
358 days ago

Go woke go broke - #BoycottCostaCoffee as another woke corporate glorifies trans mutilation

Maybe there are some folks out there who think young women having their boobs chopped off as part of the trans process is okay. Some will think it insanity. But, I suspect, very few customers of Costa Express will think it is something to be celebrated and have rammed down their throats. But some over-promoted liberal arts graduate in marketing thought it would be a wonderful idea. You wonder why #BoycottCostaCoffee is trending on twitter? The owner of Costa, incidentally, is Coca Cola, not that I will be boycotting coke zero. However…


497 days ago

Oxfam's 92 page suicide note

My father and mother were in Oxford in the 1960s at a time when Sergeant Morse arrived in the City and when Oxfam was set up and they were – like Morse – almost, lifelong supporters. They paid over a monthly direct debit even when they could not afford it and would order Christmas presents from the third world via the Oxfam catalogue. But in his final years I finally persuaded Dad that sending his cash to an organisation which covered up for paedophiles in the field was not a good idea.  We discussed the bloated salaries of the administrative staff in Oxford and how Oxfam was now opining on areas well outside its original remit of fighting famine. He could not argue and one glorious day I answered a begging call for a Tom Winnifrith from the aggressive sales team at Oxfam, and, with the consent of my father, ( also called Tom) told them to bugger off and to stop the direct debit.


550 days ago

India Willoughby, Britain's leading transgender activist says their treatment just like the Holocaust

The British state has not shut down 1 trans business. It has not transported one trans person. It has not organised a Kristellnacht for  the trans community or barred trans folks from working in a range of jobs. It has not killed one trans person. It has not denied them equal rights with the 99.6% of the population who don’t identify as trans or the 99.95% who have not had operations to transition. Yet India Willoughby says that, bar the camps, folks like her are being treated as trhe Jews were by the Nazis.


604 days ago

Fewer than half of Brits are Christians census fury but atheists, like Cambridge bisexuals, see the light in the end

There is much wailing as the results of the 2021 Census are published and so that for the first time in almost two thousand years the majority of folks in England and Wales do not identify as Christian. Well sort of, many of the supposed godless are just like Cambridge University bisexuals. They will see the light sooner or later. Let me explain on this day before Advent.


627 days ago

The liberal media runs scared of the mid-terms Red Wave – denial on BBC Woman’s Hour

The liberal media is now waking up to the idea that, tomorrow, American voters will use the mid-terms to blow an enormous raspberry to their man creepy Joe Biden and to the whole ultra woke agenda of their beloved Democrats.  Well, that is to say they know that the GOP will hand out an enormous whipping but they cannot admit why.


732 days ago

How sad, Stonewall campaigners are now child abusers

Once upon a time Stonewall was a great charity fighting the good fight for equality for the LGB community. But that battle is now won. So in order to justify the fat cat salaries its staffers enjoy it needs to find new battles and, I am afraid to say, that seems to mean bad ones. The tweet below can only be described as child abuse.


922 days ago

Fraud promoter & crisp salesman Gary Lineker on BBC diversity of thought

Retweeting a tweet from a former editor of the Guardian, Gary Lineker wades into battle on behalf of the BBC which, by extorting money from us all under threat of jail,pays him£1.3 million a year for talking about sport. The crisp salesman, who made £5 million from promoting the £3 billion Quindell fraud, argues that BBC staff have a diverse range of opinions. Hmmm.


946 days ago

To crown off 2021 meet the Chester "woman" jailed for having cocaine fuelled sex with an Alsatian

Just 30 yards away is the border with England and while folks in Wales are a respectable lot, the infidels over on the other side of the River Dee, in Cheshire, are a strange lot. Meet Claire Goodier aged 60 from Chester who has been found guiltry of having sex with an Alsatian Dog. So how will she fare in a women’s prison? I am sure you can guess where this is going….


974 days ago

So 2021: the arrest of the masturbating woman with a penis

Some of these women with penises seem to play by a different rulebook to women who don’t have penisies or, as you and I might describe them, women. A few weeks ago we discovered how some lesbian women with penises reacted badly to lesbians who did not want to have sex with them. Last week the Girl Guides, a body which booted out and smeared as bigots some old stalwarts back in 2018 who had raised conncerns when the organisation embraced the idea of recruiting teamleaders who were women with pemises, had a spot of bother with two such leaders who seemed to have somewhat strayed from the path of rightousness.  Now meet Chloe Thompson a 41 year old “lass“from Middlesborough.


