
47 days ago

The “Far Right” wins in Europe, blame Nigel Farage: translating what the bien pensants mean with this slur

By Far Right, or as they sometimes put it Fascist, they mean anyone who questions the narrative that record immigration creates diversity, wealth and is a wholly good thing, who believes that there is no shame in being proud of your nation state and its past or that there are not 108 genders and that our kids should not be sexualised at primary school. If you dare question man made global warming, giving unlimited and unquestioning support to Ukraine or suggest that the reaction to covid was overblown you may also be deemed far right or a fascist. So who do I mean by “they”?



53 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast: the US election after the Stormy Daniels case, the Ukrainian war and the British election as Farage steps up to the plate

I start with Nigel Farage and his decision to lead Reform and stand in Clacton. What does it mean for the results for Reform, Labour and the wretched Tories? I put this in context of a mood of unease and unhappiness across Europe ahead of EU elections this weekend where insurgents will make big gains. I voted Tory last time and was planning to spoil my ballot paper. this time. I may still do that on July 4th but many of us who are disgusted with the entire political class will back Farage. I don’t like some of what he says, notably on immigration. But we should have a debate on that subject and the established parties just won’t allow that.  Then it is to the US where I sense the kangaroo court conviction of Donald Trump does not change the likely outcome. Then to Ukraine where the western media is distracting us again. The real story is not Kharkov but Chasov Yar. That is bad for Ukraine and that, in turn, is bad for Biden and Western leaders some of whose rhetoric is now simply insane.


867 days ago

Demographics in Europe country by country - a timebomb out East

The map below is fascinating. It shows the first year when each country in Europe reached its population in 2021. In the case of Ireland it was 1825. Then came the famine and mass migration took place.  For Northern and Western Europe, with the assistance of mass immigration, the answer is 2021. But look further East and what you see is explosive and might be one explanation of events in Ukraine and Russia. 


1146 days ago

Heroic Tim Martin of JD Wetherspoon “owns” The Daily Telegraph for fake news on immigration

Once again, Tim Martin of JD Wetherspoon (JDW) is our hero of the day for exposing the Daily Telegraph for a complete fake news classic on the subject of immigration and staff shortages in pubs. And the folks in the deadwood press wonder why nobody trusts them anymore and why sales continue to plunge? This is a corker. Enjoy a classic release from heroic Tim!


2407 days ago

This is a first: I agree with Hillary Clinton - Nikki Haley for 2024!

Sadly, since the passing of the 22nd Amendment in 1951, the US Constitution limits a President to two terms. It would be wonderful to think of Donald Trump causing all those, who right thinking folk despise, in Hollywood, the NFL, the liberal media and the special interest groups howling with anger in perpetuity as he talks common sense and stands up for American values. But sadly the party will come to an end after his second term, in 2024. And that brings me to crooked Hillary. You know, as I approach my 50th birthday for the first time ever, I find myself agreeing with the enabler of a rapist.


2699 days ago

An unapologetic BBC, lying Swedes, immigration, rape, Donald Trump, Nigel Farage & Fake News

After Donald Trump's comments on Sweden and immigration, the Swedish home secretary Ylva Johansson gave an interview on the BBC News channel when she said there was no connection between crime and immigration and the level of rape in Sweden is “going down, and going down, and going down.”

Fair enough. That interview took place last week. The BBC did not challenge the minister at all since her pro immigration Trump bashing agenda is that of the UK state funded broadcaster. There is just one problem. The Minister lied.


2710 days ago

Can Jo Cox's sanctimonious husband Brendan STFU - your wife was not a nationally loved saint

The sanctimonious husband of the late Labour MP Jo Cox, murdered by an obvious loon last June, has decreed that we should all hold street parties this June to mark her death and celebrate bringing communities together with love not dividing them with hate blah, blah, blah, we all reject UKIP as they steal our bicycles and hate immingrants yadda, yadda, yadda. The media luvvies of the liberal elite live in the same fantasy world as Mr Cox and dare not tell him the truth.


2749 days ago

The liberal left shows its love of free speech with some more death threats & by banning unheard speeches

Once upon a time, on both sides of the Atlantic, those on the liberal left believed in free speech and liberty. Back in the era of Mccarthy it was we on the right who were, correctly slammed, for stifling debate. I like to think that was an glitch in that for most of us who believe in a small state, freedom of expression is a given, it is part of the DNA of our thought set. It is the Big State loving left that wants to decide what the little people should think and say.


2843 days ago

Lily Allen you spoilt privileged luvvie snob you do not speak for me or for England on immigration: feck off!

Born to two celeb luvvie parents, the pop singer Lily Allen has never had to struggle. Growing up in lefty and leafy Islington she attended 13 different schools including uber posh Bedales and was booted out of most of them. She is fabulously wealthy thanks to her pop songs. And now, when visiting the Jungle near Calais, she has apologised to those there on behalf of the whole country. Lily you are an out of touch elitist and can fuck right off.


2852 days ago

Immigration: The Hungarians are Revolting but who is to blame? Everyone?

The Hungarian referendum on immigration left me feeling pretty disgusted by all involved. All the players appall me.

The liberal media wags from the BBC and Channel 4 were delighted to interview a raft of fat old Hungarians dressed in national costume heading off to vote. One woman insiated in sitting on the back seat of the car facing backwards with her ample arse in the air so as not to crumple her hideous dress which reminded us of folks in old Nazi propaganda movies from the thirties. Naturally 99% of those voting wandered to the station wearing jeans and looking normal. But the media wanted to show that all those voting to stop migration were old, inbred and stupid. We have seen that agenda before.


2878 days ago

The family of 10 french immigrants who "deserve" a bigger house paid for by you

Mr Arnold Mballe Sub, his Mrs and eight kids moved from France to Luton in 2012 so that he could study to be a mental health nurse at the University of Bedforshire with the NHS picking up the £27,000 fee for the course. Neither Arnold or his Mrs work, they are currently housed in a three bedroom house. Before that they clocked up a bill of £38,400 staying in a hotel for four months. Actually it was worse. The family ordered hotel meals of £21,000 and then refused to pay leaving the Council to foot that bill as well. Chuck in benefits and this lot have cost the taxpayer £103,000 in the past year. It gets worse.

