
2737 days ago

Who will the Lefty Wimmin & Islington poseurs want to win: The Daily Mail or Melania Trump?

You know when your kids ask you "Daddy would you rather jump into a room full of poisonous snakes or an aquarium full of great white sharks?" and you just say " It is not a choice I expect to make? This morning lefties across Britain and all those pampered posh liberal nitwits (and my daughter) from the Wimmin's March wake up facing just such a choice.

During the US election a deranged Hillary Clinton supporting blogger Griffin Webster Tarpley posted a (100% fake news) story suggesting that the wonderful and intelligent six language speaking Melania Trump had been a high class hooker. Britain's Daily Mail duly repeated this lie and


2738 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard: from a loving father to a 15 year old daughter who went on the Women's March - you are wrong!

The first march my daughter went on was - as a baby in my arms - the Countryside March. I discovered last night that, now aged 15 and a half, she has been on another - the Wimmins March. My views on that are not hidden. I am very proud of my daughter but she comes from a position of privilege and is wrong about Donald Trump as I explain to her in this podcast.


2739 days ago

Christmas Comes early for Marine Le Pen as rival Fillon exposed for handing $538,000 of taxpayers cash to his Mrs

No doubt those on the Wimmins March on Saturday who are always bleating on about how Hillary Clinton was held back by a "glass ceiling" will be delighted with the early Christmas present for sister Marine Le Pen as she seeks to become France's next President. Hang on: gender was an issue in the US but in the French contest it is politics so the wimmin want Le Pen to lose.(As it happens so do I)

Her present is a revelation that Francois Fillon (the only person who can beat Le Pen) appears to have paid his British Mrs Penny, more than a few pennies do be his assistant. In fact she earned around $538,000 according to newspaper Canard Enchaine which says that it can find no-one at all who saw her doing any work at all for her husband in his capacity as MP for the Sarthe region. 

Oh dear. 


2743 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Postcard: The pampered silly wimmin on the #WomensMarch against #DonaldTrump just don't get it

For the middle class Trump haters who marched yesterday, poverty is something unfamiliar so can be ignored. They can afford to view life through the prism of gender, race or sexuality.  Most women cannot afford that way of looking at life. Donald Trump wants to tackle the real enemy of women, poverty. The wimmin just don't get it.
