Clem Chambers

107 days ago

Three on AIM Death Row, Two strapped to the Gurney this Morning but what about Advanced Oncotherapy?

Welcome to death row on the curious world of the AIM sewer. Waiting for that final walk to the gurney were Clem Chambers’ Online Blockchain (OBC), obvious wrongun’s Tintra (TNT) and Advanced Oncotherapy  (AVO) which should have had its last meal on December 31. Today: two took that final walk.


109 days ago

Online Blockchain due to be booted off the AIM sewer tomorrow morning (or is it tonight?): any news Clem Chambers?

Old Clem Chambers, formerly of ADVFN (AFN) expenses and payoff infamy, has yet to reveal why London’s worst Nomad, Roland “fatty” Cornish resigned from representing Online Blockchain (OBC) with immediate effect on 4th December. The RNS announcing this was posted on the 5th first thing so shouldn’t Clem give us an update on the impending expulsion from the sewer?


138 days ago

Clem Chambers & Online Blockchain: when Roland “Fatty” Cornish quits as a Nomad things must be dire

Do not let the friends of Clem Chambers spin this as good news. The esteemed firm of Beaumont Cornish, London’s worst Nomad, has today parted company with Online Blockchain (OBC) with immediate effect. Online’s shares have been suspended and if a replacement Nomad (and broker) cannot be found within a month the shares will be slung off the AIM sewer.


355 days ago

Online Blockchain – do the maths – what is the cash position? ( hint its grim)

The blockchain to NFT to AI to whatever bandwagon is next entity run by ex ADVFN boss Clem Chambers with well remunerated help from his sons, that is Online Blockchain (OBC), must surely be running on vapours. Finally it seems that investors are waking up to the lifestyle joke that this is. Gone are the days when the shares were pumped by Clem’s pals allowing a placing at 100p. The shares are now just 13p.


362 days ago

Clem Chambers and Online Blockchain jump on the AI bandwagon – spoooooooooooooooooooof

It is only a couple of years since Online PLC became Online Blockchain (OBC). But blockchain is so old hat. Then there was the NFT spoof ( Rocky Horror division). What happened there? Er… So a  new “angle” is needed. Today Clem Chambers jumped on the AI bandwagon with Synthia, a total spoof. Surely it is time to change the name again?


536 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: feeling a bit fragile today for reasons you can guess & is there any way back for disgraced pot stocks?

I am sure you can guess the sport related reasons for the fragility. Blame my pal C who you may have met at ShareStock last year. It is all his fault. I start with that and a milestone this website reached on Friday. Then onto pot/CBD stocks including Seed Innovations (SEED), Chill Brands (CHLL), Oxford Cannabinoid (OCTP), Love Hemp (LIFE) and Cellular Goods (CBX) and “investment expert” Clem Chambers of ADVFN (AFN) infamy. No sniggering at the back please


537 days ago

Clem Chambers reckons there’s money in Sweet Transvestites from Transylvania – spoooof!

It is 50 years since the Rocky Horror show first appeared and to celebrate this Clem Chambers and the AIM dog that funds his sons’ business, Online Blockchain (OBC), has another spoof for you all as it tries to get away yet another bailout placing.


563 days ago

Online Blockchain – the fecking nerve of Clem Chambers & some crap results

Words almost fail me. In writing his excuses for another abysmal year at Online Blockchain (OBC), Clem Chambers starts by banging on about ADVFN (AFN) which Online bled dry with bogus charges when Chambers also ran ADVFN and where Online holds a 17% stake. Chambers knows who is to blame for matters at ADVFN. Not him for 20 years of relatives on the payroll, obscene expense claims and grossly inflated pay for him and his mates. Oh no…. Chambers says:


578 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Revolted by Clem Chambers ex ADVFN

Recorded on the hoof before I fly to Greece, this Bearcast covers the open offer at ADVFN (AFN) and what new management must do to deal with the revolting greed, reward for failure and disgraceful behaviour of ex-boss Clem Chambers and his gophers. It is truly nauseating.


618 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Clem Chambers and the most almighty spoof & extra lashings of ouzo for me after AGM

Maybe I shall save the celebratory ouzos for tonight and double up as I watch liberal tears as we see a Red Wave in the mid terms. I discuss that briefly then go on to look at Applied Graphene (AGM) and what it is like running a company facing corporate death as well as the ethics of my scoop last night. I look at Online Blockchain (OBC), Mello destroying its brand c/o Zamaz (ZAMZ), Argo Blockchain (ARB) and a couple of points about Seraphine (BUMP) from an accounting perspective and in terms of changing consumer behaviour and also how as a bear one can do non financial DD.


711 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Wildlife diversity spotted on snake hill and, in a similar vein, Zak Mir does a deal with himself

I start with the wildlife diversity and will leave you in supense ahead of the drive back to Wrexham which starts in one hour. Then it is onto Zak Mir’s sordid Lift Global Ventures (LFT), more Clem Chambers gimps getting the boot at ADVFN (AFN) and Bidstack (BIDS) where after today’s piss poor interims, even Stevie Wonder can see that the writing is on the wall about the next bailout placing.


796 days ago

From corporate piss artist to legendary actual artist - the fall and rise of Clem Chambers in pictures

Thanks to Yair Tauman, he is no longer able to draw a £300,000 salary and an even bigger expense account at ADVFN (AFN), so what now for Clem Chambrs? There was the hilarious attempt to stag the disastrous IPO of Lift Global Ventures, but a man needs more in life. So as you can see below Clem is now a celebrated artist with his work showing later this week in a “flash” exhibition in Paris. In case you are in Frogland I also bring you a couple of Clem’s masterpieces. They don’t float my boat but maybe you have a “different” taste?


802 days ago

Lift Global Ventures - did the UK’s top chartist, Zak Mir, predict this 2 week share price collapse?

Lift Global Ventures (LFT) – a cash shell that buys assets in the financial media world – was listed at 3p on 29 April, after a fundraise which brought in £1.73 million. That, we are told, was “oversubscribed”, which is obviously a testimony to the brilliance of its CEO, the Sith Lord Zak Mir. Every bandit in town is on the shareholder list, as well as upstanding blue-chip investors like David Lenigas and ex ADVFN boss, Clem “a legend in his own expenses lunchtime” Chambers.


875 days ago

One last monumental helping at the pigsty trough as Clem Chambers quits ADVFN

It seems that Clem Chambers knew that Yair Tauman has the votes in the bag to oust him at an EGM that Tauman has called and thus the ADVFN (AFN) CEO has said that he will be leaving the firm on Monday. The terms of his departure, approved by his fellow troughers on the current board, are revolting.