The family want a larger house which, natch, will be paid for by the State. They have been offered several five bed houses which might see some of the brats having to share but they are young so that should be okay. But apparently that would not have enough


2894 days ago

EU leaders react to Brexit by ignoring the little people even more

You would have thought that leaders of the failing Evil Empire would have reacted to Brexit and the surge in support for anti EU parties across the continent by at least pretending to listen to the people of Europe. Surely a few cliches about "we must listen" would have been standard spin. But the EU really does not care.


2920 days ago

German SPD Politician on Newsnight - clearly does not give a fuck what his voters think

Some weasel from the SPD, Angela Merkel's coalition partners is on Newsnight. Kirsty Wark put it to him that a poll showed that a clear majority of Germans now thought that the Government's immigration policy was wrong. His answer?


2938 days ago

Lying Leadsom walks, the Establishment loves May and the nation gets crosser

Andrea Leadsom was not my favoured candidate to be PM for a variety of reasons. In short she was a liar and socially illiberal and so I wanted her to lose even though Theresa May is, herself, a ghastly piece of work. I guess she now walks into Downing Street. Leadsom has, this morning, after apologising for making vile remarks that 48 hours ago she was smearing jounalists by claiming she had not made, pulled out of the race, May is crowned not elected.


2949 days ago

Are all students loathsome? The Great fraud on the British taxpayer repels me.

Maybe it is just a feature of getting older but whenever I read about more or less anything to do with students and politics I find myself thinking that we should bring back National Service is a pre-requisite for those wishing to study for a degree. Of course National Service was something I dodged by about thirty years, but when I was a student only 10% of folks went to university. We were - with a few exceptions - an elite. These days almost half of young folks go to what are, in many cases, laughably called Universities and it seems that large numbers of students are pathetic, idle or stupid or all three.

The leader of Britian's students, Malia Bouattia is a 28 year old perma-student fanatic who has featured here before as a supporter oif ISIS and fanatical Jew hater. The other day she told the world that Tory cuts to higher education (regrettably there have been none) were driving students to join ISIS. She is a barking mad fanatic but the fact that she was elected as head of the National Union of Students shows just how many students live in a parallel universe based on discredited ideas and a sense of entitlement.

Post the Brexit vote, in which only 30% of those between 18 and 25 could be bothered to get of their arse and put a cross in a box, the outpourings of grief from the young people who are "working" their way through the University system have been a hoot.


2962 days ago

Video: Dodgy Dave Cameron squirms - the Brexit question he just cannot answer from last night's TV debate

Normally those in Project Fear would dismiss anyone asking questions about immigration as just another racist. But in last night's TV debate Dodgy Dave, putting in another weak showing, found that option barred. This is a question he just cannot answer. Enjoy.


2964 days ago

Keira Knightley today's patronising multi millionaire luvvie bitch to bash Brexit

So how does immigration affect multi millionairess luvvie Keira Knightley? Is she facing longer lines to get treatment on the NHS? Is there downward pressure on her wages? What about problems getting housing at affordable rates? Er no: it just means more cheap labour at her fave posh restaurants in London. Luvvie Keira and others in the 1% have no concept at all about how the EU affects those of us in the 99% , young or old.

Today Keira has released a video


2966 days ago

The BBC World News takes the piss on Brexit

Sadly here in the most excellent Melitsina Village hotel here in Kardamili the only English language channel we can get is the BBC World News Channel. It is Pravda at its best. The agenda is clear: Trump = evil racist, Brexit - evil supported by racists, Tories - evil racists who hate the NHS, all of the NHS, EU, crooked Hillary = perfect. Once you understand that all reporting has to fit that narrative watching becomes easy and your anger at having to pay for this crap with your taxes sort of subsides.

And thus we flicked channels and saw a BBC chappie called Sean with a panel of four folks discussing Brexit


2975 days ago

Dodgy Dave and the sneering elite respond to Brexit camp immigration plans with more lies

In today's Daily Telegraph the columnist Allison Pearson describes how when debating Brexit with multi-millionaire PR man Roland Rudd (brother of dimwit cabinet minister Amber) she was told that "Allison does not want any immigrants coming to this country". The traditional retort to those to question any aspect of immigration policy is "you're racist"

As Pearson points out, the Rudds were kids of a millionaire stockbroker and then went to posh public school and Oxford (just like Dodgy Dave Cameron himself). They have never experienced the downside of immigration: downward pressure on wages for lower earners and problems getting access to schools and healthcare in certain areas or pressure on the housing list. For them as affluent employers and consumers immigration is all upside. And thus the rich and middle classes have for years branded anyone who queried our policies as racist. The most excellent Priti Patel, who also thinks current policies are crackers, came up with the same analysis.I guess Priti is a racist too. Heck so many of us who didn't grow up in millionaire households seem to be racists these days.

And that matters in terms of Brexit at two levels.


2987 days ago

The Hills are alive with the sound of Extreme Right Wingers, Hofer almost wins in Austria

I wrote this article pre postal votes. I have updated it to reflect the fact that they altered the result. EU boss Martin Schulz warned the Austrians not to do it but I guess that they stopped obeying orders from the Germans some time around 1945 and so have almost just elected an extreme right winger as their President. Norbert Hofer denies he is a fascist or a Nazi but he, and his Freedom Party founded by , are pretty right wing. Excluding postal voted Norbert won, overall he lost narrowly. Who is to blame for the rise of the far right? No doubt David Cameron is already blaming Brexit while his new best buddy President Erdogan of Turkey is blaming the Kurds.

In a sense nobody is "to blame". 


3057 days ago

Tom Winnifrith postcard: EU immigration into the UK: either way the Government is lying - another reason to vote for Brexit

I speak as someone who supports - with one massive caveat - free immigration to the UK. But on the matter of EU immigration to Britain the Government is lying to us all and refusing to tell us the real figures. There are two possible reasons for this and either means that Brexit is the only way forward.


3413 days ago

The rabble who mobbed Nigel Farage’s car do not understand free speech

I do not support UKIP and I find much of what Nigel Farage has to say on matters such as immigration truly nauseating but those folk who mobbed his family car yesterday are even more nauseating.

