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Weaning my Deluded Lefty Partner away from Labour (The People’s Party)

Tom Winnifrith
Thursday 2 May 2013

My partner is a lifelong deluded lefty. She has always voted for the People’s Party. But I can report a mini triumph of a shift away from the loons here in the Clifton Ward of Bristol.

Naturally my partner would rather drink her own urine than vote for the wicked Tories. The Lib Dem’s murdered a forest of trees in an attempt to win support for their ageing hippy of a candidate. But however many new park benches this old fool has managed to get set up around here my partner cannot forgive the Lib Dems for being in coalition with the wicked Tories so that was a non-starter.

And that left the People’s Party (no leaflet) and a nice young man with a Polish name standing for UKIP. He promised to end political correctness on the Council which I though sounded like a good idea although my partner was not so sure. And he also promised to end immigration from Eastern Europe. I guess he doesn’t like his relatives much. And I am not entirely sure what Bristol City Council under UKIP leadership could do on this matter anyway? Passport controls on the M4?

I tried in vain to suggest to her that it was racist not to vote for the Eastern European candidate but this did not seem to wash. And as such it appeared that she would stick with the People’s Party. But…

A quick internet search revealed that there was an independent candidate who seems like a total loser to me. An accountant for a not-for-profits local Arts charity this old lady seems to stick her nose into everything with a view to ensuring that as much taxpayers cash as possible is pissed away. Bingo. My partner was convinced.

As such in this household I can report a swing of 100% from New Labour to crackpot independent. To lose this household is a disaster for Ed Miliband. No Labour candidate in history has failed to win this household by a landslide. It is game over for Ed.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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