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Judge Jonathan Bennett & the unrepentant serial rapist – a lesson in why I increasingly despise the liberal judiciary

Tom Winnifrith
Friday 11 December 2020

Muhammad Jan refused to admit his guilt. So his victims, street working prostitutes in Derby had to give evidence in Court. It was too much for some but enough came forward to see the 24 year old convicted – after the jury deliberated for four hours – of two counts of rape, one of attempted rape and three counts of sexual assault against four different sex workers in the latter part of 2019.

So what did Judge Jonathan Bennett, a good establishment chap educated at Cambridge, say as he made an excuse and adjourned sentencing until February:

These are extremely serious offences and I think that you, potentially, are a danger to young women, particularly sex workers. So I need a (psychiatric) report on whether you are dangerous to the public.

The cost of that report is one that, you and I the taxpayer, must fund. The idea that a man who has raped and assaulted a string of women and showed no remorse at all  is “potentially a danger to young women” is a joke. He is a clear danger.  Does this judge really need a report on whether Mr Jan is a “danger to the public”?

Jan is self evidently a danger to the public as an unrepentant serial rapist. If you and I were in the shoes of Judge Bennet, Jan would by now be starting the longest possible sentence going, no additional money would have been spunked on the psychiatric report and it would be straight onto the next case.

This is exactly the sort of case that see more and more of us despising grossly overpaid out of touch liberal judges. Can anyone at all offer up a defence for the wretched Bennett?

Maybe he thinks that working class hooker trash don’t really matter? Had the victims been graduates of Cheltenham Ladies College, perhaps Bennett might have thought that sterner action would have been needed? There is no excuse for Bennett’s actions. Sack him now. 

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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