Ben Gurion said that for Israel to be a grown up country it needed both prostitutes and fascists. Mr Farage is not a fascist but would have understood the sentiment. In a mature country we tackle the economic illiteracy at the heart of UKIP, we point out why its policies on immigration make no sense and are just fundamentally nasty. One engages in a free debate. You do not mob the car in which he and or his family sits.

I find the views of Polly Toynbee or Owen Jones even more offensive and repellent than those of Mr Farage but


3476 days ago

Impellam – I can’t agree with Malcolm Stacey (again)

Like most of my family, Malcolm Stacey has a range of daft lefty opinions which see us disagree on a number of matters. He is a top bloke and we agree on a lot (busting financial fraud, immigration, etc), but I still have images of him sitting in Wales kneeling in prayer to the Money Tree and that brings us to Impellam (IPEL) which he wrote about on Saturday and where we half agree.


3507 days ago

What sort of country do we live in? UKIP, immigration & poison

A UKIP voter tweeted out a UKIP image suggesting that immigration causes, among other things, crime. I disagree. There is not a causal connection per se between all immigration and increased crime in the UK. And so I challenged this thesis.

I now face a volley of abuse from UKIP tweeters. Apparently I am a “leftard”. Hmmm… the various libertarians with whom I discuss shrinking the state in a way that deficit denying UKIP – happily announcing a raft of new spending pledges all paid for by the cost savings from leaving the EU – will be surprised to hear that I am “leftard”.

I support immigration because it makes Britain richer and it makes it more diverse. I am partly descended from Irish immigrants and my wife’s parents came here from India. Had UKIP been in charge sixty years ago, the parents-in-law would not have been able to pay taxes here for fifty years supporting the NHS (as a doctor) and small businesses as an accountant.

We can debate the economics of immigration all day. To assert that immigration causes crime and that anyone who disagrees is a “leftard” may win UKIP some votes.  But it is sort of poison that means that, even though I am dyed in the wool Eurosceptic, it will never gain my support.


3533 days ago

Video Postcard #90 - The Rochester fallout, UKIP, immigration and the despised political classes

I start this week's video postcard with a couple of comments on life at the Greek Hovel. Pictures will follow. But the main focus is on the Rochester fallout. UKIP and immigration is a mess and I explain why. Equally the comments of Emily Thornberry, the snobbish Labour prig from Islington are a symptom of an out of touch and despised political class.

My weekly financial video postcard looks at the City analyst system which is bent and not working and it can be viewed HERE


3568 days ago

Video Postcard #85 – happy Birthday Nadine, welcome to Britain & immigration issue

I went to Nadine’s Birthday party yesterday. She was also celebrating 10 years in the UK with a British party. Since she is a friend of the Mrs and so it goes without saying that the place was packed with deluded lefties.

I therefore discuss the politics of food in relation to Britain’s poor but also the idea of taking responsibility for one’s own actions.  I then move on to reclaiming the flag, the idea of Britishness and the whole immigration debate based as it is on lies and a fail to tackle the real issue of welfare abuse.

My financial video postcard looks at buying opportunities and earnings visibility for UK shares and can be watched HERE


3722 days ago

What to do on May 22nd?

It is entirely likely that thanks to Labour dirty tricks, that is to say the Mrs neglecting to put me on the electoral roll, I shall not be able to vote at all this week. We will troop over to the polling station near her old flat on Thursday and find out.

If I can vote what should I do? As a dyed in the wool Eurosceptic and someone who believes that the entire political class should be strung up with piano wire my natural inclination is to vote UKIP. After all the European elections do not really matter do they? My guess is that enough folks will view it this way to ensure that Mr Farage and his supporters will be celebrating triumphs in both the local and European elections as I explained HERE earlier.

I do not care if UKIP contains more than a smattering of prize loons that does not deter me.

However, I find that when Mr Farage moves away from Europe, where I agree with him 100%, to other matters I get rather agitated. He is clearly now trying to appeal to traditional Labour voters and so he supports a minimum wage (a tax on jobs) and there is talk in UKIP circles of backing the living wage.  This is not a pro-business agenda but it will also not assist the poor since it will destroy jobs.

I remember wincing when I heard him at UK Investor Show 2013


3801 days ago

The Freedom Festival – A Libertarian Weekend gives me mixed feelings, remembering Shoreditch

A friend of mine from my Shoreditch days says that he is heading off to a weekend of eating drinking and libertarianism on the 15th March and would I care to go. It looks great but then comes the libertarian dilemma.

If you are a pure thinking individual I would urge you to check out the Freedom Festival here

There are some entertaining speakers: Mark Littlewood, Norman Tebbit, Toby Young, Dan Hannan and I am sure that it will be great fun. However:

a) I am not convinced that this is ideologically pure enough for a true libertarian. I see there is a debate “is immigration a boon or a burden?” If you score straight A’s on the Ron Paul crystal pure test you would not need that debate, the answer is obvious. There is another debate “is the conservative family falling apart?” Heck, when did we join that family to start with?

b) Maybe I am a libertarian because I hate the idea of being organised. One of the joys of Shoreditch life right inside the triangle was that the residents were a pretty crazed bunch. On a day to day basis I had nothing in common with the Lebanese cookery writer for the FT, the fat American artist gay couple, the super geek IT guy from Morgan Stanley or the Australian architect with his French wife who’d been there since the sixties. I struggle to remember the other residents but occasionally we’d come together like a Wild West town


3802 days ago

The Sheer Nastiness & Economic Illiteracy of UKIP – EU welfare claimants in the UK

UKIP supporters are frothing madly at data showing that 600,000 EU citizens are living in the UK claiming welfare – the answer according to the fruitcakes is to stop them coming here. It is a populist line but a nasty one.  On twitter I am lambasted: “You diss non-working Brits and ex-pats, but then defend benefit claiming EU folks.” Of course I do nothing of the sort. It is just that I am not an economic illiterate.

Do I enjoy EU citizens turning up her to claim benefits? Of course not. But I am minded that there are many British ex-pats living in the EU enjoying a range of state benefits paid for by the taxpayers of France, Spain, etc. This is not a one way matter as UKIP tries to pretend.