990 days ago

Zebra Crossing rooted to the bottom of the pyramid of victimhood: all hail the Trans crossing

A zebra crossing is black and white so I guess it is multicultural. But guide dogs know what it is and so it saves lives both of blind people and of kids who want to cross the road. But this is 2021. So it is not enough. First there was the LGBT crossing. Okay it was very expensive and totally confused the guide dogs so was a pointless virtue signalling health hazard. But the wider LGBTQ community is only so far up the pyramid, we can do better. and so to Camden Council in London which, as is the wont of such bodies, pays its senior staff mouth watering saleries but bleats endlessly about how front line services are having to be slashed back because of cuts in Government funding made by the evil Tories. As you can see below, Camden does have money for some vital projects…


1131 days ago

So the Trump supporters handed out flyers on campus with named photos of academics and a cartoon of a woman holding a gun

Alt-right bastards screamed the liberal left, this is an incitement to violence. The students responsible must be chucked out of the University, this is a threat to free speech. You can just feel the outrage, the self-righteous anger, the calls to ruin the careers of the young folk responsible, the BBC and the Guardian jerking off as more alt-right hate is exposed and they can somehow say all Trump voters are guilty by association. You know the story… except…


1131 days ago

Go bet the ranch on New Zealand to win Olympic gold in super heavyweight "women’s" weightlifting

Despite being 43 and the oldest “woman” in the field, Laurel Hubbard has a big advantage over all the other competitors. She is a man. Or rather she was until eight years ago when she transitioned. So for 35 years unlike all the women in the contest, her training was not interrupted by periods and she was naturally stronger. Indeed she was a very strong man too, competing at the highest levels in men’s weightlifting.


1137 days ago

Happy Birthday Che say misguided lefties like Union Boss Howard Beckett - don't they know he was a murderous, racist, homophobe?

Che Guevara was the “hero” of the Cuban civil war whose face adorns T shirts of the naive across this globe. He would have been 93 today and folks like Union boss Howard Beckett are rushing to praise him, showing their complete ignorance of history, as you can see below. The left often hates history. Facts can be awkward. So Howard celebrates with the late Che showing solidary with other victims of racism, homophobia, transpobia, etc, etc. Er…


1143 days ago

Woman says women have vaginas - found NOT Guilty of hate crime

Cripes next up in Airstrip One a man who said 2+2 = 4 will also escape punishment as will the chap who opined that day follows night. What a world we live in. The “crime” of Lisa Keogh which saw her suspended by Abertay University in Scotland was stating what is, or should be, an undisputed fact. But in this mad world of trans rights, apparently some women have penises. Whatever. What should be the subject of a full enquiry is why this poor woman was put through the ordeal in the first place. Those who instigated it have no place in academia, a world which once cherished free expression.


1149 days ago

My friend in Scotland is silenced – we live in terrifying times

Nowhere in Britain is free speech more threatened than in Scotland and the woman who is the only person from my old Oxford college with whom I communicate at all regularly has gone quiet. It is not a legal threat which has silenced her but a poisonous atmosphere of fear.


1254 days ago

A dark day for the ACLU - it serves up fake facts, natch it is the transgender debate

The American Civil Liberties Union has a proud one hundred year history. It has been a heroic organisation that those of us who care about liberties can only but admire without reservation. Until today that is and a Twitter outburst which marks its darkest hour.


1254 days ago

Thanks to your generosity as a taxpayer, Sheffield Hallam University discovers trans folk trapped at home by public lavatories

The reason that university lecturers need long holidays is that they can publish research. The more research they publish, the more funding their university gets so the more they get promoted. Being a good and dedicated teacher really is not part of this process. Of course, all research must be peer group approved to get published and in the woke culture at Britain’s Marxist madrassas I guess you know what that leads to. So let’s go to Sheffield Hallam University where taxpayer cash has been wisely invested in a gender driven study of public toilets.


1344 days ago

First they came for the Brexiteers, then they came for the conservatives and when they came for Suzanne Moore there was no-one to save her

This week, the journalist Suzanne Moore was forced out of her highly paid job at the Guardian. Her crime was to question certain of the more radical demands of the trans agenda in relation to women‘s rights. Moore was not fired. No, this is 1984 so instead vast numbers of her colleagues wrote to management saying her views upset them. Knowing she was in peril of being written out of the script, Moore walked.


1407 days ago

Go Woke Go Broke: Rabble Books and Games in Perth kicks Harry Potter into touch

Rabble Books & Games, a bookstore in Perth Australia, has a death wish. It has said that it will not stock any new books by JK Rowling including those written under the pseudonym Robert Galbraith. Folks desperate for a Harry Potter novel can get it as they will be stored under the counter like smuggled cigarettes from Vietnam in your local newsagent. Why would a bookstore take off its shelves one of the world’s best selling authors? This is an act of commercial suicide.


1463 days ago

World Rugby half calls out the transgender bullies - a half brave but welcome move for women's sport

In the sport of Rugby the World governing body did something that was, on the surface of it, quite brave: it commissioned a scientific study on transgender women playing the sport. To the surprise of nobody with half a brain cell, the report showed that people born as men but who had transitioned would, even if they took hormone reducing drugs, be faster and stronger than what World Rugby terms cis-women. Or, what you and I just term women. And worse. If real women played against trans athletes, the study showed that their risk of serious injury increased by 30%. As such World Rugby is not going to allow trans women to play against women born as women and is using safety as its excuse. That offers a get out of jail card to any contact sport to do the same.


