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Zebra Crossing rooted to the bottom of the pyramid of victimhood: all hail the Trans crossing

Tom Winnifrith
Wednesday 10 November 2021

A zebra crossing is black and white so I guess it is multicultural. But guide dogs know what it is and so it saves lives both of blind people and of kids who want to cross the road. But this is 2021. So it is not enough. First there was the LGBT crossing. Okay it was very expensive and totally confused the guide dogs so was a pointless virtue signalling health hazard. But the wider LGBTQ community is only so far up the pyramid, we can do better. and so to Camden Council in London which, as is the wont of such bodies, pays its senior staff mouth watering saleries but bleats endlessly about how front line services are having to be slashed back because of cuts in Government funding made by the evil Tories. As you can see below, Camden does have money for some vital projects…

Yes it is a trans crossing, These are the colours of the trans flag. By now your average guide dog is utterly baffled and will be leaing its owner straight into the path of a No 52 bus. But that really does not matter at all as dogs and blind folks are nowhere at all on the pyramid of victimhood. On the other hand, the trans community is right at the pinnacle and thus this costly gesture by cash strapped Camden will be seen by the liberal metropolitan elites as really “brave”. Unlike a decision to increase the budget for, say, keeping fire engines on the road or repairing delapidated social housing.  

Meanwhile looking at those “women” below, the three on the left would be really useful additions to your local women’s rugby team don’t you think? Who could possibly object?


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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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