But there is a bigger issue. I am equally disgusted by our home grown welfare bums on Benefits Street. Frankly I “diss” all welfare bums equally wherever they were born. The way to deal with all welfare bums living in the UK is to drastically scale back the level of largesse of the British welfare state – reinvesting the savings in increase sing the thresh-hold at which all workers pay tax.

The answer is not as UKIP pretends simply to stop other EU citizens claiming welfare payments and State benefits (such as the NHS) here. Aside from the problems that would cause our ex-pats when other countries showed reciprocity, it would deter those from outside the UK who wish to come here to work but might take a few weeks to find work.

For the reality is that British workers simply refuse to take low paid jobs. Those jobs are filled by migrant workers from the rest of the EU. Adopt UKIP policies and British businesses would not be able to employ workers who would allow them to remain profitable. We would all be worse off – something Nigel Farage has admitted.

Showing real compassion to those who wish to work (by arguing for tax cuts for them), but also a grasp of basic economics (I'd like British businesses to thrive) I find myself concluding that UKIP is increasingly a party of populists, economic illiterates and frankly just very nasty people.


3850 days ago

Are 99% of the population of Lewisham: Mad Lefties, morbidly obese, criminally stupid or all of the above? Ref BBC Question Time

The audience on BBC Question Time is meant to be representative of the local community and last night came from Lewisham in South London. I can as a result conclude that the residents of Lewisham are almost without exception either morbidly obese, madly left wing or in terms of intelligence make the X-Factor audience look like a gathering of Nobel laureates. 

Among the gems were a contribution from a 29 stone woman who claimed that the coalition were using the immigration debate as a smokescreen for their real agenda of privatizing the NHS and dismantling the welfare state and a only mildly obese old coot who reckoned that merely stopping tax evasion would allow the Government to spend another £90 billion a year on more schools, hospitals, fire stations, welfare payments etc. Heck no chance of closing the deficit then?

Should anyone be shot while unarmed was the question. Half the audience seemed to assume that the Police just liked killing black people at will. The other half thought yes, if the person in question was a member of UKIP.

77% of the British public want immigration controlled. I am in the 23%. But when the matter came up, the fellow from UKIP (deputy Fuhrer Paul Nutter) got only abuse and not any applause at all as he spouted a whole load of total scaremongering hogwash about waves of Romanians arriving here next week. 

I guess the Romanians are too smart to want to go to Lewisham lest they be crushed to death by a stampede of 23 stone local residents rushing to pick up a welfare cheque, so it is not an issue there.


3857 days ago

If you are reading this in Romania or Bulgaria, please come to England as I have a job for you

I realise this may not win me many friends among the Daily Mail reading classes but I need a new waitress as Real Man Pizza Company in Clerkenwell is opening up a new venture in its basement area from February and if you are reading this in Romania and Bulgaria today feel free to get in touch.

Naturally I shall advertise in the UK as well. £6.50 an hour or whatever the minimum wage is. 30 hours a week. Job waitress and also plongeur. She needs to be presentable. To like very hard work, to be numerate and to speak good English. Notwithstanding the need to be numerate and to speak good English a few products of the UK Comprehensive schooling system will be qualified. 

But will they apply? Like hell they will. You see I have done this before and young Brits would rather live on welfare/go to a crap former poly to study a worthless degree than go get a job which involves hard work and pays the sort of wage an unskilled less than 20 year old can expect to get as a first job. If they work hard they can expect to earn more in due course, I am a fair employer.

But folks. You always start at the bottom.

What the immigration loathing wolf-whistlers of UKIP and the Tory right fail to realise is that the Romanians/Bulgarians are not taking jobs from Brits but are needed to do the jobs Brits refuse to take.

I shall give home grown talent the chance to apply. But since I know from bitter and hard experience that this is doomed I also make this offer to our friends in Transylvania, Sofia and Bucharest. If you want to work hard, improve your English and have the skills I want we want to offer you a job. Can you start February 1?  


3860 days ago

Nigel Farage is not being “nice” on Syrian asylum seekers but even more nasty than usual

When a man spends years telling us all that this Country cannot afford to take in any more people it seems odd when he suddenly announces that we should take in tens of thousands of Syrians fleeing an awful Civil war, starvation and persecution. But surely we are full up are we not? It seems as if we the UKIP leader has done his sums again and we can squeeze a few more folk in. All of a sudden that Nigel Farage is playing the nice guy. Fear not. Nigel is nastier than ever.

Farage claims that the UK has a long tradition of offering refuge to those facing persecution from his own ancestors the Huguenots to the Jews and most recently to the East African Asians when persecuted by Idi Amin. Farage is correct. It is an honourable tradition and all three of those groups have made a massively positive cultural and economic difference to the UK. We have been rewarded for our hospitality.

And so Farage argues that we should continue that tradition. He states we should offer refuge to Syrian Christians.  Er…hang on..

What about the Syrian Muslims? Oh, they can stay there and starve, get killed and persecuted. Farage won’t be letting them in. For fuck’s sake we have got too many Muslims in this country already have we not Nigel?

You see that is Nigel’s coded message to Middle England. What he is saying is “we in UKIP are nice guys in the British tradition but fear not, we do not like the bloody Muslims either.”

The Jews and the East African Asians were not Christians yet we took them in. The British tradition is to offer refuge to all folks facing persecution not just those who follow Jesus rather than Allah or some other faith. The Farage sleight of hand allows him to claim that his offer is a traditional humanitarian British one (so he is a nice guy) while sending a clear message out that he is not keen on the Muslims.

This is not Nigel being nice this is Nigel being nastier than ever.

His suggestion of active religious discrimination is not in any way part of the British tradition of hospitality to those felling persecution.  It is simply a coded and evil wolf whistle dressed up in a pretence of humanity.

Once again on matters of immigration it is shame on UKIP and shame in Nigel Farage a man who, I know, to be better than this but seems seduced by cheap short term electoral opportunism. 


3868 days ago

It had to happen eventually – Vince Cable is 100% right about something: immigration

I never thought I would be writing this but I suppose it had to happen eventually: I find myself agreeing 100% with what our thoroughly deranged Business Minister Vince Cable had said. The man is just bang on the money. The subject is immigration.