1464 days ago

Debate is hatred - Alt Left MP Nadia Whittome wants to trample on free speech

Nadia Whittome MP is an uber woke member of the Alt Left, who today has waded into bat for the rights of the trans community. She offers up a terrifying vision of the Orwellian state she wishes to create.


1464 days ago

Why is the Government urging school kids to read hate peddling fake news at The Day – JK Rowling apology non edition

The Day is an online newspaper which targets school kids, founded and edited by Fleet Street great and good member Richard Addis. It comes with the full endorsement of the Department of Education. But why is this, supposedly Tory, Government urging kids to read such hate filled filth.


1489 days ago

The NHS must sack Olivia Butterworth now for slamming a victim of domestic and sexual violence

No one is still quite clear what Olivia Butterworth does to justify her six-figure salary as Head of Public Participation for NHS England. We know that she tweets out lies about the Tories to bash them and thinks that celebrating Virtual Pride is more important than treating cancers. But what does she do? Well, it seems she attacks women who have suffered domestic violence. If this was a male employee of the NHS, an ordinary Joe administrator, he’d be getting a P45 today, but will the NHS show a true commitment to equality and fire Ms Butterworth?


1894 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Transgender "genocide", IQE profits alert and Monkey facing wipeout

WARNING: Our apologies, this Bearcast has distorted sound from after ten minutes, when Tom recorded it. It is still audible. We’ll try to fix it for tomorrow’s Bearcast. I start with a short bit on the wild use of language and yes the trans “genocide” is my starting point. I look at IQE (IQE), Thomas Cook (TCG) and classic red flags – Eight Peaks Group (8PG), Yu (YU.), Bushveld (BMN) and Tesla (TSLA). If you have yet to donate to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks (another announcement tomorrow), please do so HERE.


2308 days ago

To celebrate #Transvisbilityday here's an article you may have missed - you cannot be serious?

Saturday was world #Transvisibilityday. You need a day like that becuase way under 0.5% of the world's population are never on TV, never in the newspapers, never being celebrated at the Oscars for starring in a crap foreign language film, never on BBC Question Time as the high priests of victimhood. They are never in the headlines demanding that though they have penises folks who identify as women and re part way there should be allowed to share a changing room with our teenage daughters. No, never.


2312 days ago

Campus Cowardice & Intolerance - the death of free speech - Monty Python at McMaster

Across the West the story is the same. Offended snowflakes object - or in some cases far worse - and craven academics cancel events or no platform speakers. This is a matter I am now all too familiar with after giving this most excellent talk at Bath Spa University. It is surely only a matter of time before some liberal arts faculty somewhere organises a book burning. Today's demonstration of the Orwellian nature of the liberal arts campus of today comes from McMaster University in Hamilton Canada.


2384 days ago

Trans Madness - Why the * is not acceptable and must be removed

From the TSER, Transgender student, website I featured earlier I feel it is worth explaining why the * can be "inaccessible, binarist, and transmisogynist" What follows is a page of such complete and utter bollocks I defy anyone to understand a word of it. The joke here is that these earnest young students write this in all seriousness...this is really not a parody. In my day young folks wanted to take drugs, have sex and get hammered, surely writing the nonsense below cannot be more fun than that?


2384 days ago

The Minefield of transgender vocab - the phrase "born male" is now deemed defamatory.. whatever

One of the few joys of the transgender madness, promoted by the elitists of the liberal media, and now raging across the West is seeing uber PC lefties such as Germaine Greer and Peter Tatchell fall foul of this new lobby, no platformed and accused of bigotry becuase they just cannot keep up. Want to avoid such a fate? Thankfully I can help.


2387 days ago

Whatever the BBC thinks, I am not discriminatory in not wanting to date a woman who used to have a penis

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. And beauty is not skin deep - or should not be. I fancy the Mrs not only because she is physically attractive but for a range of reasons including her brains, sense of humour and her past experiences which I can understand. But now apparently that is not acceptable. If a woman's past experiences include being a man and going through surgery and hormone treatment that may be something that one may not find so attractive. In fact it is something that would deter me from trying it on.


2541 days ago

The lady at the Sainsbury's checkout looked at my son Joshua and said "what a gorgeous little girl"

11 month old Joshua and i greatly enjoy doing a Sainsbury's shop together. we discuss what we need to get from the shopping list in my head. Or rather I talk as i wheel him around in the trolley and he sits there gurgling and smiling sweetly at anyone whose eye he can catch. At the checkout, as I tried to fish out my credit card, the lady caught his eye, he smiled and giggled and she said " what a gorgeous little girl". 


2556 days ago

On the LGBT-fest that was BBC Breakfast -Bashing Trump for Transphobia & not saying what gay equality means as more is demanded

It was 50 years since the legalisation of homosexuality and 1 day since President Donald Trump said he was banning Transgender folks from the US army. And thus BBC breakfast focused in hard on issues that affect directly just over 2% and between 0.3% and 0.6% of the population directly. What else could the liberal media focus on? It was a veritable LGBT-fest and a reminder why BBC Breakfast really is just such dismal viewing.
