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Day 4 of the 2019 Greek Hovel olive harvest: the Old Bill calls, the team is complete, is the cat dead? – Saturday

Tom Winnifrith
Monday 9 December 2019

We started the day with three harvesters: myself and Shareprophets readers K and T1 and we started pretty much on time, the person normally latest to rise – myself – having been off the sauce the previous night – held no-one back. Then it was coffee and our usual healthy cereals and we were off to work. There were, however, concerns about the cat.

One of my readers had been warning me that feeding milk to a cat was bad for it. It was first compared to smoking and then much worse, eating raw asbestos. I thought this was a bit of an exaggeration, having brought up cats for many years with milk and human kindness. Indeed the black and white cat who wanders around the Greek Hovel first visited me as a kitten when I gave her milk. That was five years ago when the Hovel really was a hovel.

I rather think that wild boar, golden eagles, snakes, scorpions, wild dogs and other risks of living half way up a mountain where the temperature hits zero in winter nights rather outweigh those of the odd saucer of milk but my reader was adamant. And, to be fair, we had not seen the cat for a day or so but none the less put out a bowl of dry cat food in case I had not killed her. I am glad to report that she arrived mid-morning for a late breakfast.

Relieved that I had not killed the cat we laboured until lunchtime at which point we headed to Lovely Eleni’s Kourounis taverna for a Greek salad and a diet coke – our standard lunchtime fare. I caught up on emails as I ate and was troubled to find a request to call the Warwickshire Old Bill about an “incident”. Cripes, what has my old Dad done now?

It turned out that someone had read my latest article on sadistic abuser Geoffrey Eve of Warwick School and reported to the old bill. I called and we chatted about how there was nothing that the Police can do about it now, it was a matter for Warwick School to come clean on which it will not. But we also discussed the sexual abuse which Warwick also covered up. I refused to name the two men who had made specific allegations about a former teacher but agreed to contact them again to urge them to come forward if only because the alleged abuser is still teaching.  That is the Warwick School way, say nothing so that abusers can carry on abusing.

Then, slightly delayed, we headed back to the hovel and by the end of day four we were at ten bags, half a tonne of olives.  At that point I headed to Kalamata to pick up harvester four T2 who arrived just in time for a trip down to Miranda’s for wine, supper and an introduction to Tsipero, a vile spirit which I will not touch but which seemed to go down well with the team.  Sunday beckoned but there would be no day of rest for a now complete team.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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