Cable, who I accept is mad as a hatter 99% of the time, says that the Tories are running scared of UKIP and so are engaging in wolf whistle politics on the subject of Romanian and Bulgarian immigration after Christmas. As Cable, Call Me Dave Cameron, the frightful Theresa May and Nigel Farage all know full well, the numbers arriving here will not be gargantuan. None will be able to claim benefits for quite some time and so those coming here will be those willing and wanting to do low paid jobs.

British business needs such folk because our welfare system is far too generous and so has created a whole layer of society which is fit only to undertake unskilled/low skilled labour but refuses to do so.  In making that point Cable is again bang on the money. The Business Secretary understands that for GDP to grow as it should we need these immigrants.

The facts are:


3881 days ago

Domino’s Boss is Right on Immigration, fake Tory Minister Mark Harper talks bollocks

Outgoing Domino’s Pizza boss Lance Batchelor is being attacked from all sides for saying that the UK needs to relax immigration rules so he can find suitable staff. Ex M&S and now Ocado boss Sir Stuart Rose said the same thing. They are spot on and “fake Tory” immigration minister Mark Harper is taking prize bollocks for attacking the pizza fellow.

Batchelor says that Domino’s could hire another 1.000 drivers and pizza toppers tomorrow but native Brits won’t take the jobs and tighter immigration rules mean there are fewer foreigners ( who will take them) around.

Harper, who after Oxford went to work for big 4 accountants KPMG before meeting up with his old Uni pal Call Me Dave and becoming a Southern England MP, disagrees with the analysis of the real life businessmen who have actually run businesses creating thousands of jobs. So who do you believe?

Being a fake Tory Harper says Batchelor should see that “market forces” are telling him that he has to up his pay rates. You will note the use of the word market forces – that is to make you and I think Harper is really a Tory.


3883 days ago

Racist UKIP Nutter Victoria Ayling – what does Farage really think?

High profile defector to UKIP Victoria Ayling is now exposed on camera saying about immigrants that she wants to “send them all back.” UKIP Fuhrer, Nigel Farage says that this is “slightly odd”. No, Nigel it is despicable. What do you not understand about that?


3896 days ago

Misleading, Deceitful and Repellent: UKIP on Immigration

Why did I rise to the bait of a twitter fight with UKIP loons regarding immigration? Paul Nutter UKIP’s deputy Fuhrer is on C5 News tonight ranting on about how we will be swamped with millions of Romanians and Bulgarians on 2nd January.

What Nuttall does not say is that Romanians already here, on average, pay 34% more in taxes than they take in benefits, which is a far better ratio than native born Brits. Romanian workers are good news for Britain. What Mr Nutter also declines to mention is that folk arriving in 2014 will not be able to claim a single cent in benefits for at least a year. So they will take the low paid jobs Britain needs to fill if it is to compete.  

Aha…they are stealing British jobs. So goes the chant from UKIP followers on twitter.



3897 days ago

Tom’s Weekly Political Postcard #51 – Duplicitous Neil Hamilton, UKIP and labour edition

Tom is, as you can see in this video, sporting a truly stupid tash. He is doing this for Movember and seeking your sponsorship to raise money to fight prostate and testicular cancer? 

Tom covers this in the video.

If you wish to sponsor Tom Winnifrith for Movember go HERE

Tom also tackles Neil Hamilton, the disgraced ex MP and now UKIP spokesman and his disgraceful deceit on Bulgarian & Romanian immigration 

Then Tom addresses the financial issues at the heart of the Co-op’s unacceptable financial arrangements with the Labour Party

Tom’s financial video postcard covers the lies by Crony capitalists on AIM and how to deal with them and also the fate of mining stocks and it can be viewed HERE


3904 days ago

Friday Caption Contest on a Sunday – Jumaa Kater Saleh Edition

Don’t’ know who Jumaa is yet?  Is that

 a)      Because Theresa May has cracked down on the UK’s insane asylum laws and so there is no problem

b)      Becuase you have not read the sane Sunday press

c)       Because you read the Guardian/Observer/Independent and think that our immigration/legal aid/welfare system is an unmitigated blessing so have not been told about Jumaa?

Ok, to the chase: Jumaa arrived in the UK illegally in 2004 in the back of a lorry. He cannot speak proper English. He has never worked. He has always lived on benefits. And he raped a 13 year old girl and two other minors. He is a paedophile.

So is the UK:

a) putting him in prison for a long time and then sending him back to Sudan because Theresa May has cracked down on the UK’s insane asylum laws?
b) Sending him straight back to Sudan?
c) having jailed him for just two years it is now paying him vast amounts of compensation for keeping him in prison longer as we tried to deport him and thus infringing his human rights?

Guess what? It is c. No kidding. Apparently Jumaa has cost the British taxpayer £350,000 since are arrived here. And Theresa May is useless. Well that second item won’t be news to you.

In honour of this case I ask you for captions to the picture below. Please post your entries in the comments section.


For what it is worth my caption is: 



4018 days ago

Call Me Dave on “Exporting Gay Marriage” – wrong on every count

Call Me Dave this week boasted that he wanted “to export gay marriage” around the world. I support the idea that gay men and women should be allowed to get married and divorced just like straight couples. Why should the misery of this institution be the preserve of heterosexuals? Spread the pain. But at every level David Cameron MP just shows himself up as a member of a metropolitan Elite with a particular world view which makes me despise ever more.

My starting point is that as a libertarian I believe that you have every right to do whatever you want with your own body. As such there should be no differentiation in law between gay folk and straight folk. Homosexuality, like playing Hockey, watching Golf or going to Ibiza has never appealed to me personally but whatever floats your boat. So


4038 days ago

Bon Voyage Abu Qatada – hardly a triumph for Theresa May

Abu Qatada is an Islamofascist hate preacher with clear links to Al Qaeda. Finally, after ten years he is as we speak in a prison van heading off to the airport on a one way ticket to Jordan where he is going to goal for terrorist offences. This is being presented as a triumph for Home Secretary Theresa May and the Conservative Party “Tough on terrorism, tough on the causes of Terrorism (except in Syria where want to give guns to Al Qaeda).” Bollocks.

It has cost £2 million to deport this loathsome man. He and his family have taken the grateful taxpayer for another £3 million plus in benefits and free housing over the past decade. And that is a triumph?

