
591 days ago

BREAKING Naming alleged paedophile teachers at Warwick School, I start with the music teacher as a 4th victim comes forward

This week, after 12 years of campaigning, I finally got to see Warwick School admit, after years of denial, that historic abuse had taken place and it made a full apology to we victims in a letter sent to thousands of current parents and former pupils. Having been cold shouldered by certain former teachers and pupils for my efforts I slept well that night. But, on reflection, this not a time to let up because there is still unfinished business.


593 days ago

BREAKING: After 12 years of asking Warwick School finally publicly admits to historic abuse and says sorry in letter sent to thousands

The letter below is being sent today to all parents of boys at Warwick School and to all OWs for whom Warwick has details. Twelve long years after I first raised the issue of the physical abuse I, and so many others, suffered at the hands of sadistic bastard Geoffrey, Geoff, Eve, during his two stints at the school, we are getting there with this public mea culpa. Last year Warwick apologised to Eve victims personally, accepting that our allegations were true. Now, for the first time, we get a very public and explicit acceptance from Warwick that it had problems with historic abuse. But we are only part way there.


706 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 1 new Warwick abuse victim comes forward already

This is a good start to the day and my decision to run a slight legal risk HERE yesterday looks to have paid off as I try to force my old school to deal with historic abuse. After that I look at Ben’s Creek (BEN), Conroy Gold & Natural Resources (CGNR), Eurasia Mining (EUA), Argo Blockchain (ARB) and Vast Resources (VAST).


712 days ago

Trying to confront the paedophile masters at my old school Warwick: No 1 the music teacher

Just over a month ago, I headed to Scarborough to confront a former music teacher at Warwick School who is a paedophile. Warwick covered up for him, ignoring complaints, and allowing him to head off to give private piano lessons in his own home after he left. Heaven only knows what went on in his front room in Scarborough. If you are an Old Warwickian (OW) who was at the old place in the last two decades of the last century I beg you to forward this article to any OWs you know for reasons I shall explain.  The music teacher is one of at least 6 paedophile masters at Warwick from my era. There may have been more.


741 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Cellular Goods races towards zero, tough luck David Beckham ( statement on RTO & fund raise needed)

I start with a few words on the weather here in North Wales which brings much joy to my kids and then on Warwick School historic abuse matters. Then it is on to Caracal Gold (GCAT), Corero (CNS), Cellular Goods (CBX), Dev Clever (DEV), Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX) and THG (THG). 


894 days ago

Fecking Warwick School – it happened again

My mind flashes back to that day in 1978, or perhaps it was 1977, when I was climbing out of the old outdoors pool at Warwick school, a place where penguins would have complained about the cold.


940 days ago

Waking up with a pain in my ankle – thanks again Warwick bloody school: where do we stand on its historic sexual abuse?

45 years ago I was pushed back into that freezing outdoor pool at Warwick School behind the “new gym” as I tried to haul myself out. There was no real malice by the three boys who did it (Petley R, Townsend & Moffatt A) but what happened was part of a culture of bullying which teachers just overlooked. Moffat A was, in particular, a real bully in my years in the junior school. Both his parents taught there and so that was just part of life, part of what made Warwick such an appalling place. On this occassion, my ankle caught between the iron bar that went around the pool and the edge of the pool. As I struggled for breath the ankle became horribly twisted. I could not walk for many weeks. It has never fully recovered.


1362 days ago

Warwick School – Now Headmaster Number 3 seems to go for the child abuse cover up

We are now on the third headmaster at Warwick School since I first raised the issue of historic abuse. At that time, Geoffrey Eve, the man who twice smashed my head against the wall, was 86 but Gus Locke then Deneal Smith kicked the issue into the long grass. Now it seems as if James Barker, the new head and an OW himself, is intent on continuing the cover up culture.


1413 days ago

After Everyone's Invited, will Warwick School's new Headmaster deal with the Geoffrey Eve abuse & other sexual abuse & the cover up, here's the old one washing his hands of it

It appears that after two years in the job, Deneal Smith is no longer headmaster at Warwick School, where 43 years ago sadistic brute Geoffrey Eve, a serial physical abuser of young boys, threw my head against the wall not once but twice. I reprint below Dr Smith’s last email to me, washing his hands of the whole affair. Perhaps new HM, James Barker, himself an OW, might – in light of revelations of Everyone’s Invited – actually deal with this issue.


