15 days ago

Another day and another Tory MP in a sex and corruption scandal – I think again of Christopher Booker of Private Eye and 1963

It was only a couple of weeks ago when the hapless Tory MP William Wragg was exposed for exposing himself on Grindr and then being blackmailed that I made reference to Uncle Chris, the late Christopher Booker HERE.  The image from Private Eye of the Court of SuperMac dressed as if for the fall of Rome, which hangs in the downstairs loo at The Old Rectory, is again in my mind. It is as if Tory MP’s get an automatic account with the gay dating app Grindr when they are elected. Again, another Private Eye joke springs to mind.


915 days ago

Smokers, the virtue signallers and the NHS – some inconvenient truths

As Angela Rayner has discovered, being a smoker in 2021 marks you out as something of a pariah among the liberal elites.  It is a sin. I write as a man who used to chuff my way through 20 a day so I am an ex sinner. But the facts are often forgotten as our betters try to stamp out this evil habit.  There was, this week, a suggestion that Nanny state should charge wicked smokers a levy to deal with the inevitable healthcare issues that their habit will cause.


973 days ago

Absolutely Loving Hating Peter Tatchell

I challenge even those who dislike Peter Tatchell, who loathe his methods or who just don’t like homosexuals, to watch this film and not come away from it both liking and admiring the man. Those of us who think that that day, just over 50 years ago, when Peter arrived in Britain to escape being drafted by Australia to fight in Vietnam, was a very fortuitous day, for it has given us a true national treasure, start in a different place. Wherever you start, I suggest you go to Netflix as I did yesterday for a most riveting film.


1004 days ago

Lies, damned lies, rich lesbians, poor gays and statistics

Lesbians earn 7% more than straight women, gay men less than straight men – some academics don’t understand data, just in this case damned lies and statistics. This is all nonsense.


1345 days ago

Back to Church in Wales but is it really?

As I wander down to the bridge to go and pick up my car from the garage in England where it is failing its MOT, I am accosted by a stalwart of our local Church here in the last village in Wales. “We’re going back,” he says. I stare blankly. “Back to Church, services start in a few weeks.” The devil is in the detail.


1381 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: this is the final straw Boris, you can all kick me in the nuts if I ever vote Tory again

It is we in the private sector that have suffered the massive economic pain of the Government’s blundering on Covid. It is the private sector that will eventually create the jobs and wealth to pay for it. So what is Boris doing? Landing us with a bigger bill to pay so he can reward Doctors ( the top 2% of earners), taking the fucking knee Policeman and the bedwetting stay at home teachers. Fuck you Boris, this is the final straw, you and I are done. After thar brief message from a, now, Plaid Cymru supporter, I look at healthcare bubbles, Aids and Covid, at Midatech Pharma (MTPH), Audioboom (BOOM), Conroy Gold (CGNR), IQE (IQE) and Bidstack (BIDS).


2430 days ago

An Oxford tale - another sad day on British campuses

Yesterday it was free speech denial at Edinburgh. Today it is my old place, Oxford, that serves up a tale which just leaves it as an object of ridicule. It started with the Vice Chancellor Professor Louise Richardson who, rather foolishly, suggested that students who are upset with their tutors for expressing views against homosexuality should “challenge” them, rather than reporting their tutors to university authorities.


2530 days ago

Happy Birthday to -now five years old: my 20 most read articles on this website

"Congratulations on your anniversary" said a raft of messages from folks I once knew, barely know or don't know at all but who are connected to me on facebook for grown ups, that is to say LinkedIn. Er ....what thought I... what anniversary? 


2727 days ago

Sir Patrick Stewart on Donald Trump - the luvvie who cried wolf

Like most millionaire luvvies Sir Patrick Stewart, as the sanctimonious old bastard likes to be known, is a diehard liberal, embracing every lost cause and muddle headed daft idea with an enthusiasm that only someone who can afford to pay lots of tax can muster. And thus it is no shock that he was cheering for Crooked Hillary in the US election right up to the moment that the smelly little people voted the other way. Now, like all the other celebs he thinks we care about what he says about the result: "Donald Trump is probably one of the very worst things to happen to our World in the last 100 years." Er hang on...


2768 days ago

The Bonkers maths of Stoptober and why the State should leave smokers alone with the capitalists

It is now just under eight months since I quit smoking and although I have put on a few pounds I feel much healthier and am determined not to go back. I am delighted to see that the percentage of adult Britons who now smoke is at a modern era low of 17% and it is falling. That is a good thing in that death from smoking related illnesses tend to be ghastly and I'd wish that on no-one. 


2830 days ago

The false maths of the PreP pill - mad gay liberals will kill gay men & the NHS

If men want to have sex with each other I have no problem with it. If they want to get married to each other I support their right to do so. After all why should hetrosexuals be the only ones to suffer. But a High Court ruling yesterday means that you and I and all the other taxpayers are going to be forking out vast amounts to subsidise the lifestyle choices of a vocal, and well supported, minority. And that minority will suffer disastrous health consequences as a result.