Three questions for Mrs May:


4043 days ago

I’m from Bulgaria can I have some money please? No: xxxx off back to Bulgaria.

It is a quiet night at Real Man (Monday always is) and so I am sitting here with two staff who are working away while I write. And so in wanders this old crone who says “I am from Bulgaria and have no money”.  I rather sense that this will become an increasingly poor way for her to start a conversation.

The deal is that she cannot find work in the UK so would like those that do have work to give her some money. Hmmm so the two immigrants who are sitting here with me earning just above the minimum wage should hand over some of their after tax earnings to someone who came to the UK with the intention of begging and who will after January 1 supplement their begging income with welfare paid out of those taxes.

My response: if you cannot find a job in the UK you should go back to Bulgaria. Is that a bit harsh? 

No. I believe in unlimited immigration (I am such a frigging tree hugger) but no welfare payments until you have paid five years taxes (I’d apply the same rule to the begging home-grown Jeremy Kyle class too). But begging is a crime. In my book – three strikes on that count are you are out. Why the hell should I give any of my after tax income earned by working my nuts off to folks who opt not to work or, worse, have moved to the UK with the explicit intention of not working?

Now what sort of “ist” does that make me?

a) a racist
b) a class-ist
c) a nationalist
d) a realist?


4070 days ago

John Bercow is 100% right about European immigrant workers – the mainstream parties & UKIP faux outrage is pathetic

Speaker John Bercow is in many ways a horrible little man. However for once I have to applaud him for stating what is a self-evident truth on the matter of immigration – something which the mainstream parties have lambasted him for as they grub for votes.

Bercow stated: "I want to underline the fact that there has been an important wave of immigrants that came to Great Britain from new member states and in many cases they came with aptitudes and a commitment, an involvement we haven't always seen in our labour force.”

He is bang on the money. The growing success of our Real Man Pizza Company restaurant  in Clerkenwell sees us again hiring for another waitress/sous chef position.  It is hard work and if you play the benefits system well you are better off not taking the gig. Once again the advert goes up and once again I have received a flood off applicants from Eastern Europe and Southern Europe, all keen and in London looking for work.
However the idea of working for £6.50 an hour or may be £7 really does not appeal to native Brits. I have received absolutely ZERO applicants from British born workers. And how many unemployed young Brits are there in London?

Real Man currently has one part time waitress who is British and killing a few months before heading off to set up a scuba diving school. She is the only British applicant (other than one who was utterly illiterate) I have had recruiting for 5 staff posts since Christmas. I have had hundreds of European applicants. Most have degrees and qualifications and are well spoken and presentable.

Bercow is bang on the money. Our welfare system has created an attitude amongst far too many of our home grown “talent” that they will wait for the “right job” or forever and live off welfare. Thank God for immigration.

Bercow is attacked


4085 days ago

Abu Qatada, John Thuo and the UK’s moronic immigration & welfare laws

You know who Abu Qatada is. He reckons that there is something wrong with the UK’s welfare system. We agree on that. Abu’s specific complaint is that the five bedroom house that the taxpayer provides him with is not big enough. He needs more storage space.  Saints preserve us.  Now meet John Thuo

Back in in his native Kenya he killed between 100 and 400 people using a machete. Policemen, innocent civilians, members of other criminal gangs – he butchered the lot. He also undertook female circumcision. In 2003 he came here as an illegal immigrant and has lived in taxpayer funded accommodation and on benefits ever since.

The Home Office tried to boot him out but failed because it would infringe his Human Rights. You see, he might get murdered by his old gang back in Kenya. Apparently Thuo also has mental health problems and says he might top himself if we boot him out.

Of course if I say that these cases shows our immigration and welfare system is flawed, the deluded lefties and liberal elite respond in three ways:

1. Anyone who says the immigration system is flawed must be a racist.
2. These are exceptional cases and very rare – most of the time our system works fine.
3. The Daily Mail has reported these cases and so this is just right wing scaremongering, gosh we hate the Daily Mail, let’s talk about what an awful paper it is.

Whatever. The UK has a £100 billion budget deficit. We are going bust. These gents add to that deficit. They contribute nothing to our society. They will not seek work.

I fail to understand why anyone who has never worked should get any benefits at all. Whether the scrounger is an  Islamofacist hate preacher/probably terrorist, a Kenyan mass murderer or a white chav from some Grim Northern Shot Hole appearing on the Jeremy Kyle show.

In the case of Mr Thuo I cannot see why we are protecting him from justice in Kenya. Why cannot we hand him over to the Kenyan Police? If his gang manage to get at him or he tops himself do I really care? Do you?


4100 days ago

Andrew Gilligan – The Westminster Bubble at Play on UKIP on LBC

I happened to be in a car passing through London and so caught Andrew Gilligan’s politics show discussing whether UKIP was a fraud. It was pure Westminster bubble stuff. It showed clearly why the establishment does not understand why folks voted UKIP and so is clueless as to how to respond for the political & media establishment is the problem not the solution.

Three political wonks (none of whom support UKIP or predicted its success) discussed how the established parties should respond with Gilligan helpfully chipping in every now and again to say “But isn’t it a fraud, let’s look at its 2010 manifesto.” The response was that the old three could see off UKIP by making policy shifts of emphasis that showed they cared/listened without actually “moving to the right” i.e. actually doing anything. 

And that was it. Folks voted UKIP because they are sick of an elite that refuses to discuss certain issues or countenance certain policies while at the same time adopting a moral high ground as they embezzle money and display sleaze at every opportunity. And so the elite responds by saying “we can see off UKIP by saying we sympathise but not actually doing anything.” Just how stupid do the political classes think that the electorate is?  They obviously hold us in complete contempt.

And then Gilligan took a few calls from plebs. A bloke opined that the immigration laws were unhelpful. Well yes they bloody well are. Do I have to use the magic words Abu Qatada to make my point? The main parties say they are listening but they are clearly not and Gilligan summed up their underlying attitude by going back to the bloke with “So basically you do not like foreigners.”  Unluckily for Gilligan


4102 days ago

David Cameron: an out of touch, principle free liar – a Godsend to UKIP

David Cameron: an out of touch, principle free, liar – a Godsend to UKIP

147 net gains for UKIP on Thursday was a political earthquake. The political classes are scared. They do not like it up ‘em.