1510 days ago

Twitter thinks it is okay to call a one-month-old baby a bastard if her Dad is a journalist who you fantasise about killing

Yesterday I reviewed how one fellow on Twitter who was a self-confessed shareholder in a con of a company I continue to expose, Supply@ME Capital (SYME), had responded. He did so by fantasising on Twitter about killing me, about me being bankrupted and by suggesting that my wife had slept with another man to produce our one-month-old daughter, as you can see HERE. Normally I let these things go but just now and again when my family is roped in for abuse I complain to Twitter.


1891 days ago

Day 4 of the 2019 Greek Hovel olive harvest: the Old Bill calls, the team is complete, is the cat dead? – Saturday

We started the day with three harvesters: myself and Shareprophets readers K and T1 and we started pretty much on time, the person normally latest to rise – myself – having been off the sauce the previous night – held no-one back. Then it was coffee and our usual healthy cereals and we were off to work. There were, however, concerns about the cat.


1904 days ago

Warwick School and sadistic abuser Geoffrey Eve, a new victim delivers shocking testimony – proof of the third cover up

My extensive coverage of Geoffrey Eve, the teacher who physically assaulted me twice when I was 10 has prompted two more victims to step forward, as the school continues its wilful denial of the scale of the abuse. I was almost in tears reading what happened to this man who, I am afraid I do not remember, but who was two years older than me. This testimony shows that Warwick has now  covered up the Eve scandal three times in forty years.


2290 days ago

Historic sexual and physical abuse at Warwick School, progress at last ... the HM calls

On Friday I recounted harrowing new evidence of historic sexual abuse at my old school Warwick and feared that the new Head Master, Dr Deneal Smith, was set to do the same as his predecessor Gus Locke, that is to say more or less nothing. I judged the man harshly – he called me on Friday before reading my latest article.


2293 days ago

Warwick School – why continue to stick your head in the sand over historic sexual and physical abuse and the cover ups your organisation facilitated?

The abuse that I suffered at the hands of the sadistic Geoffrey Eve forty years ago was physical. It is now more than six years since I first raised this with Warwick School and the banning of Eve from the campus showed that the school knows it had a problem. But the last Head Master played for time and failed to take concrete steps until he got a better job, and the new HM, Dr Deneal Smith,  has now had almost two months since we met and appears to have done nothing. Meanwhile more victims of abuse continue to make contact with me… another one appeared last night.


2342 days ago

If schools did irony, Warwick would be top of the league – meeting the HM to discuss historic abuse

The irony referred to has nothing to do with the new Head Master of Warwick, Dr Smith but is at the foot of this article. Following lunch with my father in Shipston, Joshua and I headed back to my alma mater to discuss the sadistic abuser Geoffrey Eve and other matters. 


2344 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: thoughts on a dog & two placings

Events are moving fast on matters relating to historic abuse at Warwick School and that has distracted me somewhat. But in this podcast I look at Toople (TOOP), have more thoughts on TrakM8 (TRAK) and at CyanConnode (CYAN) where the placing has not happened yet. But it will. And soon.


2344 days ago

Oakley Funeral date set – The Mrs has a book on the death of Mog for me to read to Joshua

Amid a flurry of calls on various matters including an invitation to meet the new Headmaster at Warwick School tomorrow to discuss Geoffrey Eve and another abuser from the "good old days" - a matter on which I have received shocking new information overnight- I have received a call from the vets. The ashes of the King of Cats, Oakley, are in an urn and ready for collection.


2345 days ago

Colder Autumn air, my ankle starts to click, I think of Warwick School, the abuse, Mr Eve and the cover up

In the Greek summer heat my ankle causes me no problems. But my return to the colder British autumn nights sees it start to hurt, especially after a long drive, I stretch and it clicks audibly. The pain is minor but nagging.  The final smash up was playing for London Irish (amateurs), it ended my undistinguished rugby career. Twelve years before that I had hurt it badly at Oxford playing basketball. But the initial weakness was caused by that incident in the freezing outdoor pool at Warwick School aged 8 or 9. It was bullying by other boys and the physical scar is still with me. And so I think of my old school, of the master who threw my head against the wall twice, Mr Geoffrey Eve, and of the cover up that continues to this day. I had another nightmare about it all last night.


