in Wales.  At least she has my cooking to look forward to.  Most of this bearcast looks at bailout madness. Where do we stop? Soccer clubs, Rugger clubs? The charities. In, almost, all cases I argue we shiould not be bailing them out. Indeed if Covid 19 alters the face of pro sport and the Charity sector I think that is a good thing. Then there is the deadwood press. I also look at Bagir (BAGR) and Tullow Oil (TLW).


2059 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast Exclusive: twit James Hurley of The Times demands an apology for calling out his false claim - he can stick it where the sun don't shine

First of all. I deal with James Hurley who is obviously a pompous little prat and a total knobhead.  Then it is onto Neil Woodfotd where, belatedly, the deadwood press is waking up. I do the math on his remaining FTSE 100 holdings. I am a bit tired. having done a 16 mile training walk for Woodlarks in rain, wind and mud today so as you think of an exhausted 51 year old man slowly recovering please support the rogue bloggers for Woodlarks HERE


2073 days ago

Proton Beams to Neil Woodford’s rescue – nope this is just another spoof c/o deadwood press cocksuckers

The Sunday Times “reveals” ( i.e. is told by Neil Woodford’s PR spinners) that his Proton Partners , proton beam centre operator, is planning a £320 million IPO and hoping to raise £50 million on, o-f all places, the NEX Lobster pot. This is a spoof but the deadwood press ( step forward Peter Evans and Sabah Meddings) are happy to assist the great one.


2089 days ago

Don't worry Daniel Stewart - someone still loves you...

Following my revelations yesterday the deadwood press have their knives out for Daniel Stewart (DAN) today. Maybe the CEO's younger broker did not threaten tol beat them or and they did not get fascist lawyers letters for exposing this POS, but the firm is almost friendless as it prepares for administration. I say almost...


2112 days ago

Neil Woodford: the stench of greed, the smell of failure is now dwarfed by the odour of bullshit, which the MSM swallows in full

Yesterday we exposed the sheer greed and reward for failure of Neil Woodford, trousering a small fortune for just one year’s work, as investors in his funds lost a packet. Today the deadwood press have followed up and have swallowed bullshit without question. It is a sad sight and shows why the MSM is not fit for purpose.


2634 days ago

Neil Woodford - how long before The Deadwood Press admits that he does not walk on water?

This website has not joined in the general financial press adulation of fund manager Neil Woodford. But the rest of the 4th Estate has not held back in praising him as some sort of legend. This is of course not in any way related to the vast amount he spends on advertising his Woodford funds across Fleet Street. Oh no... the financial media can always be relied upon as beacons of integrity. But now even the MSM are starting to wake up and smell the coffee.