Like most folks I was first attracted to UKIP over the EU. It wants out of the Evil Empire and so do I. Does it have any other policies? Yes. Do I agree with all of them? No. But where we disagree on matters like immigration UKIP at least accepts that the current system (easy entry + free welfare) is a joke and unworkable.  UKIP would make entry impossible & keep welfare, I would make it automatic but scrap the welfare.

My point is that UKIP is instinctively right in that it sees – as do – most folks in Britain – that there is a vast problem. In its DNA UKIP is on the right track. The established parties have – for years – made it clear that the immigration system needed minor adjustments. They have lied about the scale of immigration, tarred anyone who questioned the system as a racist and then occasionally made tiny changes which stop skilled workers coming here ( who we want) in order to win grubby votes and Daily Mail headlines.

And so when David Cameron or Ken Clarke or any of the other mainstream politicos of all three parties tarred UKIP as racist in the past they meant it. That is what they actually believed. When they now say they are “listening” and must “connect with the views of those who voted UKIP” it is just another big fat lie. It is a lie born out of desperation.

And that brings us to David Cameron


4103 days ago

Weaning my Deluded Lefty Partner away from Labour (The People’s Party)

My partner is a lifelong deluded lefty. She has always voted for the People’s Party. But I can report a mini triumph of a shift away from the loons here in the Clifton Ward of Bristol.

Naturally my partner would rather drink her own urine than vote for the wicked Tories. The Lib Dem’s murdered a forest of trees in an attempt to win support for their ageing hippy of a candidate. But however many new park benches this old fool has managed to get set up around here my partner cannot forgive the Lib Dems for being in coalition with the wicked Tories so that was a non-starter.

And that left the People’s Party (no leaflet) and a nice young man with a Polish name standing for UKIP. He promised to end political correctness on the Council which I though sounded like a good idea although my partner was not so sure. And he also promised to end immigration from Eastern Europe. I guess he doesn’t like his relatives much.


4137 days ago

Bully Boy Lefties and an Orwellian view of free speech - re UKIP and Immigration

UKIP is running a poster at the moment “End EU Open Door Migration.” I disagree almost entirely with UKIP immigration policy as prohibition does not work and for many reasons I have explained numerous times. But the party has a right to express its view.

Deluded lefties always blather on about free speech and human rights to be heard, blah, blah, blah. Except when they disagree with what is being said. And so some deluded lefty tweeting as @binthecondems started complaining to the poster company - and getting others to do so – that the poster was racist.

The poster company is a giant enterprise but the bigger the corporation the more terror it has of being tarred as racist and so the lerfties claim that the poster has been pulled. @binthecondems is delighted and happily tweeting out about how UKIP is full of “bigots” “racists” and “Nazis.” The poster company says it may pull the poster, it is reviewing it.

This will be interesting.

Of course UKIP does not want this tweeter banned from expressing that (factually incorrect) view because it believes in free speech – that is the right of EVERYONE to be heard not just folks with whom you happen to agree. That more limited definition of free speech belongs firmly to the left.


4140 days ago

Register for midweek Tomograph: free share tip + the disgusting and dishonest immigration debate issue

Just a reminder that my Tomograph Newsletter goes out bi-weekly and the Wednesday shares edition contains a free share tip. It will be out by 4 PM on Wednesday and will also include an article on the disgusting and dishonest immigration debate.

Want that free share tip plus an Editor’s Choice of the best of the past week plus this exlusive article? There won’t be a link on the site! The only way to get all of that is to REGISTER HERE

Planned delivery time on Wednesday is 4 PM.




4154 days ago

Prohibition does not work with illegal immigration either – open the door but slash welfare for all

There are few sentient human beings who maintain that prohibition of alcohol in 1920s America was a roaring success. Criminals benefited and made a killing. The costs of law enforcement went through the roof. Customers had to pay more. Checks to ensure safe supply of liquor became impossible. And anyone who wanted a drink could get one anyway. Yet still mainstream opinion argues that prohibition is a good idea elsewhere. The results are always the same.

As a libertarian I believe it is my call on what I put into my body not that of the State. So I have a philosophical opposition to prohibition. I do not expect many of you to agree with that stance. But you should see that on a practical level it does not work. Legalise drugs and allow supply via tobacconists and you could ensure that no dirty heroin hits the streets, tax receipts would go up, prices would go down. The 80% of crimes that are drug related would disappear and so we could reduce policing costs. With your car & house less likely to be broken into your insurance premiums would fall.

But there is another prohibition which is an abject failure – that on the movement of people into this country. It emerges today that it costs £25,000 to boot an illegal immigrant out. And he or she will soon be replaced. Criminals make a fortune trafficking people into the UK. A whole industry of lawyers and other parasites makes a living (from the taxpayer) arguing that folks should not be deported because it will infringe the human rights of their cat, result in homophobic bullying or whatever. And still we have no idea how many illegals are in the UK – it is probably well over one million. The whole system is a costly farce as any system based on prohibition always is. All those who talk tough about immigration seem to miss the point. We could spend 20 times as much as we do on “getting tough” but prohibition NEVER works.

And so why not allow anyone who wants to come to the UK? But with a twist. It is quite clear that we have vast number of home grown Heather Frost figures who have never worked, will never work and regard welfare as an entitlement. That is not sustainable or equitable. And so we make a small rule change.  You can only claim income support up to a value of x times the amount of NI contributions you have made historically. And unless you have paid NI you and your offspring shall have no entitlement to schooling, healthcare, subsidised housing or any other state benefit. If you cannot afford kids do not have them and simply expect others to pay.

If one adopts these rules for our own home grown Heather Frosts you will not – with an open borders policy – get folks moving to the UK to live off the State because the same rules will apply to them. By all means let the Rumanians come en masse. But unless they are working they will starve. Make that abundantly clear and those who want to work hard will come to the UK and we will benefit from that. Those who want to scrounge can go to a “caring, socialist paradise fucked economy” like France or Scotland when it gets its independence. Perhaps they can take Heather Frost with them.