886 days ago

ADVFN dismal interims and a reckless uncovered dividend, CEO Clem seems to admit his time is up

This may well be my last CEO statement and as such I will take this opportunity to wish shareholders, customers and staff my best wishes for a good outcome for all” wailed Clem Chamber as he announced interims. Quite frankly, after the dismal numbers he had just served up, I cannot see anyone wanting him to continue.


910 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: University of Chester makes Bath Spa look like Harvard & Congrats Fraser Perring - a win for good bears

I start with the University of Chester and despair. Then a win for the bears, well done Fraser. Then I look at Nanosynth (NNN), Advance Energy (AVD), Omega Diagnostics (ODX), Supply@ME Capital (FRAUD), Chill Brands (LIARS) and the GM called to sack Clem Chambers at ADVFN (AFN)


910 days ago

GM called to oust Clem Chambers at ADVFN and bring in really top-notch directors

Grab your beer and popcorn. Yair Tauman, who owns 20.42% of ADVFN (AFN) has made his move, calling a GM to oust boss Clem Chambers and to bring in his son plus two incredibly high powered Brits as new directors. ADVFN says it is considering the legality of the request but given who the two new guys are, that is just playing for time. It is, I am afraid to say, laughable.


916 days ago

ADVFN “strategic review” and formal sale process – whatever

Now that it is cash generative, pro tem, ADVFN (AFN) reckons that its shares are undervalued. Of course Clem Chambers, the globe trotting boss of the websites group, has been saying this for years as the stock price tanked and I reckon that Cheryl Cole is missing out on a damn good time here in North Wales. We are all entitled to our opinions.


1165 days ago

Prize contest: Keeping it in the family at Online Blockchain

If Clem Chambers manages to keep his job as boss of ADVFN (AFN) as Israeli brainbox Yair Tauman plans a boardroom clean out, it will only be because AIM dog Online Blockchain (OBC) owns 18% of ADVFN. And who runs Online? Er…Clem Chambers. Today, Online, which celebrates its 25th birthday next week having racked up more than £5.5 million in losses and has less chance of making a profit than I have of shagging Cheryl Cole, for this week at least, has news. Wait for it…


1180 days ago

ADVFN – Clem Chambers running scared of a putsch & possibly the biggest joke in the history of awards

Yesterday I speculated at great length about the possibility that Israeli brain box Yair Tauman with a just sub 19% stake in ADVFN (AFN) might be able to call an EGM to oust the board led by Clem Chambers. It seems that King Clem agrees with my analysis and is running scared. Today he announced that he had exercised 411,473 options at 14p taking his stake up to 1.014 million shares or 3.88%.


1183 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Beer and popcorn time at ADVFN

I end with the usual appeal – go on, we are almost a third of the way there please make a donation to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks now HERE. I start with MyHealthChecked (MHC) and the fraud Zoetic (ZOE). But the main focus is on beer and popcorn time at ADVFN (AFN). Will King Clem Chambers be ousted by Israeli brainbox Yair Tauman, an expert in Game Theory? I discuss and what it all means for ADVFN


1233 days ago

Online Blockchain appointed as advisor to Trism - this is bonkers!

No doubt my friend Brokerman Dan will say that I am just a dinosaur and that Clem Chambers of Online Blockchain (OBC) is a genius but today’s news makes no sense at all. Perhaps folks cleverer than me can explain.


1236 days ago

Time Travel with Clem Chambers and ADVFN - Party on Dudes!

This part of the website has been up at ADVFN (AFN) since 2014 so the big question is “have any folks from the year 3,000 been in touch with Clem Chambers yet?” And, if so, what did they say?


1354 days ago

Online Blockchain Final Results – it's time for Clem Chambers & Steffi to sing the ShareProphets National Anthem

Two years ago after a bout of shameless ramping involving IR genius Steffi a certain Manchester based blogger and the company, shares in Online Blockchain (OBC) touched 200p at which point low life broker Smaller Companies Capital organised a £1 million placing at 100p.


1402 days ago

Supply@ME Capital – too many of its supporters live in a new media sewer & a question for Clem Chambers

I am sure that most shareholders in Supply@ME Capital (SYME) are ordinary decent folk. Maybe they are a bit gullible but they are not bad folks. But over on the ADVFN and LSE Bulletin boards the worst of humanity is on show.


1436 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: 7Digital rockets but this is bonkers

First up I explain why i am going to make some damson jam with Joshua this weekend and why thanks to Clem Chambers  and Online Blockchain (OBC) you can win a pot. I mention en passant FastJet (FJET) and its journalist-smearing fascist bastard PRs at Citigate Dewe Rogerson, Wishbone Gold (WSBN), Big Dish (DISH) and Supply@ME Capital (SYME) . Then I do a long piece on 7Digital (7DIG).


1657 days ago

New Bulletin Board Moron contest of the week in honour of the ADVFN paedo guy

It seems as if ADVFN is happy for its own house paedo guy to carry on doing his bit in support of Versarien (VRS) by libelling me in so many ways and encouraging folks to attack my wife. And there was I thinking that Clem Chambers had standards and would no platform such scum…. So while Clem continues to allow this creep and others to operate, what is the most moronic post you can find on the ADVFN, iii or LSE Asylums or on twitter? Entries should be posted in the comments section below with a deadline of midnight on Sunday 19th.


1902 days ago

Reader Contest – Explain how Clem Chamber’s Free tap makes money for Online Blockchain

I am a proud confirmed Luddite so need your help in explaining the business model of Clem Chambers’ Online Blockchain (OBC). You see he is beta testing a new product: FreeFaucet.


2076 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Three reasons to be fecking angry today

Number one is Amazon (again). Number two is Barclays Bank (BARC) again! And the third is explained HERE. Elswhere I explain what it means when I am made an insider and how I have to behave. I look at the bitcoin bloodbath and in that vein at Argo Blockchain (ARGO), Vela (VELA) and the Clem'Chambers spoof Online Blockchain (OBC). I cover Falanx (FLX), Photonstar Led (PSL) and AO World (AO).


2084 days ago

Clem Chambers’ Online Blockchain Spoof – FY Results: you could not make this stuff up

The full year results from Online Blockchain (OBC) do not look that terrible until you compare them with the interims at which point you start to ask just when will the money run out. This statement is terrible and, understandably, the shares – 200p at peak ramp earlier this year – have slumped another 3p to 22p-27p. Ouch.


