
1410 days ago

Black Lives Matter, White Lives Matter, White Lives Don’t matter – free speech & double standard in 2020

Before anyone kicks off because they may not like my conclusion, let us be clear, Black Lives Matter as a slogan is fine. However, White Lives Matter really is, at best, meaningless gibberish. You need to put this into context.


1422 days ago

The Madness of the Leftwaffe woke twitter mob - #BoycottDominos

The power of a twitter witch hunt by the woke mob should not be underestimated. It can, in the current climate, ruin lives and careers, erase history and crush businesses. It does not need to have any factual basis at all. In New York this morning, trending on twitter was #BoycottDominos. This will astound you.


1427 days ago

First they came for the statues, then they came for the comedy: as Fawlty Towers is banned the woke revolution rolls on

Though, as I demonstrated earlier, he invested not a cent in slaving, the statue of philanthropist Thomas Guy is now officially for the melting pot. First they came for the statues. Then they came for the comedy. I have just played the video below to my woke Islington based daughter Olaf and she laughed loudly.


1484 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: A Nomad really will do anything to avoid quitting -ref Eurasia Mining

Listeners, I have screwed up on social distancing. at least where my new orchard is concerned. I start with this pressing matter HERE. Then I discuss how I am bracing myself for flak for my latest coronavirus podcast on how the GroupThink mob get their maths all wrong regarding the NHS HERE. Then to matters financial: the markets and economic recovery, Eurasia Mining (EUA), Novacyt (NCYT), Telit (TCM),  Remote Monitoring Systems (RMS) and Castleton (CTP


2741 days ago

The Guardian Front page fisked on Brexit mob - it is just a lie

I am with my father in Shipston and the old fool is still delighting in ordering the awful Guardian newspaper. Indeed it gives the deluded lefty real pleasure in torturing me by reading out articles which even he accepts are complete and utter nonsense. Let's start with today's front page splash: "May told to act to calm Brexit "mob" anger. Hmmm.