2936 days ago

#CelebrityInjunction farce over Thursday morning? FFS Even my father can furnish you with details now

Barring a successful last minute appeal by two married celebs the celebrity injunction will be lifted on Thursday morning. The celebs front up an Aids charity but do not want you to know that the younger of the two plays away from home having unprotected anal sex including in threesomes in baths filled with olive oil. The UK Courts are now minded to accept that an injunction is pointless since the latest polls suggest that 55% of folks in England & Wales can now name the celebs. This is the Streisand effect - gagging is counterproductive.

Up until ten days ago while my father, Thomas John Winnifrith, could wax eloquently on


2943 days ago

Tory MP shags hooker - Labour Tories & Hacked Off talk 100% cobblers

It emerged last night that Tory MP John Whittingdale, now the Culture & Media minister, had a sexual relationship with a hooker before he became a minister. This has now prompted almost everyone involved in the sordid affair and everyone commenting on it, notably former MP Dr Death, Evan Harris, who now speaks for the odious Hacked Off body to spout complete drivel.

Four newspapers, that is to say three tabloids and the little read Indescribablyboring, knew about the affair but chose not to print details. They did so as they discovered about the relationship just after Leveson and were thus terrified of being bashed about intruding into the privacy of the MP, who was not married and did end the affair after he discovered he was dating a call girl. 

That was a bad call by the press. Prostitution


2973 days ago

Smokers cost the NHS money so need to be taxed even more - wrong! Lies!

In my podcast yesterday I argued that smokers should not be punished via new budget taxes as this was regressive tax (it hits the poor far harder than the rich). I also said it was "liberal" middle class morality imposed on all of us in a selective way - why not a gay bath-house tax to pay for Aids care? Actually I'd have neither as explained HERE but I ask the question. A reader responds in a very unpleasant way which - as it happens - is also factually wrong:


3236 days ago

The ISIS fighters have a spot of bother with Aids - oh dear

An ISIS recruit from Indonesia turnned up in downtown Raqqa fully aware that he carried the AIDS virus but bei ng a good fellow he promptly donated blood to assist any of his comrades injured in battle.  It appears that at least one of his fellow Islamofascists, an Egyptian, has now gone down with early stage Aids and he has also infected his 15 year old Yazidi sex slave.

Given the share and share alike spirit of ISIS at least two Saudi fighters were also allowed to rape the 15 year old, all in the name of Islam, Allah be praised, and they too are now infected. Who else


3316 days ago

Weekly postcard #107 - Nigel Farage, UKIP, immigrants with HIV - the libertarian take on it all

In the leaders debate Nigel Farage raised a legitimate question about immigrants with HIV and AIDS. But he did not think through the logical implications of what he said, nor did he care. He raises wider issues about how we treat and fund the treatment of those with HIV which I explore and ask as a libertarian does he have a point? I think he does. But I think he does not care about that point he is just a ghastly man what wanted to prop up his core support. The way he said what he did was dreadful


3764 days ago

Global Warming is a feminist issue, it's driving women to prostitution – moron liberal Barbara Lee

Global Warming is a feminist issue driving women to prostitution – moron liberal of the month Barbara Lee

It is good to see that moron liberals reside on both sides of the Atlantic and January’s moron liberal of the month is California Congresswoman Barbara Lee with a claim so ludicrous it is hard to know where to start. 

This imbecile has just authored a new resolution put to Congress which seeks to demonstrate that climate change (or global warming as nutters like Lee used to call it before the Planet started getting a lot colder), is an issue that effects women more than men and so forces them to become prostitutes so they get Aids and die and thus the US Government (heading for bankruptcy, last seen) needs to do something.

To quote this total nutter, as a result of global warming, oops I meant climate change:

Food insecure women with limited socioeconomic resources may be vulnerable to situations such as sex work, transactional sex, and early marriage that put them at risk for HIV, STIs, unplanned pregnancy, and poor reproductive health.”

Oh noooooooo. 

It gets worse.


3786 days ago

Should Justine Sacco the PR bimbo be fired for twitter racism?

Justine Sacco is some American PR bird (quite high flying until yesterday) who tweeted ahead of a flight to South Africa “Going to Africa. Hope I don't get AIDS. Just Kidding. I'm White!' One suspects that her employer IAC will be sending her a P45 for Christmas.

IAC has already suspended her, airbrushed her name from its website and says it will be taking “appropriate action.”

Her tweet is tasteless and it is racist. IAC will undoubtedly be able to show that she has breached its employer handbook (bibles of political correctness and jargon) in some way and/or that she had brought it into disrepute. We all know that making a racist remark is now the most uber-crime of all. Ok it is marginally less of a heinous offence in the eyes of a Western liberal than first degree murder but it is marginal. Incidentally the crime is not just making a racist remark but making a remark that may be deemed racist. And that means saying more or less anything.

Hence in the 21st Century West Ms Sacco is toast.

For the avoidance of doubt I do regard her remark as racist.

Thirty years ago this thick woman would have made this “joke” next to the office water cooler and got away with it. Thanks to email and twitter comments like this go viral and once the “activists” and media elite get onto the case there can only be one outcome.

My Christmas hope? Ms Sacco learns her lesson. Her prejudice is unpleasant but if she can keep it to herself I hope that she finds another job and is allowed to get on with it.

Do those baying for her blood really want to ruin her whole life? I suspect many of them do. And I find that just as unpleasant as the prejudices of Ms Sacco.