2777 days ago

Is this the most shameful Guardian article & headline in history - virtue signalling as thousands of young girls are raped

 It will be no secret that I shall delight when the falling circulation of the tax dodging Guardian newspaper makes it uneconomic and it closes. Until then it continues to pump out the most odious fake news and spiteful virtue signalling junk on a daily basis. But is the article and headline below a contender for its most appalling effort in history? I think we all now accept that Muslim gangs in places such as Rochdale, Bradford and Oxford have been responsible for the rape and abuse of thousands of young girls. that is a fact. One reason they got away with it for so long was virtue signalling by rich liberals such as the Guardian's Libby Brooks who would, of course, never be affected by what actually goes on in deprived working class communities. Oh no...Guardian writers don't actually mix with the workers but they are very righteous are they not?  Read on and feel angry and disgusted...   


2818 days ago

Speaking to the police about abuse at Warwick School 40 years ago - it gets so much worse

After almost six weeks away in London, Sweden and then Greece I had a good stack of mail to wade through. At the bottom of the pile was the Old Warwickian, the glossy mag for we schola warwicensis of days gone by. And to its enormous credit it has finally acknowledged, albeit almost sote voice, the issues of abuse from the "old days."


2908 days ago

Geoffrey Eve, the child abuser, my abuser, at Warwick School - a 3rd boy comes forward

This is physical abuse not sexual abuse but it is still very serious. I detailed the abuse I suffered here and that prompted a second victim to come forward here. Now a third boy has stepped forward.


2910 days ago

Warwick School - More Former Pupils speak up about the abuser, my abuser, Geoffrey Eve: Will the school please do something?

Two and a bit weeks ago I relayed on this website details of a meeting that I had with the current Head Master of Warwick School to discuss physical abuse that I suffered at the hands of a teacher Geoffrey Eve 38 years ago. The HM said swift action would be taken as Eve is still alive. I have heard nothing since but now another former pupil has stepped forward to recount his memories of Mr Eve. This scandal will grow and Warwick needs to address it rapidly for it is a scandal not only about abuse but about the way the School covered it all up so ensuring more boys suffered.


2926 days ago

Back in the Headmaster's study at Warwick School to discuss bullying and physical abuse 40 years ago

The Headmaster's study at Warwick School is still in the old Victorian part of the school pictured below. Next door is the chapel which we visited and which has changed little. The names of those boys who lead their men over the top from the front, as second Lieutenants, in both wars stand proudly. It was that rank, the public schoolboy rank, that suffered the most heavily in the first war and that roll call of honour is a long one.


2926 days ago

Photo Article: What a small world as I revisit Warwick School to discuss abuse 40 years ago

The current abuse scandal of the day concerns young men from Winchester College who were beaten savagely at some Christian camp attended by the current Archbishop of Canterbury wet Justin Welby. As if to make the scandal even more at the heart of the establishment Cathy Newman of Channel 4 Fake News told us that Winchester was Britain's oldest public school. In a sort of post fact era maybe. It was founded in 1382.


3227 days ago

David Lenigas struggles by on 36 foot yacht caption contest results

There was some oustanding abuse handed out to disgraced journalist smearer and fat Aussie share ramper David Lenigas in our latest caption contest as you can see here. The winner?


3409 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 13 October - back to swearing at Big Dave, Fatty and all the other scumbags

In today's podcast I look at yesterday's Quindell (QPP) news, Big David Lenigas and his ramping and personal abuse (if he wants a war then I'm up for it), Golden Saint Resources (GSR) and what Roland "Fatty" Cornish should do now, Sefton Resources (SER), Galantas Gold (GAL), Auhua Clean Energy (ACE), long term AIM dog Image Scan Holdings (IGE) and SeaEnergy (SEA)


3679 days ago

Lse.co.uk – fools & bullies with a clown of a lawyer but NOT originators of market abuse

Okay none of you guessed correctly. My first lawyer’s letter of the year came from Lse.co.uk. Apparently I have damaged its good name and caused it distress. Yes, that is the website which each day carries at least 50 posts smearing me with all sorts of abuse and lies. Next up, Prince Andrew is going to give me a lecture for inappropriate behaviour because my wife is six years younger than I am.

I posted the screenshot below and asked in the article who at LSE was responsible for loading it because it carried bogus reports of broker buy notes on Quindell (QPP) and was thus market abuse. I tried to phone and email but no response. LSE.co.uk states that the data is loaded by Digital Look. Fine – someone at Digital Look has a few questions to answer. I am very glad that the FCA is looking into this.
