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The Remembrance day massacre the BBC and liberal elites won’t be remembering & want you to forget

Tom Winnifrith
Thursday 8 November 2018

World War One ended 100 years ago this week and so, quite rightly, the media is giving wall to wall coverage to ceremionies and other tributes. It was a ghastly and pointless conflict but we should honour the fallen in that conflict and others and show our respect. Of course some Cambridge students and pampered Serbian soccer players at Manchester United will not. That is a sad reflection on them. But there is one Rememberance day event the liberal elites, the BBC and  its sister paper the Guardian will do their best to ignore. They want you to forget.

It was 31 years ago today when the citizens of Enniskillen in Co Fermanagh put on their Sunday best to pay their respects at the town’s war memorial. The IRA detonated a massive bomb to blow them up. 67 year old reired painter, hospital volunteer and preacher Johnny Megaw, 72 year old retired pharmacist William Mullan and his wife, 73 year old grandmother Nessie, 72 year old retired nurse Georgina Quinton, 20 year old student nurse Marie Wilson… the list goes on an on. Twelve died, hundreds were injured. Lives were shattered and changed forever.

It could have been worse. A second bomb was planted down the road at Tullyhommon. It was four times the size of the Enniskillen bomb. The parade there was made up largely of children. Thankfully it did not go off.

Today we are taught by the bien pensants that men like the late, and totally unlamented, Martin McGuinness and his comrade in the IRA and Sinn Fein Gerry Adams brought peace to Northern Ireland. On that basis Jeremy Corbyn talked to those men and other killers over many years. But the grim reality of what these evil men and women actually brought to Northern Ireland is shown in the video, from 31 years ago today, below.  The liberal apologists for evil do not what you to remember this part of Rememberance day history as they try to airbush the true horrors of the troubles from history, to portray the British army as the real villains of the peace. Don’t let the elites do that.

Show your family and friends this video. Make them remember, or become aware of, the true evil that stalked Ulster for so many years.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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