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BOMBSHELL EXPOSE: Umuthi - The Standard List fraud that exposes the slime at the heart of the City of London, part 9: the disgraceful failures of the FCA, not fit for purpose

Tom Winnifrith
Wednesday 15 September 2021

So far you have met the fraudster Queen, the other South Africans on the board who are mired in this fraud and an enabler, broker Pello and its boss Andy Frangos who are also deeply implicated in  the Umuthi (UHS) bezzle and the patsy UK NED Colin Bloom - now since resigned. Then we established that nobody actually knows how many shares there are in issue. and finally we established that there is almost certainly no real business at Umuthi whatever it accounts state!  And then we exposed the red flags over auditors and the enablers at Jeffreys Henry Earlier today I turned to the resignation of Memery Crystal. Next up is the UK’s regulator and why this episode, again, shows it to be not fit for purpose. 

About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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