2173 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast from the Greek Hovel - now I'm slammed for NOT swearing

Recorded and transmitted from the Greek Hovel I appear to have upset someone because my ,language has become too ffing clean. Whatever. In this podcast I look at Andalas (ADL), Frontera (FRR) and Online Blockchain (OBC), Clem Chambers' block-spoof.


2201 days ago

A third rogue blogger joins the 32 mile Woodlarks Charity walk – now get donating!

Thank God for small mercies. Now we can start a rota on who has to listen to Brokerman Dan blathering on about blockchain and what a frigging genius Clem Chambers is. For now there is a third rogue blogger joining us as we walk the 32 miles from Horse Hill to Woodlarks on July 28. He is a man who knows Horse Hill well…


2208 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Led badly astray by Evil Banksta and remoaniac Brexit loathing loon Jonathan Price

Both men attended last night's UK Investor presentation and then plied me with drinks after the event and then at a pub. I rarely drink anything these days and I reacted very badly. God knows how I made the plane but, in the end, I did and woke up in Kalamata. A bit on last night and on Greece and then I look at Telit (TCM), Online Blockchain (OBC) where Clem Chambers' spoofing seems to be having less and less effect and finally the fraud MySquar (MYSQ). It is day two of the trial it wont tell you about.


2269 days ago

Clem's London Blockchain Summit – 30% Discount for ShareProphets Readers

We may like to have a bit of a Turkish when posting videos featuring Clem Chambers of ADVFN (AFN) explaining blockchain but we still run a couple of newsletters together so, on that basis, if you want to go to Clem's great blockchain conference in London on June 13th there is a 30% discount on tickets for ShareProphets readers.


2314 days ago

Video- Clem Chambers presents at Gibraltar Blockchain conference.

I make no comment about the latest outing by the boss of Online Blockchain (OBC). You will see in the declaration that I don't own the shares and that is not likely to change.


2334 days ago

Free Crypto pizza with Clem Chambers - what could be better?

It is advertised all over ADVFN with - I assume - Online Blockchain (OBC) paying the full commercial rate. But here's a promo for free. How would you want free pizza with PR bird Steffi and the entertainment provide by ADVFN (AFN) and Online boss Clem Chambers. I say entertainment - have you seen this video below?


2390 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - the FCA is right, the CFD industry sucks, & Clem you are the King ( Spoofer)

In this podcast I look at the FCA Report into CFD providers. It rightly slams themn. We have told ETX we will have nothing more to do with it and really I want no part of this industry. As a libertarian I look at an industry where 76% of customers lose money. Then I hail the King, that is the King of the spoofers, Mr Clem Chambers of Online Blockcrap (OBC) - as I also cover HERE. I look at Moss Bros (MOSB) and what its profits warning plus the problems at Byrons say about B2C stocks. I also comment on Sosandar (SOS), which we own, en passant. Finally I look at the IPO of Nuuvera on the TSXV ( a market that makes the AIM Casino look sober and well run) and what that means for FastForward (FFWD). I again explain why all cannabis stocks will not fly.


2390 days ago

Online Blockchain - after the pump the dump and another big block-tastic lie

The Nomad is Roland "Fatty" Corniush, the most incompetent financial adviser in the known universe so, on that basis, Clem Chambers blockspoof Online Blockchain (OBC) must feel under no obligation to tell the truth as it places £1 million at 100p. This is the stuff of peak bull market insanity.


2411 days ago

Video: CEO of US Blockchain spoof Longfin admits his market cap is insane - Clem he's showing you the way

This is a total car crash video interview with Longfin's CEO and CNBC. I discussed the insanity of Nasdaq star Longfin in bearcast yesterday but the CEO seems to agree with me about the valuation. Meanwhile as he discusses related party deals and other matters he is quite simply taken apart. But I admire his honesty. This chap surely shows the way for OnLine (ONL) boss Clem Chambers. Enjoy...


2442 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: More reflections on UKOG & Falanx as I pine for Greece and the fit young mums

Sadly illness is still rife in this house so for this Thursday it is no coffee for me with the fit young mums. At least I shall be in Greece in five days time and that must be restorative to my health. In this podcast I start by looking back on UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) and its death spiral. I explain exactly how it works. Then a few further thoughts on Falanx (FLX) and why I am not selling our shares at this price. Then I look at Alexander Mining (AXM), another mega spoof from Clem Chambers, this time at ADVFN (AFN),  at "Nomates" disaster RM2 (RM2)Fishing Republic (FISH) - a good zero bet -  and at Regal Petroleum (RPT) which seems to be in a spot of bother in Ukraine.


2464 days ago

On Line: The Spoof continues thanks to the ADVFN Share blogger of the year

Want to know why shares in On Line (ONL) the company with no realisable assets and a small overdraft so NO CASH TO INVEST but which is run by ADVFN boss Clem Chambers - soared from c19p to 81.5p today? Natch go to the man twice recognised as the share blogger of the year by ADVFN, Brokerman Dan. The great man opined on his blog:


2465 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Is this peak blockchain insanity - the strange case of On Line up 350%

Shares in On Line (ONL) are - as I record - up c350%. Is this peak blockchain insanity or is Clem Chambers simply the greatest spoofer in the history of mankind? What happens next is the big question. Then I look at murky share dealings in Mkango Resources (MKA) by market abuser and serial fantasist Chris Oil. Does he not care about TR1 rules at all? Then it is onto Lombard Risk Management (LRM) where I have 2 more questions about its overdraft but a very big question about how the silky words of Phil "InterX" Crawford on July 19 tally with the utterly shite H1 results. Does Nomad Finncap of Telit (TCM) infamy care? I suspect it does not. I look again at BCA Marketplace (BCA)  - THE BIG SHORT - in light of recent macro data. It remains a stupendous short. I look at management greed and an impending placing to fund that at Arian Silver (AGQ) and then at the dire interims from System1 (SYS1) and profits alert from Attraqt (ATQT). It is the former which remains a stonking sell even after today's share price collapse. And I have a question or two for AIM dog Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO)


2466 days ago

On-Line - Spoooooooooooooooof! Gotcha says ADVFN's Clem Chambers

I would not want to play poker against ADVFN (AFN) and On Line (ONL) boss Clem Chambers. The man has pulled off a blinder of a spoof this morning with On Line which has sent its shares soaring by 50%. It is all bollocks but I take my hat off to Clem anyway for pulling off such a classic spoof.


2545 days ago

Tom Winnifrith: Sign up now for new free share tip service

Following compliants from Roger Lawson, ADVFN has insisted on a raft of new editorial controls on I did not re-start my life five years ago to be told what I could or could not write. I said no and ADVFN boss Clem Chambers has just said that the website will be shut down. So...our hand is forced ... Welcome to - we hope you join NOW HERE.


