
94 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: NatWest Warns but why is it not demanding the £11m back from Alison Rose? Ouzo for Farage and, on another matter, myself

To anyone still listening: in today’s Bearcast I discuss Global Petroleum (GBP), Regtech Open (RTOP) and the ongoing failure of the FCA to address a £189 million fraud, Safestyle (SFE) and FTI Consulting and NatWest Group (NWG), its profits warning, its Farage report (a whitewash), Alison Rose and why I don’t own any banking stocks.


358 days ago

Wandisco – the $1 billion AIM fraud updates us all on independent whitewash, oops I mean investigation

I guess we will have to wait for the FCA enquiry as the internally driven enquiry by FRP Advisory does not address the key issues at Wandisco (WAND), until recently a $1 billion Unicorn. It appears to be a whitewash.


2228 days ago

The real problem with Jeremy Corbyn's forced "mea culpa" on anti-semitism in the Labour Party is the Chakrabarti report

As the Board of Deputies plans a protest at Westminster against anti-semitism in the Labour party the hand of Jeremy Corbyn is forced. After months of making excuses for all sorts of Jew Haters within his ranks now he faces the sort of PR disaster which forces him to admit that "there are pockets" of anti-semitism within the party. Deep pockets many of us would say.


2381 days ago

BNN - PWC Report & Whitewash: on AIM wholesale wrongdoing does pay

On 4 September shares in AIM listed China, er.. investment, BNN Technology (BNN) were suspended as the FD quit making serious allegations about founder and CEO Darren Mercer and CEO of China Ops Wei Qi. Today came the whitewash. Remember that shareholders not the board own any company.
