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Things that give you covid in 2021 – cup cakes for kids at school

Tom Winnifrith
Wednesday 15 September 2021

I have always thought that the idea of handing out trays of high sugar cup cakes bought from the local Nisa to the brats in your kid’s class at nursery or school on his or her Birthday, was just very silly. It did not happen when I was a boy, say I to the Mrs, sounding more and more like a grumpy old man as every day goes by.

But I suppose it is better to go with the flow and having managed to remember that today is the day when Joshua must wear non-uniform trousers as it is “play in the mud in your wellies and get in a total mess day” I asked his teacher if I should bring in some cup cakes tomorrow when the Pest turns five.

“We used to” she said “but not now with the new regulations”. I nodded and said I understand. I can see that buying a few boxes of cup cakes from Nisa and handing them over is a high risk activity sure to make my local Primary school a super spreader of Covid hot spot which, in an age group which appears to be entirely unaffected by “the plague,” would be a disaster of Biblical proportions. Trying to point out just how laughably absurd such rules are is entirely pointless as it is bound to be met with a comment about how we must follow the science and the experts. And a disapproving stare for daring to think otherwise.

I am not sure if this particular lunacy is one of the additional measures that the poltroon of a First Minister Mark Drakeford has implemented here in Wales “to keep us all safe” or if it is a UK wide act of lunacy. One rather loses track.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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