2557 days ago

Sefton Resources - shares in issue balloon but what is the cash position?

On 23rd October 2015 as the old board of Sefton Resources (SER) handed over power to Clem Chambers, Mike Hodges as directors and Daniel Levi as a consultant it stated that the cash position was $504,300. The new board claimed that it was in fact materially lower. What is it now? That is unclear but what we do know is that the number of shares in issue has rocketed from 4,796,618,397 to 8,949,299,416 as that was announced at the weekend.


2774 days ago

Photo article: Sefton AGM today? Er..when? Where is the notice?

The word on the street is that the AGM of Sefton Resources (SER) is to be held today at the Essex offices of ADVFN PLC (AFN) - the head honchos at both company's being the same. Flip flop Ben Turney, who now owns almost 13% of the stock says that ADVFN boss Clem Chambers has slammed the phone down on him as he tried to confirm this.


2825 days ago

Sefton: Ben Turney turns up heat on ADVFN's Chambers & Hodges: buys a share in ADVFN

As we revealed yesterday, ADVFN (AFN) bosses Clem Chambers & Mike Hodges who also run now delisted Sefton Resources (SER) have stated that flip flop Ben Turney has not submitted an EGM request to oust them. Flip Flop has denied this and accused the Sefton board of lying to their investors. Now Turney has parked his tank on the ADVFN lawn.


2826 days ago

Sefton: Ben Turney accuses ADVFN's Chambers and Hodges of lying to investors

Flip Flop Ben Turney who is endeavouring to oust Clem Chambers and Mike Hodges of ADVFN (AFN) from the board of now de-listed Sefton Resources (SER) has accused the two men of "telling blatant and demonstrable lies to investors in Sefton."


2843 days ago

Sefton - call to arms: Flip Flop Ben Turney now at 21% support to oust the board

The board of Sefton (SER) was informed eight days ago that Flip Flop Ben Turney owned 13% of the issued share capital and was demanding an EGM to oust the current directors, ADVFN (AFN) bosses Clem Chambers and Mike Hodges with Ben taking control. The resolution arrived in the BVI yesterday by snail mail but after eight days Flip Flop has not had a response. But he seems to have growing support and there are other developments.


2913 days ago

Antrim Energy Shares surge as Criminal Chris Oil dumps his stock...but when?

Given the way that the concert party of criminal Chris Oil, ADVFN boss Clem Chambers and Brokerman Dan have managed to make Sefton the company that it is today, delisted and almost out of cash, folks might have feared that the next port of call was AIM Listed Antrim Energy (AEY) where the three amigos had built up a disclosable stake of 5.6 million shares. 


3063 days ago

Mickey Mouse ADVFN Awards - I lose again, Stanley Gibbons wins - whatever

Last year in ADVFN's financial services awards the share blogger of the year was Dan Levi, Brokerman Dan, aka the business partner of ADVFN head honcho Clem Chambers. Natch I was gutted not to win so what about this year. Shucks. The awards were announced this morning and once again I am not even mentioned. Double shucks.

The blogger of the year is Robbie Burns who wrote a best selling book about 15 years ago. His website appears to feature a new diary entry about once a month. These days Robbie earns his living charging an arm and a leg for his trading courses. He who can does he who cant teaches but am sure it is different for this guy. Anyhow well done Robbie. Maybe if I stop breaking the biggest stockmarket frauds on a regular basis and cut down to one article a month I might win next year?

I note that Robbie is in good company in the award winners. The best research analysts are Edison. You mean the folks who are paid by companies to churn out shite bullish notes to ramp stocks ahead of placings? Yes indeed,


3153 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 8 December - InternetQ, battle underway, LGO a RNS that says desperate

In today's podcast I update you all on the olive harvest - I managed four hours in the fields today despite still being in real pain. But not as much as LGO Energy (LGO) - its RNS today smells of desperation. For strategic review read "the game is up" and that also applies to Kolar Gold (KGLD). I comment on Avanti Communications (AVN) where the share price crumble is accelerating - remember debt is crack cocaine for management but for shareholders it is bad for your wealth. I comment on Silver Falcon (SILF) and tick off the grossly irresponsible, Justin the Clown of ADVFN and also on Defenx (DFX), rapidly becoming an IPO omnishambles. Then onto InternetQ (INTQ) where it is now "game on" but I end with Antrim Energy (AEY) where a concert party of Brokerman Dan, market abuser Chris OIl and ADVFN (AFN) head honcho Clem Chambers have just taken a 3% stake. Warning: this podcast contains bad language.


3208 days ago

Carry on up the Sefton Resources, the final countdown – AIM suspension by Friday?

Carry on Up the Sefton Resources (SER) has helpfully given us an update on its death throws as an AIM casino listed stock – suspension could well arrive by as soon as Friday at 7 AM. The timetable of doom is thus:

This afternoon Chairman Jossy meets wannabee CEO Clem Chambers, the boss of ADVFN (AFN). Clem, backed by Dan Levi and market abuser Chris Oil, is insisting that he wants to go on the board ASAP even though no Nomad will act for Sefton under new management. This, BTW, is not a reflection on Clem but on Mr Oil.


3211 days ago

Breaking: Sefton – Suspension of shares looming: Clem Chambers at al not backing down

Carry on up the Sefton Resources (SER) shareholders should be warned: trading in shares in your company will be halted sooner than you think and the company will almost certainly be kicked off the AIM Casino a month later, we have it from more than one source that Clem Chambers and those who called for an EGM are not backing down.


3223 days ago

Sefton – Victory for Team Market abuser Chris Oil. Or is it?

We all knew that at the October 6 EGM, team Chris Oil would win and that the current directors – bar Jossy Rachmantio would be booted out to be replaced by ADVFN’s (AFN) Clem Chambers and Mike Hodges.  Sefton (SER) has now thrown in the towel but the drama is far from over.

Oil and Comrade Dan Levi have now withdrawn their EGM requisition and Jossy has agreed to welcome Chambers and Hodges to the board at some time in October. At that point Nomad Allenby will quit.

If no new Nomad steps up then Sefton will be slung off the casino. Today Sefton stated:


3234 days ago

Reader Poll: Which Nomad will commit reputation hara-kiri and act for Chris Oil run Sefton Resources

It is now certain, following the shock resignation of Raylene Whitford, that Sefton Resources (SER) will soon be run by Clem Chambers and Mike Hodges at the behest of Brokerman Dan and market abuser Chris Oil. Nomad Allenby will quit the day the new consortium takes charge meaning Sefton will be booted off the AIM Casino unless a new Nomad steps forward. So which Nomad wants to commit reputation hara-kiri?

