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Photo Article from the Greek Hovel - Very Good News and Bad News

Tom Winnifrith
Friday 31 March 2023

In four days time, the advance party, myself and Joshua will be in Greece ensuring that a third proper loo is fitted at the hovel and that the last bad bit of road on snake hill is mended. We will take out a few more books although the library there is extensive and have to buy some loungers for the pool before the arrival of the Mrs and Jaya. The house is then, near as damn it, complete. There may be a picture or two to take out and hang and a few more books and DVDs but it is a place I could now live in all year round. I wish. There is good news and bad news from Kambos.

The bad news is that the charming Barbera and her two sons have thrown away the keys to the small taverna formerly known as Miranda’s. That reduces us to a choice of the Lovely Eleni’s Kourounis taverna ( limited menu), Thomas of whom I have written much and the new ouzerie. The word on the street is that a new chap has taken ownership and will be open by next weekend. I will report back on his cooking but shall miss Barbera and her sons.

The good news is that the pool is ready. Our first guests arrive the day we leave and areapparently masochists enjoying cold swimming and so the pool man has opened up our pool. It will, apparently be ready and full by Monday. It looks splendid but will, I fear, be cold. The temperatures are now peaking at about 19 degrees so it will warm up but not quickly enough. However Joshua is a brave fellow, the next guests are masochists and by May it will be fantastic.

The hovel, now a palace, is now booked for most of the summer.  There are now 9 days left unbooked in April, 23 in May a few at the end of September and the whole of October.  Then the pool will close until next April but – other than during the olive harvesting season the place can be booked at low season rates. Full details are HERE

Pro tem… for Joshua and myself the count-down is on.


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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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