
1864 days ago

Photos from the Welsh Hovel - the tile polishing man does some tests

I have removed so much ghastly carpet from the Welsh Hovel exposing wonderful old floorboards but also tiles. Today the tile polishing man arrived to do some tests b efore offering up quotes. His work is below. First up is the floor of the room known as the Mother In Law’s bedroom, a part of the hovel from the eighteenth century. The one clean tile shows just how dirty the others were.


2191 days ago

Photo article from the Greek Hovel - more roof shots as the tiles arrive

A few more photos of the new roof at the Greek Hovel have arrived from George the Architect. The first three are internal and in the new wing. The third giving an idea of how the second floor of that wing will lead seemlessly into the new area above the rat room. The final one show that on the area above the kitchen the tiles are now actually going on!


2194 days ago

Photo Article from the Greek Hovel - yes that is a completed roof

Okay the tiles are not yet on but the timbers are and, though I say it myself, they look splendid. The first two photos are of the long balcony outside the room above the rat room and the new wing second floor. The roof extends over this providing summer shade and winter rain protection as you star up at the Taygetos mountains. Photo three looks through the kitchen to what will be the front door. Photo four is from the new wing up into the room above the bat room which flows without wall into the second floor of the new wing whose magnificent high ceiling appears in photo five. Most excellent.


2254 days ago

Photo Article: The Greek Hovel Progress Update - mindblowing, the roof is on the way

It may have escaped your attention in the photo below but the external and internal walls are almost complete. Assuming the weather holds - and that is a safe enough bet - snake killer Gregori and his team will have the job done by the end of next week. And thus George the Architect tells me that it is time to install a roof. Cripes, we are ahead of schedule.


2441 days ago

Norcros – interims, “remains confident”… BUY

Branded showers, taps, bathroom accessories, tiles and adhesives company Norcros (NXR) has announced results for its half year ended 30th September 2017 and that it is “well positioned” with “strong brands, leading market positions and continued self-help initiatives”  - this is not discounted in the current share price.