Mr Oil says he has already secured a Nomad. Mr Chambers seemed less sure when being monstered by Justin the Clown on a recent interview. So who will act for Sefton? We ask you to vote in our latest reader poll. Deadline Sunday Midnight:


3241 days ago

Carry On Up the Sefton – is market abuser Chris Oil Clem Chambers' Puppet or vice versa? Video Released

Carry on up the Sefton (SER) continues to provide amusement for all with three of the leading players taking to the media to put their case yesterday: market abuser Chris Oil played by Kenneth Williams, ADVFN supremo Clem Chambers played by Bernard Breslau and current Sefton boss Barbara Windsor played by Raylene Whitford. The question that emerged relates to Chambers and Oil – who is the organ grinder and who is the monkey. 

First up was Kenneth Williams posting semi-literate gibberish on his personal blog including this item:


3245 days ago

Sefton Resources - the farce will become tragedy thanks to market abuser Chris Oil - 0p target

As Ben revealed HERE Chris Oil has requested an EGM at Sefton Resources to oust the board and replace it with the ADVFN (AFN) duo of Clem Chambers and Mike Hodges. This is a disaster as I expect the market abuser Oil to win. If he does Sefton may well be delisted and its shares are worthless as I explain in today's special podcast. My target price for Sefton shares is now 0p.


3298 days ago

Brokerman Dan (Levi) and market abuser Chris Oil – EGM to change the Sefton board on its way?

Last Friday it was announced that Dan Levi (Brokerman Dan) and the market abuser Chris Oil (HEREHERE and HEREhad upped their stake in Sefton Resources from 9.4% to 10.2%. Sources tell us that this is a prelude to them calling an EGM to ditch the board and install Clem Chambers & Mike Hodges of ADVFN as directors with Levi as a consultant. 

Talking of installing, Levi now appears to have an office at ADVFN. And Chris Oil’s foxy PR bird Stefania (formerly PR to Sefton) is now doing ADVFN’s PR.  What a happy bunch of campers.


3314 days ago

Sefton Boardroom Excess: Sorry Clem my friend this is not acceptable

We have a lot of business dealings with ADVFN PLC and so writing this is very hard but we cannot give ADVFN boss Clem Chambers an easy time on the basis of our relationship, because the latest news of boardroom excess at Sefton Resources (SER) is just not acceptable.


3324 days ago

Exclusive: Sefton - Dan Levi makes his move: demands company makes ADVFN's Chambers CEO

On Friday Sefton Resources (SER) received an email from Daniel Levi, aka Brokerman Dan, requesting that it make wholesale boardroom changes. Levi states that he wishes to spare the company the uncertainty and cost of an EGM and so has made this approach to avoid such unpleasantries.


3381 days ago

Video: Nigel Wray, Paul Scott, Paul Jourdan, Clem and TW - value investing at UK Investor Show

And now we turn to value investing with Paul Scott ( the UK's top share blogger), Clem Chambers, Paul Jourdan of Amati (top fund manager, BTW), Nigel Wray (Britain's Buffett) and myself. All five of us are already booked in for the 2016 show albeit in different combinations and bringing in a new guest.


3384 days ago

Video: Clem Chambers, CEO of ADFVN PLC presents at UK Investor Show 2015

Clem Chambers has just seen off an attempt to oust him and fellow directors from the board of ADVFN (AFN). Here in this video from UK Investor Show 2015 he presents the investment case for his company.


3388 days ago

Come & Meet New Sefton Resources at Free Speech & Liberty Friday night

If you are up in London for UK Investor show on Saturday and fancy a quiet and relaxing evening beforehand do not bother reading on. But if you fancy a drink and a pizza with new Sefton (SER), aka “mancslumboy” Brokerman Dan, Clem Chambers of ADVFN and their uber-foxy PR bird plus a sprinkling of ShareProphets writers and other CEOs attending the show, all will be gathering from 6 PM


3424 days ago

Free Speech Explained to critics of Clem Chambers & other Bulletin Board Morons (6th time)

For the 6th time - the first perhaps for our many new readers - I feel the need to explain what free speech really means and to put the record straight for Clem Chambers of ADVFN (AFN)  I hope this explains free speech with reference to the comments board on this website very clearly notably in my piece earlier on ADVFN HERE.


3424 days ago

ADVFN – Should the board be sacked? I write – potentially – my own P45

Yesterday it was announced that shareholders owning c22% of ADVFN had demanded an EGM to vote on sacking the entire board. They cocked up the paperwork according to ADVFN but that will be rectified so there is going to be a vote. Obviously I am not entirely a disinterested party.

Clem Chambers and Mike Hodges are friends of mine. We work with ADVFN on a range of joint ventures so from a personal point of view I’d clearly like the status quo.

Clem reckons that the current board has 20-30% of the shareholders onside and as such using his mid-number this is too close to call. It is all down to how the army of small shareholders in ADVFN vote, if they can be bothered.

I suspect that the rebels will go for ADVFN 


3440 days ago

Sefton – Surreal, Clem Chambers joins the acid trip

If life at AIM's most entertaining stock could not get any more bizarre we learn today that my pal Clem Chambers, the boss of ADVFN (AFN) - our business partner - has joined Brokerman Dan on the board of Sefton Resources (SER). Clem is not an oil man but will no doubt offer Dan valuable guidance on corporate governance issues.

Meanwhile Sefton (net assets minus a few quid) has raised £900,000 from lucky clients of Cornhill at 0.55p and a few more bits of confetti to clear some of the liabilities left by Dan’s predecessor Jimmyliar Ellerton who had to fall on his sword after he sued Dan and me for libel for calling him a lying crook. Jimmyliar’s great problem in that case was that we were bang on the money.

Dan Levi says


3443 days ago

The Worthington Fraud Part 12 – Who benefits and Bulletin Board Censorship

I shall return with more leaked documents and analysis of the Worthington (WRN) fraud tomorrow but I digress with a great post showing who benefits from this fraud which was deleted from the ADVFN thread and I explain exactly why.

Clem Chambers and ADVFN believe in free speech. Clem has defended my right to say what I do in the face of threats to his business and commercial blackmail. He is a good guy. However when running a Bulletin Board if a company says that a post is defamatory you have no choice – you must delete it or otherwise you become liable. And ADVFN has no time to investigate every single post.