Adopt this policy and UK welfare spending will plunge. The parasite lawyers who feed off immigration law at the taxpayers’ expense will have to go get proper jobs and save us all a packet. All those employed by the State in this futile pretence that we are tough on immigration can be let go. And the vast savings can go on slashing the UK’s unsustainable deficit and on raising the threshold at which anyone pays tax to £20,000 so making ,low paid work that much more attractive.

Obviously this makes sense. The chances of it happening zilch.


4158 days ago

Harrods’s Boss Bang on the Money on Immigration

I never thought I’d find myself wring this but someone close to Harrods’s owner the Phony Pharaoh is talking common sense. The man is Michael Ward the managing director of the ghastly West London emporium and he has lashed out at the mainstream political parties on the subject of immigration. His point is that the Labour/Conservative alliance are so terrified of being soft on immigration that they are making it damn hard for those we would all like to move here to actually get in. Spot on.

The British public has no problem with folks turning up here who wish to work hard, pay taxes etc. The problem we all have is those who turn up in the UK and then become a drain on the State. Frankly we have enough Heather Frost type home grown talent in that department without needing to import any.

But in order to be seen to be tough on immigration the mainstream parties have both supported policies such as reducing the number of highly skilled migrants who are allowed in each year. My ex-girlfriend is an Indian National. She is highly skilled, has never claimed a penny in benefits and paid vast amounts in tax. Yet


4166 days ago

Eastleigh: The Message for Call Me Dave on a night of UKIP Glory, Lib Dem Relief and Tory Humiliation

The Lib Dems held on but UKIP was surging. A couple more days and UKIP would have snatched it. In the end it was wasted Tory votes that let the Lib Dems in as Call Me Dave’s party came third in what is his 40th target seat. Labour was always irrelevant here, its own disaster is not an issue.

The Lib Dems will be greatly relieved to have held onto what should be one of their safest seats albeit in very tough circumstances: Chris Huhne off to do porridge and the current sex scandal. For now Clegg hangs on but if he is shown to have lied about his knowledge in the sex pest cover up he may still face the chop. This is not the start of a Lib Dem recovery, Rennardgate may well still drag that party to Thorpe style lows.

UKIP is now coming second in both leafy southern towns like Eastleigh but also GMSH’s like Rotherham. There is a growing disgust with the entire political class and UKIP is the big winner from that. All the established parties should be worried but they are so arrogant and out of touch that the corrupt establishment will not change tack.

But the big losers right now are the Tories. As long as Call Me Dave stays as Tory leader it is only a matter of time before UKIP gains an MP. For the Tories are in trouble.


4196 days ago

The Romanian and Bulgarian EU immigrant issue – lies, lies and more lies

It is quite clear that, as things stand, anyone in Romania or Bulgaria will be able to celebrate New Year’s Day by coming to live in Britain. We are after all brothers in arms in the EU. Given that the average net wage in Romania is £275 a month, with many earning far less, while in the UK families can trouser up to £500 a week tax free on benefits you do not need the brains of Lloyd George to see what is going to happen next. Yet our political elite seem either not to care or not to have an answer and so they resort to lies and smears.

Is it unreasonable for you and I to object to the idea that Romanians and Bulgarians will in very large numbers make a sensible economic choice and move to the UK? Are we racists for objecting? Of course not. The fact is that the UK has mammoth debts and is running a huge budget deficit. So having to pony up vast amounts in benefits for folks from out East is beyond our means. We cannot afford it. This is not an argument about race simply basic economics. Britain is going bankrupt and this could accelerate that process.


4227 days ago

The Government’s misguided attempt to rig an over-valued housing market

This Government, like all Governments, wants to rig the housing market. It calculates – correctly – that it garners short term electoral gain by pushing up house prices even if this involves wholesale pissing away of taxpayer’s cash and ultimately also directly and negatively impacts on the standard of living. One day this almighty con must stop. UK house prices are too high and Call Me Dave might reckon that he can buck the market that he can beat nature, but like King Canute he, or some other Prime Minister will ultimately fail in a spectacular fashion. This is a great con trick played by the political classes on you with your money. We all lose in the end.

Oh okay, before anyone quibbles about UK house prices being too high:


4290 days ago

Sardine Can Britain 2050 – The Daily Mail misses the point

The Daily Mail carries a rather typical scare story today about how the UK will have 80 million residents by 2050. I am not sure that given my health profile I shall be one of them. In fact I know that I shall not be, I am determined to end my years in a rather warmer climate. But the Mail, needless to say, gets its assumptions wrong in a rather desperate attempt to cosy up to its Middle England readership.


4367 days ago

The Tomograph Issue 4

This is the last Tomograph for three weeks as I start to make my way back to England. If you are a registered user of the site you will by now have it in your email inbox. It contains an exclusive piece on why Greece’s strong arm policy on illegal immigrants is so misguided.

It also recaps the top ten stories on the blog this week in terms of readership and gives a reminder of the caption contest where so far Nick Bubb, the retail guru, is a strong contender.

You can download this week’s Tomograph here.

You can download archived past issues here.

And in case you do not read our best of the web section (RH of the blog half way down), and have finished your supper, I suggest you have a look now at what has to be the top story of the day from Japan.


4383 days ago

Voula Papachristou – I am with Voltaire

You may not have heard of Voula Papachristou but, until last week, she was one of Greece’s few hopes of an Olympic medal. She is not that hard on the eye either. But then the triple jumper tweeted the following “with so many Africans in Greece at least the West Nile mosquitoes will eat homemade food.” Uh oh. There is not actually any guide relating to twitter policy for the Greek Olympic team so she has not actually broken any rules at all but some folks felt it was racist and so she is not going to the Olympics.

Before my place in the UK squad is also withdrawn I should say that her remark was crass and unfunny and it is arguably racist although I am not sure about that – Voula merely expresses the view that there are a lot of Africans in Greece – too many. Logically, therefore does that mean that anyone who feels that there should be any limit at all on the number of foreigners allowed to settle in any country and expresses that view is a racist? Unless you agree in absolutely unlimited immigration you are a racist? Really. Perhaps this might be clarified to help the rest of us – are we allowed to believe in any limit at all without being racist? Just for the record, as I explain below, I believe in no limits at all. Back to lovely Voula. The reaction and remark says a lot about Greece and our world and it all makes me feel uncomfortable.
