
1109 days ago

The Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks have now raised almost £13,000 – can you help at all? Please say YES!

For the second year on the trot, the Woodlarks camp for the disabled cannot run low cost unique holiday camps for folks who would otherwise, almost certainly not get a holiday. This unfashionable charity is another victim of lockdown and so now needs £48,000 to ensure it survives iunto 2022 when we hope it can re-open. So for the 4th year the Rogue Bloggers will be walking and begging!


2364 days ago

Christmas Appeal - the Woodlarks Christmas Grotto

This is the time olf year when I ask you to consider making a small donation to ensure that folks far less fortunate than we all are enjoy some real joy this Christmas. Woodlarks is a charity with whom I have worked for years. It provides a one-off service: full holiday acccomodation for those so severely disabled that they would otherwise not get such a break.


2469 days ago

I am so 100% excluded from the Inclusive lavatory at the Guardian's fave cinema

It was off to the cinema today with Joshua for a mother and baby screening at the Watershed cinema in Bristol. This is the uber PC movie theatre which is oft praised by the Guardian and likes to show the sort of utterly shite films that the Guardian loves but which would make any right minded person either puke or fall asleep or both. Remember The Lobster - the worst film of 2015? Watershed audiences loved it.


2710 days ago

Photo article: Visiting Woodlarks seeing where readers money is transforming lives

On my way to Heathrow I stopped off at the Woodlarks campsite in Surrey a place where I have had an involvement since the birth of my daughter Olaf almost sixteen years ago, as I explained HERE. This site provides holidays for folks who are severely disabled and who would otherwise not get any sort of break. It is not a fashionable charity but it is one I have supported financially and which readers have supported over many years. To all those who have donated both to the Christmas festivities for 181 kids and also to the ongoing work here is the proof that your cash has made a difference.


2960 days ago

Serena Williams hand over your prize money to the disabled champs you old bigot

Serena Williams is an amazing athlete but as she led the charge to get some sexist old coot booted out of tennis for saying women atheletes were overpaid she stands guilty of rank hypocrisy.