And so last week


3729 days ago

You MUST sack Tom Winnifrith NOW! The threats and blackmail used by those who oppose free speech

I have noted before how for daring to dissent from a cosy consensus that shares in certain stocks but notably Quindell, Globo and blinkx, are screaming buys I have received death threats, stalking and shit in the post and on the internet. But now those who seek to deny free speech have started an economic war and are actively seeking to ensure that I face economic ruin. Such folks will fail because most people believe in free speech but to see what they are up to read on.

You already know about the bogus reviews from folks claiming to have got food poisoning etc at my restaurant. It is okay, our local customers are loyal and love the place so we will survive. I might have to fire a waitress if these lies persist but I guess free speech deniers do not care about that.

The other tactic of free speech deniers is to write to ADVFN demanding that it fire me. As it happens while I have jvs with ADVFN it does not employ me. Myself and the merry band of writers I work with could work without ADVFN but would rather not do so and luckily Clem Chambers, the boss of ADVFN is a great believer in free speech (a concept defined here if you do not understand it) so the bullying and blackmail he faces from the free speech deniers will not work. However I now show you a letter sent to Clem the other day. The numbers 1-11 are my notes that are below. 


3742 days ago

MORE Speakers - 23 now in lineup for UK Investor Show 2015 - 27 more to come

It is now a day less than a  year until the 2015 UK Investor Show but following the smash success of the sell-out 2014 show, the UK's leading investor show is already able to announce the first 31 speakers who have agreed to appear in 2015! And there are 27 more names to reveal as the show moves up into superdrive

Our new speakers are Matt Lofgran of Nostra Terra and Matt Suttcliffe of Alaxander Mining and they join on stage Nigel Wray, Evil Knievil, myself (Tom Winnifrith), Clem Chambers, Vin Murria, Ben Edelman, Paul Scott, Lucian Miers, Steve Moore, Robert Sutherland Smith, Cathal Friel, Andrew Bell, Marcus Hanke, Amanda Van Dyke, Matt Earl, Thierry Laduguie and..

NEW For 2015: Charlotte Argyle, Ben Turney, Jason Drummond, Cassandra Harris and BrokerMan Daniel

Some failing shows manage only a handful of speakers but UK Investor Show delivers both changes each year AND the big names. Over the coming weeks we will announce more big name speakers as we plan an increased number of sessions as we take on more floor space. Brace yourself for a 50 speaker show!



3756 days ago

UK Investor Show 2015 – First 21 Speakers announced for April 18: Get your early bird ticket NOW

It is still just over a year until the 2015 UK Investor Show but following the smash success of the sell-out 2014 show, the UK's leading investor show is already able to announce the first 21 speakers who have agreed to appear in 2015!

They are: Nigel Wray, Evil Knievil, myself (Tom Winnifrith), Clem Chambers, Vin Murria, Ben Edelman, Paul Scott, Lucian Miers, Steve Moore, Robert Sutherland Smith, Cathal Friel, Andrew Bell, Marcus Hanke, Amanda Van Dyke, Matt Earl, Thierry Laduguie and..

NEW For 2015: Charlotte Argyle, Ben Turney, Jason Drummond, Dominic Picarda and BrokerMan Daniel

Some failing shows manage only a handful of speakers but UK Investor Show delivers both changes each year AND the big names. Over the coming weeks we will announce more big name speakers as we plan an increased number of sessions as we take on more floor space. Brace yourself for a 50 speaker show!

And there will also be 110 stands for PLCs to exhibit and present from. Already we are almost 20% booked out and we will start announcing those exhibiting very soon.

There are two classes of tickets:

A Golden Ticket guarantees you a front three row seat in any of the days 110 sessions plus a pass to the after show party with CEOs, speakers and journalists. It costs £60 (inc VAT)

An Investor class ticket gains access to any session at the show and costs £12 including VAT.

BUT you can buy either type of ticket with a 50% early bird discount if you book NOW. You can buy your early bird tickets HERE


3778 days ago

Bulletin Board Bigot, and Moron and Gulf Keystone bull of the Week

ADVFN boss Clem Chambers asks if I can avoid being rude to his customers. Sorry Clem but some of your Bulletin Board customers are total and utter morons and this week’s candidate, posting as Simone Cockswiller is also a rank bigot.

Being a moron and being a bull of Gulf Keystone might in fact be synonymous but it appears that my scepticism of the past few days (see HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE) has riled this fellow. So not content – as are others – simply posting anonymously that I am a “cunt” etc., etc. this fellow has started his own Gulf thread:  Simon and Tom's Gay Sauna For Distressed Turd Burglars

At the top this fellow explains: 


3870 days ago

10 writers, 10 days, 30 tips of the year 2014 – starts Sunday 22nd December (TODAY)

During the next ten days, starting today 22nd December, ten of the UK’s top investment writers will each be serving up their three tips of the year for 2014. We do not expect anyone to be bonkers enough to buy them all but we hope that you get some cracking ideas from among them.

Each day, starting today, one tip will be emailed out to readers of and two will appear on

We start with a chartist: Thierry Laduguie  but over the following days you can expect tips from folks including Clem Chambers, Tom Winnifrith ( me), Steve Moore and Robert Sutherland Smith. There should be something for everybody.

So to ensure that you get your free 30 tips of the year 2014

Sign up for shareprop
hets HERE 


Sign up for HERE


3884 days ago

There are still more than 300 £12 tickets to the UK Investor Show to give away for free thanks to Accendo

Thanks to Accendo markets we have five hundred £12 tickets to the UK’s top investor show, UK Investor Show to give away for free.  Well we had 500. There are now just over 300. The event takes place on April 5 in Westminster London and the free tickets will be allocated strictly on a first come first served basis. 

We already have 60 growth companies booked in to attend and present at the show and another 30 will be signed up by April 5th. And we also have more than 30 main stage speakers confirmed including Terry Smith, Nigel Wray, Lucian Miers, Clem Chambers, Amanda Van Dyke, Dominic Frisby, David Lenigas, Roger Lawson, Matt Earl, Tom Winnifrith, Steve Moore and many more.

This is without doubt the UK’s top investor show. Full details can be found at and you can buy tickets on that site. 

Or you can, thanks to Accendo get a ticket for free but hurry as this offer is limited to just 500 tickets.

To get your free ticket click HERE.


3898 days ago

Day 23 Photo - sponsor Tom Winnifrith for Movember

ADVFN CEO Clem Chambers described Tom Winnifrith’s new facial hairs as looking “dashing”. Mrs W described them as making him look “like a criminal from the TV show Ripper Street”.  

Tom admits they are ridiculous but this is for a good cause: Movember. Will you sponsor Tom’s tash to raise money to fight prostate and testicular cancer? The most recent photo is below

If you care to sponsor Tom Winnifrith for Movember go HERE


3953 days ago

Monday 30th: Today’s the last day to book your discounted early bird ticket to the show of the year – UK Investor Show

It’s the last day to get a 50% discounted early bird ticket to the investment show of the year – UK Investor 2014 on April 5.

We know that other investor shows are free. They have weak speakers and the sort of companies that pitch up to present are of little interest to me or you. On April 5 in  the UK’s top location, the QE2 Centre Westminster the UK Investor Show will boast an all start line up of speakers and already 39 of the 80 companies set to man a booth but also present are booked in.

This is a show for serious investors and we do not want time wasters attending and clogging up the aisles: so we make a small charge to attend.

You can buy an ordinary ticket (normally £12 inc VAT) or a golden ticket (£60 – and which brings a range of perks including a place at a champagne reception afterwards with key speakers and CEOs) at half price until Monday midnight (TONIGHT) ONLY at the website.

So who is speaking?  We have a value investor panel led by Ed Croft of Stockopedia, Nick Leslau and Nigel Wray plus Paul Kavanagh of Killick with 1 more tbc. There is a gold panel led by Dominic Frisby and Amanda Van Dyke with Richard Poulden and analyst turned CEO Matt Suttcliffe with 2 tbc.  There is a bears panel lead by Evil and Lucian Miers with 2 tbc.

Terry Smith ( a real hero of mine) will do a stand alone talk on how to make money from Emerging Markets. 

There is a bloggers panel led by myself with Brokerman Dan, Doc Holiday and 2 tbc. There is an oil lunch panel (with free sandwich) with David Lenigas, Matt Lofgren, Paul Atherley and 2 tbc. Mark Slater will be flying solo. There is a traders panel led by Clem Chambers and Alpesh Patel with 2 tbc. And there is one more solo speaker of whom more next week.

You have just a few hours to book your early bird half price ticket and can do so HERE

There are also big name breakout sessions for 100 people where the 75 gold ticket holders get priority booking. These include Amanda Van Dyke, Roger Lawson of Share Soc and Evil Knievil ( with me)

You have just a few hours to book your early bird half price ticket and can do so HERE

And then there are the companies each of whom will man a stand but also do a 20 minute presentation in a smaller side room. The list of those attending grows by the day and can be found at but already includes: EMED, EnablesIT, Stanley Gibbons, Inspirit, Nostra Terra, ECR Minerals, Conroy Gold, 1Spatial, Leni Gas & Oil, Alexander Mining, Red Rock Resources, AfriAg, Regency Mines, @UK, ADVFN, Alliance Pharma, Ariana Resources, GLI Finance, Asher Resources, Fastnet Oil & Gas, Kibo Mining, Eurasia Mining, Leyshon Resources, Noricum Gold, Ortac Resources, Symphony Environmental, Killick & Co, Mechan Controls, Minoan, Sound Oil and of course Woodlarks. More companies will be announced every week…

Hundreds of serious investors have booked already. I hope that you will join them and to see you on April 5th in Westminster but remember to get a 50% discount on your ticket you need to book now on a secure online form HERE.

Best wishes


Tom Winnifrith


4109 days ago

Pour a beer and watch Evil Knievil, Nigel Farage and real master investors on your PC this weekend

In case you missed the UK Investor Show and fancy watching real master investors this weekend we have it all on video and those videos are now starting to go live. 

If you want to hear what infamous bear raider Evil Knievil is buying and selling or what top chartists Zak Mir, John Piper and Clem Chambers are long or short of there is no need to leave your own living room this weekend – it is all here on video for you.

Or fancy Mark Slater’s top share picks and thoughts on the market – he is here too with a full slide presentation and video. As is gold guru Dominic Frisby, the UK’s most cerebral short seller Lucian Miers and also Nigel Farage MEP in full flow.

The videos are from the UK Investor Show two weeks ago so if you want to hear what these folks are thinking, buying or selling just relax, pour yourself a beer and spend the weekend at your PC.

There will be more videos appearing over the weekend featuring Britain’s Buffett Nigel Wray, Secret Millionaire and property guru Nick Leslau, mining guru-ess Amanda Van Dyke as well as the CEOs of Leyshon Resources, Fastnet Oil & Gas and a dozen other companies. For alerts on when they appear register now at

Meanwhile, sit back, relax and watch the explosive action.

To see Evil Knievil, Zak Mir, John Piper and ADVFN CEO Clem Chambers in action – click HERE

You can watch UKIP leader Nigel Farage here

You can watch gold guru Dominic Frisby & access his slides HERE

You can watch small cap legend Mark Slater and access his slides HERE

And you can watch infamous bear raider Lucian Miers HERE

Over the next 48 hours we will also be publishing videos featuring Leyshon Resources, Fastnet Oil & Gas, Nigel Wray and Nick Leslau and mining guru Amanda Van Dyke. For all their thoughts and hot tips and much more stay tuned to your PC this weekend.

Following the amazing success of the UK’s only serious investor show we have just announced that the 2014 event will be held at a larger venue in Central London on April 5th  . More details soon.

We will upload more videos from UKInvestor very soon to give you something entertaining to watch from home all weekend

Now, for me, back to the beach.



4219 days ago

New Year Resolution - Book your seat on April 13 TODAY

We can always learn more about how to be better investors by learning from the experts. If your New Year Resolution is to do that then you need to book a ticket today to meet real Master Investors on April 13th in London at the UKInvestor Show, organised by ADVFN. The speakers are not career stockbrokers or rent a quote journalists but men who have actually made hundreds of millions of pounds by buying and selling the right assets. True master investors.

You can book your free ticket HERE

Leading the line-up are Nick Leslau and Nigel Wray. Nick was one of TV’s secret millionaires and is probably the most successful property investor of his generation. The firm he runs owns Madame Tussauds, thousands of pubs and much else. Over many years he has worked closely with Nigel Wray, aka Britain’s Buffet , the master of small cap investing. Nigel is the biggest shareholder in Domino’s Pizzza (LSE:DOM), having bought in at 36p – the shares are now c£5 – and is also a big holder of Alliance Pharma (LSE:APH) another stock worth watching.

Next up is Mark Slater, son of Jim and an extraordinarily successful fund manager in his own right. For detailed bottom up analysis of smaller growth plays you just cannot beat Mark and his detailed stock specific presentations are always packed with ideas. He is followed by Dominic Frisbey, comedian and gold guru. Have you ever seen his debt bomb video? If not watch it as it is a classic. Dominic is not only someone who writes about gold but he has made more than a million quid from more or less zero capital buying and selling the stuff. His theme: gold.

We have the UK’s two best known bear raiders in conversation (with me). That is to say Evil Knievil and Lucien Miers (profiled HERE). In what is promised to be a structured presentation they will outline their market views but also specifically a top ten shorts for 2013.

Moving on we also have a keynote presentation from another Nigel. That is Nigel Farage MEP the leader of UKIP on why the UK should save itself billions and quit the Evil Empire. Farage is funny and articulate and he has a good point don’t you think?

If you want a free ticket book NOW HERE, as the 2,500 seats will go on a first come first served basis

But it does not end there. During the afternoon we have two alternatives for you.

Choice One is the Traders Session. Lead by Clem Chambers of ADVFN, half a dozen of the UK’s best known traders will discuss strategies, charts and ideas to make money in 2013. On stage are Zak Mir, John Piper, Simon Denham of London Capital and Alpesh Patel.

Choice two are the breakout rooms where you can hear presentations on how to make money in mining stocks by Amanda Van Dyke a partner at Dundee Securities and chair of Women in Mining, on turfing out useless boards and shareholder activism by Roger Lawson of ShareSoc, on how climate change laws will cost you dear by Christopher Booker and on making money from alternative investments by Mike Hall of Stanley Gibbons. Each speaker will do two presentations.

That knockout line-up is surely enough. To book free tickets which will be allocated on a first come first served basis click HERE

Not enough? Well how about the companies attending giving you a unique chance to chat to the CEOs of companies you may be invested in or thinking about backing. Among those already lined up are: EMED, Minoan, Vatukoula, Stanley Gibbons, Ortac, Intandem, Leyshon Resources, ReThink Group, Northern Petroleum, 1Spatial, Wishbone Gold, PGC Entertainment, Anglesey Mining, Red Rock Resources, Regency Mines, Sharescope, Mechan Controls, Symphony Environmental, K3 Business Technology, @UK, Alexander Mining, London Capital Group and the list goes on and on. There will be around 80 stands on the day.

The venue is Excel in London and the fun starts at 9.30 AM on April 13th. There are 2,500 tickets available and they will go on a first come first served basis. But hurry. Already the show is one third booked out!

If you want more details or to book a seat go HERE to the UKInvestor Show website.

I look forward to seeing you in April

Tom Winnifrith


4225 days ago

My sixth 2013 tip of the year is live: a gold play for New Year's Day & Act now to get my 7th tip tomorrow with

Six down one to go. I refer to my seven tips of the year for 2013. The seventh will not appear on any website but will be the first share tip on my new partnership with ADVFN, – sign up HERE.

It is simple – sign up for free and tomorrow you get my last share tip of the year. In the three working days that follow you get the tip of the year from each of ADVFN boss and columnist Clem Chambers, my pal Zak Mir and ex senior writer Steve Moore.

Thereafter every working day of the year we will send out by email a free share tip from a panel of 20 top tipsters, bloggers and analysts. Each of us serves up around one tip a month. All you need to do is sign up here
If you missed my previous six tips of the year:

On New Year’s Day my SIXTH share tip of the year ( of SEVEN) went live ( here).
On New Year’s Eve my FIFTH share tip of the year ( of SEVEN) went live ( here).
On 30th December my FOURTH share tip of the year ( of SEVEN) went live ( here).
On 29th December my 3rd share tip of the year ( of SEVEN) went live ( here).
On 28th December I published my second share tip of the year ( here).
The day before I published my first share tip of the year ( here).
On Boxing Day I published my macro-economic assumptions for 2013.

The only way to receive the FINAL TIP OF THE YEAR in your email is to register HERE at .
Go on, you know it makes sense.

Happy New Year


4239 days ago

Mark’s In: Mark Slater completes all star line-up at UKInvestor Show on April 13th

f you want to hear quality speakers there is only one UK Investor show to attend next year and that is The UKInvestor Show held on April 13th at Excel in London. The speaker lineup is now almost complete with news that Mark Slater, the most successful fund manager of his generation is on board.

Mark joins as the other main stage speakers: Nigel Wray (Britain’s Buffett), Nick Leslau (property legend and secret millionaire), bear raiders Lucian Miers and Evil Knievil, gold guru Dominic Frisby and UKIP leader Nigel Farage.

And that is not all: The trader’s session (also a main stage event) is chaired by Steve Moore and stars Clem Chambers, Alpesh Patel, Simon Denham, John Piper and Zak Mir (plus one name to reveal shortly)

And in the breakout rooms we have the Goddess, Amanda VanDyke on making money from mining stocks, Stanley Gibbons boss Mike Hall on alternative investments, Roger Lawson on shareholder activism and Christopher Booker on how global warming costs you so much.

There is the Poulden v Winnifrith debate (10 minutes of main stage comedy) and 80 companies presenting at CEO level.

No other show comes even close to assembling such an all star lineup.

There are just 2,500 tickets on offer. They go strictly on a first come first served basis. Already more than a fifth are gone ahead of the official launch of the show campaign in the New Year. Treat yourself to a free gift this Christmas. To book your free seat and to get more details click HERE.


4244 days ago

Complisult: A New word invented by Clem Chambers of ADVFN

Need a man to produce 2,000 words of high quality material in a few hours…you know where to get me. And so in my father’s freezing Warwickshire house last night I penned an introduction to the new book by ADVFN boss Clem Chambers – The Death of the West. I had no problem saying it is a good read. It is. I agree with his thesis. But you have to tell a few jokes at the expense of the author. Hence this morning’s creation by Clem of a new word for the OED: Complisult. Definition. A mode of laudatory writing invented by Tom Winnifrith.

The book should be available by Christmas.


4262 days ago

Plugging the latest novel from Clem Chambers – win a signed copy

Firstly he is the boss at ADVFN and we seem to be working together on more and more projects these days. Secondly he is a decent enough bloke. And thirdly he will hopefully plug my book in return.

On that basis I am happy to impart to you news that the 4th book of the Jim Evans series from Clem Chambers was released late last week. To celebrate the launch, Clem is giving away 1 x SIGNED copy to one lucky Facebook fan.

To win, all you need to do is share this post (publicly). Clem will select at random from all shares of this post on Monday morning – the 26th.

And you can win all four of these books in a free contest at’

Since I am not on Facebook I cannot enter these contests. Drat.

I am sorry to say that I have never read a Clem Chambers novel but I have promised that I shall have a stab at one over Christmas.
